Where can I find a good compiler for learning C++ on Windows?

  • C/C++
  • Thread starter triac
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In summary, the conversation is about someone looking for help in learning programming, specifically C++, on a Windows platform. They are recommended to use the Bloodshed compiler, but the suggestion is also made to try Eclipse. Other recommendations include Microsoft Visual C++ Express and Notepad++ for text editing. The discussion also touches on the use of MinGW and Cygwin for Unix programming. Finally, a book recommendation for learning C++ is given.
  • #1
I would like to learn programming (I'm a beginner except for some programs on my calculator), and I need help. I had in mind to begin with C++, but I don't know of any good compiler for Windows. If anybody knows of one, and could tell me how I use the compiler (the language itself I can learn from a book or just by studying other programs), please tell me.
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  • #2

I used bloodshed when I started. This was a long time ago though. But I remember it being good http://www.bloodshed.net/

But I would probably recommend eclipse now. To learn how to use it, read the documentation on the web.


For a tutorial, here is one for Java. https://eclipse-tutorial.dev.java.net/ Eclipse appears to be the same for me in both languages. So, the IDE (compiler) should be the same. Best of luck!
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  • #3

I agree on Bloodshed for Windows. Compiling is quite easy, you just load the .cpp file and it's a single click (or keystroke) to compile. I can't say which right now as I don't have it installed currently, but should be easy to figure out.

I do that actual programming in Notepad++, which is a text editor with advanced features. I program several different languages and use Notepad++ for all of them.
  • #4

Microsoft Visual C++ Express is pretty good (and also free; a bunch of open-source / hobbyist projects are starting to use it for their compilations now):
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  • #5

I'll third bloodshed with a little exposition. Bloodshed (I think) actually installs the gcc compiler on your computer (which is practically universal except for things like intel compilers). I think bloodshed (don't quote me on this though) actually installs MinGW to run gcc (getting swamped with acronyms yet? MinGW stands for "Minimal GNU for windows", if you want a laugh look up what GNU means in wikipedia.). I assume you are talking about windows. Bloodshed's Dev-c++ should automatically configure the compiler so that stuff written in Dev-c++ can be compiled.

So, the information I'm trying to get across is that (for your own understanding when reading about compilers and such in books), when you run the bloodshed dev-c++ installer you are actually compiling using gcc through MinGW. If you want to play around with code writing in unix (which is where most physics related programming is done) then you also might want to look into Cygwin and learn how to code and compile on that.
  • #6

Ok, thanks a lot everybody!
So, I downloaded Dev-C++ and wrote some really basic program like this:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout<<"My first program";
return 0;

and then I chose compile and run. The compilation seemed to be successful but then a window (which I assumed was the running program) popped up but only for a fraction of a section. Has anybody got any idea of what's wrong?
  • #7

You have to add system("PAUSE"); like this:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "My first program" << endl;
    return 0;

The << endl part is just optional. It stands for end line. If you use cout again the output will appear in the next line.
  • #8

  • #9

triac said:

Ya, dev-c++ does that, you can enable "keep console open after running" or some such in options or only use dev-c++ to compile and then run the *.exe from the appropriate folder in DOS (which is the better way to do it since you can do things like redirect the output to file and such)
  • #10

FAQ: Where can I find a good compiler for learning C++ on Windows?

1. What is "Had in mind to begin with C+"?

"Had in mind to begin with C+" is a phrase often used in the scientific community to describe the thought process or intention behind starting a project or experiment using the programming language C+.

2. Why is C+ commonly used in scientific research?

C+ is a high-level programming language that is known for its efficiency and speed, making it a popular choice for scientific research projects that require complex calculations and data analysis.

3. How does C+ differ from other programming languages?

C+ is an object-oriented language, meaning that it allows for the creation of reusable code and supports the use of classes and objects. It also offers a wide range of built-in functions and libraries that make it well-suited for scientific computing.

4. What are the benefits of using C+ in scientific research?

In addition to its speed and efficiency, C+ also has a strong community and extensive documentation, making it easier for scientists to collaborate and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during their research.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using C+ in scientific research?

One potential drawback of using C+ in scientific research is its steep learning curve. It may take some time for scientists who are unfamiliar with the language to become proficient in it, which can slow down the research process. Additionally, C+ can be more verbose and complex compared to other programming languages, which may make it less accessible for some researchers.
