Exploring the Shape of a Light Cone

In summary: The number of dimensions is dropped in the wikipedia image because we can't actually visualize a 4-dimensional shape. If you picture a universe with only two spatial dimensions and one time dimension, then the light cone looks like an actual 3D cone, with a cross-section of the cone at anyone moment of coordinate time being a circle in a 2D plane. In our universe the light cone would be a 4D cone, the cross-section of this cone at any given moment of coordinate time would be the curved 2D surface of a 3D sphere centered on the position of the original event, with the radius of the sphere expanding at the speed of light. For any given event A in the past, the size of the sphere
  • #1
Just wondering about the shape of a light cone. On the attachment below, if I were standing at A and pointed a flashlight in the positive time direction, it would form the cone show, correct?

Is this cone a perfect cone? For instance, if I were standing on the north pole and pointed a flashlight up (positive time direction), wouldn't the cone become distorted as it expanded and moved through space (due to the bending of light by gravitational forces)?

Does its radius approach infinity as you move in the positive time direction?

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  • #2
The number of dimensions is dropped in the wikipedia image because we can't actually visualize a 4-dimensional shape. If you picture a universe with only two spatial dimensions and one time dimension, then the light cone looks like an actual 3D cone, with a cross-section of the cone at anyone moment of coordinate time being a circle in a 2D plane. In our universe the light cone would be a 4D cone, the cross-section of this cone at any given moment of coordinate time would be the curved 2D surface of a 3D sphere centered on the position of the original event, with the radius of the sphere expanding at the speed of light. For any given event A in the past, the size of the sphere at any given moment would be the collection of points that were just getting news of the event via light signals going out in all directions (not in a confined set of directions like light from a flashlight); the idea of the light cone is that any event on or inside the 4D cone has the potential to have some causal relationship with A, but any event outside the cone cannot possible be influenced by A (or influence A) because no signal traveling at the speed of light or slower would have had time to get from A to that event.
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  • #3
The cone is a "hyper-cone" in space-time. Cross sections perpendicular to the time axis will be 2-sheres, the spheres of a light's wave-front given a pulse of light emitted at the event corresponding to the vertex of the light-cone.

It is a perfect cone in flat space-time but if you include bending of space-time aka gravity you get more interesting curved hyper-surfaces.

Your flash-light example isn't quite right. Picture instead a flash-bulb going off in the middle of empty space. The expanding sphere of light is the cross-sections of the light-cone. The whole cone is the history of this outward expanding pulse of light.

Remember there's one more dimension involved than a conventional 2-dim cone in 3-dim space. The axis of the light-cone is a time axis.
  • #4
Thanks Jesse and James for the helpful explanations. I guess just a follow up thought on that:

Lets say a star in open space was born 1 million years ago. So the radius of the stars light cone is the distance traveled by light in 1 million years? So all matter within this raduis will have a casual relationship with the star whereas all matter outside will not. It seems that eventually all matter will have a casual relationship with the star as long as it doesn't collapse into a black hole. Is my logic correct here?
  • #5
dkgolfer16 said:
It seems that eventually all matter will have a casual relationship with the star as long as it doesn't collapse into a black hole. Is my logic correct here?
We don't know if the universe is finite. And even if it was, it could keep on expanding, so that light from the star would never reach all of it.
  • #6
dkgolfer16 said:
Just wondering about the shape of a light cone. On the attachment below, if I were standing at A and pointed a flashlight in the positive time direction, it would form the cone show, correct?

Is this cone a perfect cone? For instance, if I were standing on the north pole and pointed a flashlight up (positive time direction), wouldn't the cone become distorted as it expanded and moved through space (due to the bending of light by gravitational forces)?

Does its radius approach infinity as you move in the positive time direction?


You need to distinguish two ideas, which appear to coincide in a flat Minkowski spacetime:
  • the set of events reached by light rays from the vertex event
  • the set of future-directed lightlike vectors in the space-of-tangent-vectors of the vertex event
The former can be regarded as being distorted by the presence of spacetime curvature.
The latter always looks like the cone in the above diagram whether spacetime is curved or not (since the tangent space is a vector space).

FAQ: Exploring the Shape of a Light Cone

What is a light cone?

A light cone is a geometric shape that represents the path of light particles emitted from a single point in space and time. It is used in the study of special relativity to understand the relationship between space and time.

What is the significance of exploring the shape of a light cone?

Exploring the shape of a light cone allows scientists to understand how the laws of physics, particularly special relativity, govern the behavior of light and its interaction with space and time. It also helps us understand the concept of causality and how events can affect each other based on their position within a light cone.

How is the shape of a light cone determined?

The shape of a light cone is determined by the speed of light, which is constant, and the relative motion of the observer. It is a 3-dimensional cone shape, with the vertex at the point of emission and the base extending outwards in all directions at the speed of light.

What is the difference between a past and future light cone?

A past light cone represents all the events that could have affected the point of emission in the past, while a future light cone represents all the events that could potentially be affected by the point of emission in the future. In other words, a past light cone shows all the events that have already happened, while a future light cone shows all the events that could potentially happen.

How does the shape of a light cone change with the speed of the observer?

The shape of a light cone remains the same regardless of the speed of the observer. However, the orientation of the cone may change depending on the relative motion of the observer. If the observer is moving at a high speed, the cone may appear more elongated, while at lower speeds, it may appear more circular.

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