What is Creepy Behavior and How Can Guys Avoid It?

  • Thread starter wasteofo2
  • Start date
In summary, creepy things that men can do to make women uncomfortable include staring at them for too long, following them around, and being too interested in their conversations.
  • #1
Between men and women, it seems that the WORST thing a man can be is ´´creepy´´. You can be a smart guy with a good job and if you´re creepy girls will reject you forever.

So in an effort to help some guys meet some nice girls without scaring them off, let´s run down some creepy things that guys should avoid.

You ladies know best, but from my perspective I´d say some of the most common creepy things I see guys doing:

- Staring at girls across the room forever without talking to them.

- Following girls around hoping for the perfect opportunity to talk presents itself, but never actually talking.

- Stammering nervously with eyes darting around the room when they talk to girls.

- Leaning into a girls personal space when a girl talks to them.

- Acting (or being) WAAAAAY too interested in whatever a girl´s saying, ie. cracking up at every joke, agreeing strongly with every statement, generally being a lapdog.

The solutions to these being:

- Simply go up and talk to her.
- Talk calmly and confidently.
- Hold your posture and don´t fall all over a girl just cause you have the chance to talk to her.
- Don´t just laugh and say ´´yes´´ to whatever she says to try to make her think you´re simmmilar, be your own person and display your own personality.

Bassically, don´t act like it´s a huge deal to simply talk to a girl, cause it´s not.
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  • #2
Oh and giving a gift to someone you don´t know or hardly know is also creepy. More stalker than romantic. Really gifts never win you affection, they´re only for people who already care for you, you should never directly or inderectly try to buy anyone´s affection.
  • #3
creepy? when a really old guy hits on a much younger girl its creepy... touching someone when you don't know them can be a bit creepy... following people around is creepy, stalking is creepy. asking really personal questions wehn you are not that close is creepy... the list continues

stammering is ok, they can't help it.
looking, and then smiling, and then looking away is ok. just don't stare expressionlessly and never looking away.
  • #4
wasteofo2 said:
Oh and giving a gift to someone you don´t know or hardly know is also creepy. More stalker than romantic. Really gifts never win you affection, they´re only for people who already care for you, you should never directly or inderectly try to buy anyone´s affection.

I had an odd neighbor who was into leather-crafting and was always leaving me little gifts on my doorknob. I would come home to find keychains, luggage tags, etc. I didn't know him very well so that was a little unsettling.
  • #5
Math Is Hard said:
I had an odd neighbor who was into leather-crafting and was always leaving me little gifts on my doorknob. I would come home to find keychains, luggage tags, etc. I didn't know him very well so that was a little unsettling.
Awww, maybe they were lonely and had no one else to give the stuff they made.

Now if they had left whips, and corsets...
  • #6
You would need both whips AND corsets before you were unsettled? :bugeye:
  • #7
Evo said:
Now if they had left whips, and corsets...

  • #8
Evo said:
Awww, maybe they were lonely and had no one else to give the stuff they made.

Now if they had left whips, and corsets...

Vanadium 50 said:
You would need both whips AND corsets before you were unsettled? :bugeye:

You guys just kill me... chuckle...

My first, last and only post in this thread... pithy to boot.

Rhody... :rolleyes:
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  • #9
wasteofo2 said:
- Acting (or being) WAAAAAY too interested in whatever a girl´s saying, ie. cracking up at every joke, agreeing strongly with every statement, generally being a lapdog.

Pff, I know girls who WANT guys to be their lapdog.
  • #10
Assuming the guy isn't some kind of psycho, the difference between cute and creepy exists only in the mind of the woman. It is all a matter of perception. If the chemistry isn't there, nothing you can do will be good enough. If the chemistry is there, it will be tough to screw things up without really trying. If you have to follow a checklist in order to meet someone, you are undermining your own relationship by setting artificial standards and acting artificially. Just be yourself - act as your normally would with anyone else. While one girl might find something about your behavior creepy, another might find it cute or appealing.

Any old married guy will tell you that it's a waste of time trying to understand women. :biggrin: Even women don't understand women.
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  • #11
When I see 20-something year old women marrying 70 and 80 year old men, I think it's fair to say that no man has any way to know how any given woman will react if he shows an interest - age included.
  • #12
Ivan Seeking said:
When I see 20-something year old women marrying 70 and 80 year old men, I think it's fair to say that no man has any way to know how any given woman will react if he shows an interest - age included.
But I think marrying a 93 year old millionaire is more tempting than marrying a 93 year old medicare recipient. Even if she has a prenup that says she gets nothing if she leaves him until he dies, she probably figures death will come quicker than waiting for a divorce settlement.
  • #13
Vanadium 50 said:
You would need both whips AND corsets before you were unsettled? :bugeye:
well. Maybe a whip, cat o'nine tails...

It's just that I remember neighbors that would give me little gifts, something that they made and they were too shy to really come over. I remember when the old lady next door came over and ratted out another neighbor whose dad was visiting and his dog had killed my cat. He took my cat and buried it in his daughter's backyard. She witnessed it and thought I should know. Anyway, ratting out a neighbor is like a gift.
  • #14
Having a shower for hours! Actually the lady told me that [her story] said they got divorced because of it, I think there're other reasons.
  • #15
drizzle said:
Having a shower for hours! Actually the lady told me that [her story] said they got divorced because of it, I think there're other reasons.
My ex would shower for 45 minutes, take a bath for 2 hours, refilling the tub several times to keep the water hot, then shower 30 minutes afterwards. And he'd blow his nose out in the shower, it was so gross.
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
It is all a matter of perception. If the chemistry isn't there, nothing you can do will be good enough. If the chemistry is there, it will be tough to screw things up without really trying.

You got it right, man.
  • #17
I have this guy friend, when you befriend him were all happy and he is holding my arm but when I try to let go he doesn't and he says "DONT LEAVE ME." in a very very deep and devilish tone. he would stalk you ALL THE TIME and he would sit like NO INCH apart and stare at you while youre eating... THE WHOLE TIME WITHOUT TALKING

  • #18
I lied, my second and last post to this thread, I decided to post after finding...

After I read http://redtape.msnbc.com/2011/04/just-how-creepy-is-creepy-a-test-drive.html" , I would say it has the potential to be useful (at times) and way creepy in the wrong hands...

Useful... for some anyway...
"The other night I was home doing nothing and saw on Foursquare that two of my friends who didn't know each other were at the same place," she said. "So I texted one of them and said, 'Hey, you should go over and talk to (him).' He did, and they ended up hanging out all night."

Future embarrassment...
In general, I think use of these services is a bad idea -- the potential for unforeseen consequences is enormous. Who knows what it might look like eight years from now that you were "Partying at Whiskey Bar with @JimmyS @BobbyV and @HornyFrog?”

and finally, well, creepy...
A new software tool created by Greek programmer Yiannis Kakavas goes much farther in the shock category. Called “Creepy,” Kakavas' tool makes it easy to gather all the location-based digital breadcrumbs that people leave online and plot them on a map. The map and associated time stamps make it easy to discern their routines -- “It looks like Bob goes to this coffee shop every Friday morning around 10:30” -- a tool of incalculable use to a would-be stalker. For Web users who loyally leave breadcrumbs everywhere ("Now at Whiskey Bar!" "Now at Park Diner," "Finally home") it's possible to recreate much of their daily lives using Creepy.

Rhody... :rolleyes: Not for me, but for some who can't resist being out of touch, a calculated risk...
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  • #19
Makes the work of a hitman that much easier.
  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
Assuming the guy isn't some kind of psycho, the difference between cute and creepy exists only in the mind of the woman. It is all a matter of perception. If the chemistry isn't there, nothing you can do will be good enough. If the chemistry is there, it will be tough to screw things up without really trying. If you have to follow a checklist in order to meet someone, you are undermining your own relationship by setting artificial standards and acting artificially. Just be yourself - act as your normally would with anyone else. While one girl might find something about your behavior creepy, another might find it cute or appealing.

Any old married guy will tell you that it's a waste of time trying to understand women. :biggrin: Even women don't understand women.

Bingo. Just do what you want (Caveat: this does not include violence or threats, and if a women says no or go away, assume she means it). Learn by making mistakes.
  • #21
Periotic said:
I have this guy friend, when you befriend him were all happy and he is holding my arm but when I try to let go he doesn't and he says "DONT LEAVE ME." in a very very deep and devilish tone. he would stalk you ALL THE TIME and he would sit like NO INCH apart and stare at you while youre eating... THE WHOLE TIME WITHOUT TALKING


One time, i was passed out at a warehouse party and when i woke up, there was some naked dude sitting on the couch with me trying to undo my belt. CREEPY.
  • #22
By the way, for a guy, I've had quite a few stalkers. Anybody interested in a stalker horror stories thread? Those are always fun.
  • #23
Galteeth said:
One time, i was passed out at a warehouse party and when i woke up, there was some naked dude sitting on the couch with me trying to undo my belt. CREEPY.

That speeds right past creepy and straight into "illegal".
  • #24
lisab said:
That speeds right past creepy and straight into "illegal".

Well, to be awkward...

The belt could be around his neck (hey, I've seen worse whilst drunk, could even be some fetish party...) - causing to accidentally pass out - someone tries to save him.

I have nothing for the dude being naked (although it does back up some sort of S&M party).
  • #25
This is my third post, I can't believe I keep stumbling into this stuff either, for those of you who have an iPhone and iPad (3G version), it keeps http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/225738/iphone_revealed_to_track_log_users_locations.html" of where you have been, and it appears Apple is not informing users either, can you say at the very least irresponsible.
You may not know where you're going in life, but you always know where you've been--and so does your iPhone. According to a story in The Guardian on Wednesday, the iPhone (and the 3G-enabled iPad) keeps a running log of its location and copies that information to your home computer whenever you connect to it. As such, the information--complete with latitude, longitude, and timestamps--can be easily reconstructed to show a person's movements.
Data scientists Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan discovered the cache of information; the two have written an application that you can run on your own computer to display the location information on a map, getting both an overview of every place you've been as well as stepping through the data by regular intervals.

I've downloaded and run the program and can confirm that it let's me retrace my movements over the past ten months with a scary level of precision. (Warden and Allan have obfuscated the data slightly in their application by showing information on a week-by-week basis, though they say that the data file it draws from goes down to the second.) The two scientists will be presenting their findings on Wednesday at the Where 2.0 conference in San Francisco.
Furthermore, as the data logged on my computer dates back to before I bought my current iPhone 4, I can also confirm Warden and Allan's statement that the information is carried from previous devices to new ones.

Rhody... :mad: Please, make this stuff stop, that's why I will never belong to Twitter or Face(Plant)Book either... However, the sad truth is in the future it is only going to get worse, much worse...
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  • #26
Creepy = unattractive.
  • #27
Its a matter of delivery really, though I am not condoning being a stalker...

wasteofo2 said:
Oh and giving a gift to someone you don´t know or hardly know is also creepy. More stalker than romantic. Really gifts never win you affection, they´re only for people who already care for you, you should never directly or inderectly try to buy anyone´s affection.
For instance, an interesting story, I went to my coffee house and found that there was a new girl working there. She was rather cute. When I ordered my coffee I tried to talk to her and she completely ignored me. I went outside and talked to my friend there commenting on the new girl. He said he knew her from high school. When I said that she seemed to ignore me he said that was normal and she apparently went for guys that ignored her. So the next time I showed up and she was there, as an experiment, I intentionally ignored her and just asked for my coffee without ever making eye contact. After I got my coffee I went straight outside and started reading a book. Next thing I knew she came out and sat with me and started talking to me and flirting with me. Along the way she mentioned something about preferring "Nutella" to "peanutbutter" for certain extracurricular activities. So just to push my luck as far as I could the next time I showed up and she was there I headed straight for the supermarket and bought a jar of Nutella and gave it to her as a tip when I bought my coffee. That night she propositioned me.

rhody said:
This is my third post, I can't believe I keep stumbling into this stuff either, for those of you who have an iPhone and iPad (3G version), it keeps http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/225738/iphone_revealed_to_track_log_users_locations.html" of where you have been, and it appears Apple is not informing users either, can you say at the very least irresponsible.



Rhody... :mad: Please, make this stuff stop, that's why I will never belong to Twitter or Face(Plant)Book either... However, the sad truth is in the future it is only going to get worse, much worse...
iPhones and some other devices actually put the latitude and longitude as part of the digital watermark in pictures. When ever you upload pictures to photobucket or some such you should resave the pics as new files to get rid of the watermarks or whom ever finds your pics could potentially figure out where you are.
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FAQ: What is Creepy Behavior and How Can Guys Avoid It?

1. What behaviors are considered "creepy" by women?

Some behaviors that are commonly considered "creepy" by women include excessive staring, invading personal space, making unwanted physical contact, and persistent or aggressive flirting or advances.

2. Can certain clothing or appearance be seen as "creepy" by women?

In some cases, clothing or appearance can contribute to a person being perceived as "creepy" by women. This can include unkempt or disheveled appearance, overly revealing or inappropriate clothing, or clothing that is associated with certain subcultures or stereotypes.

3. How can I tell if a woman finds me "creepy"?

One way to gauge if a woman finds you "creepy" is to pay attention to her body language. Signs that she may be uncomfortable or creeped out by your behavior include avoiding eye contact, moving away from you, crossing her arms or legs, or giving short or terse responses.

4. Is it possible to change or improve upon "creepy" behavior?

Yes, it is possible to change or improve upon "creepy" behavior. This may involve becoming more aware of how your actions are perceived by others, practicing better communication and social skills, and respecting boundaries and consent.

5. Can a person be "creepy" without intending to be?

Yes, a person can be perceived as "creepy" without intending to be. This can happen if their behavior or appearance triggers feelings of discomfort or unease in others, even if they have no malicious intentions. It's important to be aware of how your actions may be perceived by others and to make efforts to respect their boundaries and make them feel comfortable.

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