MS Excel Help - Saturation Points ?

In summary, Fred is asking how to calculate the tank's volume if it's empty. If the tank is full, then the tank's volume would be zero. He wants to know how to calculate the tank's volume if it's not empty, and if it's not full then the tank's volume should be at it's maximum. He could use the Excel function IF(), but it would be overkill because the tank's volume would be zero when it's empty or full.
  • #1
MS Excel Help -- Saturation Points ?!

Does anyone know how to do this with if-then statements or something else?

For example:

I want to analyze inflow and outflow in a tank, when the volume reaches zero then it's empty of course--so I shouldn't have a negative volume after this, volume should just be zero until I can finally get a large enough inflow. Say I'm doing this in minutes.
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  • #2
Sounds like the floor function in Excel would do what you want. Try help floor.
  • #3
berkeman said:
Sounds like the floor function in Excel would do what you want. Try help floor.

Oops, no. Foor is different. Using an IF statement would probably be best.
  • #4
Excel Help said:

So use =IF(cell_reference < 0, 0, cell_reference)

Here are two columns of numbers: The first is just the numbers, and the second column uses the above equation in each cell, with the cell_reference equal to the cell to its left. Just use control-d to pull the first cell equation down to all the cells in the right column to get the calculations done.

10	10
9	9
8	8
7	7
6	6
5	5
4	4
3	3
2	2
1	1
0	0
-1	0
-2	0
-3	0
-4	0
-5	0
-6	0
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  • #5
I'm not sure what your volume calcs look like, but a standard IF() function in Excel would look like:

IF(A1>0,ENTER CALC HERE,0) where A1 is the cell that would display the tank volume.
  • #6
You have to use VBA in Excel to use the full IF-THEN-ELSE statement.

IF dummy > 10 THEN
msgbox "dummy is greater than 10"
msgbox "dummy is less than or equal to 10"

I'm not sure what you are asking about the rest of the question.
  • #7
No, the excel command contains the "else". It's the 3rd term in Fred's statement.

Also, my read of the question says that both the first and second terms should be the equation - first as an argument, then as an output. Ie:

=if([your function]>0,[your function],0)

But it is tough to know for sure without getting more specifics of the problem.
  • #8
russ_watters said:
No, the excel command contains the "else". It's the 3rd term in Fred's statement.

Never said it wasn't.

My comment was that if you want to use the full functionality to use VBA. That way you can use nested statements (a lot easier anyway), plus loops, etc... It just depends on how complicated your calculation is (or what ever you need the app to do).

If you need just one simple If-Then-Else statement, then of course the Excel function IF() would work just fine.
  • #9
I guess berkeman's solution makes sense, I have to look at my excel model *later* and see if that would work. Thanks.
  • #10
Here's a stripped down version of the stuff I was working on.

It's a model of the volume in a tank, ignoring how a real tank's outflow would change with the amount of mass in the tank.
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  • #11
In this particular case the IF statement is overkill. You could just use
=MAX(0, [formula here])

FAQ: MS Excel Help - Saturation Points ?

What is a saturation point in MS Excel?

A saturation point in MS Excel refers to the point at which a function or formula reaches its maximum or minimum value. It is the point at which any further increase or decrease in input will not result in a change in the output.

How do I find the saturation point in MS Excel?

To find the saturation point in MS Excel, you can use the "Goal Seek" feature. This feature allows you to specify a target value for a cell and Excel will calculate the input value needed to reach that target. The input value at which the target value is reached is the saturation point.

What is the difference between a saturation point and an inflection point in MS Excel?

A saturation point is the point at which a function reaches its maximum or minimum value, while an inflection point is the point at which the concavity of a function changes. In other words, an inflection point is where a function changes from being convex to concave or vice versa, while a saturation point is where the function stops changing altogether.

Can I use MS Excel to predict saturation points?

Yes, you can use various tools and features in MS Excel to predict saturation points. These include the "Trendline" feature, which can be used to plot a best-fit line for a set of data points, and the "Forecast" function, which can be used to predict future values based on historical data.

Are there any limitations to predicting saturation points in MS Excel?

While MS Excel can be a useful tool for predicting saturation points, it is important to note that the accuracy of these predictions may be affected by the quality and quantity of the data, as well as the assumptions and limitations of the mathematical models being used. It is always recommended to validate any predictions made in MS Excel with other methods or tools.

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