Why Wavelength of Light Changes in Refraction

In summary, when light or any other electromagnetic wave enters from one medium to another, there is a change in its speed. This change in speed is generally attributed to a change in wavelength, as the medium only determines the speed of the wave and does not destroy or generate any portion of it. This is due to the conservation of information. In order for the phase of an EM wave to remain continuous across a boundary, the frequency must remain constant. Therefore, it is the wavelength that must change upon a change in velocity. This explains why we say that wavelength changes and frequency remains the same when light waves undergo refraction. The distance between wavefronts is directly related to the wavelength, and the frequency remains constant to ensure the continuity of the
  • #1
When light or any other electromagnetic wave enters from one medium to another, there is a change in its speed. Speed of a wave is given as v = frequency x wavelength. My question is, what does change, frequency, wavelength or both?

If you say... this change in speed is generally attributed to change in wavelength. then again my question is, why the medium discriminates between wavelength and frequency of the incoming wave?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2

The medium only determines the speed of the wave it does not destroy any portion of the wave nor does it generate anything.The information is conserved.Imagine you have two connected wires with different densities. If you send mechanical pulse you will see that the speed and length change as it passes from one wire to the other but the pulse will not disappear or be split into multiple pulses.
  • #3

bp_psy said:
The medium only determines the speed of the wave it does not destroy any portion of the wave nor does it generate anything.The information is conserved.Imagine you have two connected wires with different densities. If you send mechanical pulse you will see that the speed and length change as it passes from one wire to the other but the pulse will not disappear or be split into multiple pulses.

Well and good bp_psy, but i want to know why we always say that wavelength changes and frequancy remains the same as the speed of the wave (it will be better consider light waves) took a different value upon refraction.
  • #4

Nature requires that the phase of an EM wave must remain continuous across a boundary. In order for the phase to be continuous for all time the frequency must be constant.

Therefore, it is the wavelength that must change upon a change in velocity.

  • #5

maizaz said:
When light or any other electromagnetic wave enters from one medium to another, there is a change in its speed. Speed of a wave is given as v = frequency x wavelength. My question is, what does change, frequency, wavelength or both?

If you say... this change in speed is generally attributed to change in wavelength. then again my question is, why the medium discriminates between wavelength and frequency of the incoming wave?

It's the other way round. The difference in Propagation Speed makes the wavelength different. The speed is the primary quantity - a single pulse (with no explicit wavelength - no repetition) will still propagate at a speed through a medium.
  • #6

The answer given by Claude Bile seems more reasonable to me, thank you all.
  • #7

From Thomas Young's experiments it was concluded that:
(the distances between the interference tossils on the film are that much)=>
(the distance between two most macrocosmic wavefronts at the spece between the slits and the film is the waveleghth λ)
thus that the distance between two wavefronts of the red light λ1, and it's λ2 of the blue light. But (if the definition of frequency is how many wavefronts pass through a surface in 1 sec), the conclusion that the frequency of red light is f1 and of blue light is f2, needs both the previous conclusion, and the supposition that the wavefronts of both the red and the blue light run with the same speed c, otherwise the frequencies of red and blue are not the known f1 and f2.

Now, can you explain what you mean by "the phase of an EM wave must remain continuous across a boundary. In order for the phase to be continuous for all time the frequency must be constant. Therefore, it is the wavelength that must change upon a change in velocity"? The wavelength could change if the wavelength is not the only difference between red and blue light. But that "the wavelength must change in order for the frequency to remain the same because..."?
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FAQ: Why Wavelength of Light Changes in Refraction

1. Why does the wavelength of light change when it passes through a medium?

When light travels through a medium, such as air, water, or glass, it encounters a change in the speed at which it travels. This change in speed causes the light to bend, or refract. As a result, the wavelength of the light also changes as it passes through the medium.

2. How does the change in wavelength affect the color of light?

The change in wavelength can affect the color of light in a number of ways. For example, when passing through a prism, the different wavelengths of light are separated, creating a rainbow effect. Additionally, different materials have different refractive indices, which can cause certain colors of light to be bent more than others, resulting in a change in the overall color of the light.

3. What is the relationship between the angle of incidence and the change in wavelength?

The angle of incidence, or the angle at which light enters a medium, is directly related to the change in wavelength. This can be seen in Snell's Law, which states that the sine of the angle of incidence divided by the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the ratio of the velocities of light in the two mediums.

4. Why does the change in wavelength only occur at the boundary between two mediums?

The change in wavelength only occurs at the boundary between two mediums because it is at this point that the speed of light changes. Once the light has passed through the boundary and is traveling at a constant speed in the new medium, the wavelength remains constant.

5. Can the wavelength of light change in a vacuum?

No, the wavelength of light cannot change in a vacuum. This is because a vacuum is a completely empty space with no particles or matter to interact with the light. Therefore, there is no change in speed and no refraction occurs, resulting in a constant wavelength of light.

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