The Goldilocks Enigma by PCW Davies

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In summary: He further suggests that the constants in the model are not really fundamental, but are instead just "fine-tuned" to allow for the emergence of life. This is a provocative and wide-ranging paper, and I'm sure it will generate a lot of discussion.
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PCW Davies has a fun paper out called

the paper cites a new book in the works by Davies

Davies, P.C.W. (2006) The Goldilocks Enigma (Allen Lane, London), in the press.

if you want something to illustrate the "goldilocks" idea, think of any kind of "fine-tuning", for instance of the cosmological constant.
why are some physical parameters neither to large or too small, but "just right"?

Goldilocks Enigma is a catchy, also a good, title----and judging from the short WHAT EXISTS paper, Davies thinks clearly and comprehensively. I guess I should also say independently---he examines common assumptions critically and forms his own ideas. So the book could become widely read and have some impact on current discussions.


The What Exists paper has already gotten a bit of attention. I flagged it around 5:30 PM pacific yesterday (half hour after it posted on arxiv) and today Christine noted it on her blog. Also today she wrote about it at Peter's blog and he acknowledged. Haven't seen any other comment but there could well be more coming.
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I suspect some of the constants we currently regard as fundamental are not truly fundamental, and some of the apparent fine tuning is merely a mathematical artifact arising from different ways of expressing the same underlying principles. It is, however, difficult to resist the suspicion that all the truly fundamental constants are relational and self tuning is a natural consequence.
  • #3
Chronos said:
I suspect some of the constants we currently regard as fundamental are not truly fundamental, and some of the apparent fine tuning is merely a mathematical artifact arising from different ways of expressing the same underlying principles. It is, however, difficult to resist the suspicion that all the truly fundamental constants are relational and self tuning is a natural consequence.

Well, that's some of what Davies says in his "What Is" paper. He offers the idea that the undetermined parameters in the Standard Model are not expressions of deeper physics but just "frozen accidents", results of some twiddle or other when the particles were condensing after the big bang.

FAQ: The Goldilocks Enigma by PCW Davies

1. What is the main concept behind "The Goldilocks Enigma" by PCW Davies?

The main concept is that the universe and its laws seem to be perfectly tuned for the existence of life, leading to the question of whether this is simply a coincidence or if there is a deeper reason behind it.

2. What evidence does PCW Davies present to support the idea of a "fine-tuned" universe?

He presents various examples of the fundamental constants and laws of the universe that, if even slightly different, would not allow for the existence of life as we know it. This includes the strength of gravity, the mass and charge of particles, and the rate of expansion of the universe.

3. How does "The Goldilocks Enigma" address the debate between religion and science?

The book does not take a stance on this debate, but rather explores the idea that the fine-tuning of the universe could potentially be explained by either a creator or a multiverse theory. Davies argues that this is a question that cannot be answered by science alone and requires a philosophical or metaphysical approach.

4. What is the significance of the title "The Goldilocks Enigma"?

The title refers to the fairy tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, where Goldilocks finds that one bowl of porridge is too hot, one is too cold, and one is just right. Similarly, Davies argues that the universe seems to be "just right" for the existence of life, leading to the enigma of whether this is a coincidence or not.

5. How has "The Goldilocks Enigma" influenced the field of cosmology and astrobiology?

The book has sparked further discussions and research into the concept of fine-tuning and the potential implications for the existence of life in the universe. It has also raised questions about the role of philosophy and religion in understanding the universe and its origins.

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