Turing Completeness Lambda Calculus

In summary: What does Turing completeness mean for a computer?In general, a computer that can be simulated by a Turing machine is said to be Turing complete. This means that the computer can do anything that the Turing machine can, including reading and writing data, executing instructions, and so on.
  • #1
Jim Kata
I have been kind of trying to teach myself some ideas from CS. What does Turing completeness mean exactly? For example, Lambda Calculus is Turing complete. What does that mean and how do you prove that?
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  • #2
The first sentence of this
defines it:

In computability theory, a system of data-manipulation rules (such as a computer's instruction set, a programming language, or a cellular automaton) is said to be Turing complete or computationally universal if it can be used to simulate any single-taped Turing machine.

So if you think up some gadget and you want to claim it is Turing complete then you just have to find some way that your gadget can simulate ANY single tape Turing machine.

Sometimes that can take very creative and complicated contortions to accomplish. Sometimes it can be easy, you just show how your gadget and hold a table and a tape and how to simulate the process that the Turing machine would take.

Some very strange constructions have been shown to be equal to Turing machines.
  • #3
Thank you for your response. Could you give an example of a proof, and explain why it proves Turing completeness?
  • #4
I don't think I have the time to do this in extreme detail, but see if this is enough.

I claim the C programming language is Turing complete.

As evidence of this I show you a skeleton of a program with the data structures that hold the table, the tape, the pointer to the tape, the current state, instructions on how you are to translate your Turing machine into these data structures, a few lines of code which simulate the process of the simulated Turing machine making a transition on the tape, wrap those lines of code inside a loop and the loop terminates when the simulated machine enters the "halt state" in the table.

The next step is always a bit tricky, but I claim it is "obvious" how you can then translate any Turing machine into this bit of code and it is "obvious" how this code will then do exactly what your Turing machine will do.

Thus I claim I have "proven" that the C programming language plus compiler plus hardware is Turing complete.

As with any proof, someone can say that the steps I have given are not sufficiently detailed or that there are flaws and then we try to provide those details or see if there are flaws and see if those flaws can be corrected.

Does this help?

I still have this feeling that we aren't getting to what you really want to know.
  • #5

Turing completeness is a concept in computer science that refers to a system's ability to perform any computation that can be done by a Turing machine, a hypothetical computing device that is considered to be the basis of all modern computers. In simpler terms, it means that a system is powerful enough to solve any computational problem that can be solved by a computer.

Lambda calculus is a mathematical model of computation that was developed by Alonzo Church in the 1930s. It is considered to be the foundation of functional programming and has been used as a basis for many programming languages, such as Lisp and Haskell. One of the key characteristics of lambda calculus is its ability to define and manipulate functions, making it a powerful tool for solving computational problems.

To prove that lambda calculus is Turing complete, we need to show that it can simulate a Turing machine. This can be done by constructing a function in lambda calculus that can take as input a description of a Turing machine and its input, and then output the result of the computation performed by the Turing machine. This shows that lambda calculus has the same computational power as a Turing machine, and therefore it is Turing complete.

In conclusion, Turing completeness is a fundamental concept in computer science that signifies a system's ability to solve any computational problem. Lambda calculus is an example of a Turing complete system, and its ability to simulate a Turing machine can be proven through a construction that shows its computational equivalence.

FAQ: Turing Completeness Lambda Calculus

1. What is Turing completeness?

Turing completeness refers to the ability of a computing system or language to perform any computable function. In other words, it can solve any problem that is theoretically solvable by a computer.

2. What is Lambda Calculus?

Lambda Calculus is a formal system developed by mathematician Alonzo Church in the 1930s as a way to study and formalize the concept of computation. It is based on the use of functions to represent and manipulate data.

3. How is Lambda Calculus related to Turing completeness?

Lambda Calculus is a theoretical model of computation that is equivalent in power to a Turing machine, meaning it is capable of solving any computable problem. This makes Lambda Calculus a Turing complete language.

4. What are the basic components of Lambda Calculus?

The basic components of Lambda Calculus include variables, functions, and applications. Variables represent inputs, functions represent operations, and applications combine variables and functions to create new functions.

5. Are there any practical applications of Lambda Calculus?

While Lambda Calculus is primarily a theoretical concept, it has been used in the development of programming languages and in the study of functional programming. It has also been used in computer science research to explore the limits of computation and in the development of proof assistants.

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