Can Solar Storms Render All Electronics Useless?

In summary: UKIn summary, archeologists have found evidence that people had telephones a hundred years ago, and that Texans had wireless communication 200 years ago.
  • #1
I have heard that a significant coronal mass ejection or solar storm can knock out the power grid.
Can such an event damage all types of electronics making anything with a circuit board useless?
Would motorcycles with magnetos still run?

(I might ask this question in an electrical engineer forum)
Astronomy news on
  • #2
stupified said:
Would motorcycles with magnetos still run?

(I might ask this question in an electrical engineer forum)

More importantly, what's going to happen to the millions of hybrid electric cars we're going to have in a few years.? The next solar cycle is on its way. :biggrin:
I'm keeping my Hummer just in case. :biggrin:

  • #3
Solar storms are made up of two main phenomenal: soalr flares and coronal mass ejections. Solar Flares are sudden and short-lived enhancements acorss the electromagnetic spectrum. The solar atmosphere gets heated up to 30 or 40 million degrees during a flare and electrons and protons can be accelerated to speeds very close to the speed of light. Coronal Mass Ejections are expulsions of material from the Sun caused by the rapid release of energy in the solar atmosphere. For the largest storms, satellite electronics can be short-circuited, currents can be induced in ground-based electrical systems and the radiation dose for high altitude air crews and astronauts can reach dangerous levels.
Good resource when teaching sight words
  • #4
There is no fossil evidence coronal mass ejections have significantly affected life on earth. Of course, electronics could be a different story. There is no fossil evidence of electronic devices in Earth's history. I say that somewhat tongue in cheek, but, who knows?
  • #5
Chronos said:
There is no fossil evidence coronal mass ejections have significantly affected life on earth. Of course, electronics could be a different story. There is no fossil evidence of electronic devices in Earth's history. ...?

A New Yorker archeologist dug 15 feet under New York city subways and reported , " We have found undergound telecommunication cables 15 feet underground, proof that New Yorkers had telephones 100 years ago".

Not to be out done, the next week, a Cailfornia archeologist reported; " We have dug down 25 feet under Los Angeles and discovered telecommunication cables, proof that Californians had telephones 150 years ago."

The next week, a Texan archeologists reported: " We have dug down 50 feet under Abilene, Texas and found NOTHING;...proof that Texans had wireless communication 200 years ago."

Creator :biggrin:

- "The Works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure therein." - Inscibed in the Archway of the Entrance to James Clerk Maxwell's Cavendish Laboratory - Cambridge

FAQ: Can Solar Storms Render All Electronics Useless?

What are solar storms?

Solar storms, also known as geomagnetic storms, are disturbances in Earth's magnetic field caused by sudden releases of energy from the sun. These storms can result in disruptions to Earth's atmosphere and can impact various technologies, including electronics.

How do solar storms affect electronics?

Solar storms can cause fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field, which can induce electrical currents in wires and electronic devices. These currents can damage or disrupt electronic equipment, such as satellites, power grids, and communication systems.

Can solar storms cause power outages?

Yes, solar storms have the potential to cause power outages. The electrical currents induced by solar storms can overload power grids and lead to blackouts. In 1989, a solar storm caused a widespread power outage in Quebec, Canada, leaving millions without electricity for several hours.

What precautions can be taken to protect electronics from solar storms?

Some precautions that can be taken to protect electronics from solar storms include using surge protectors, unplugging electronic devices during a solar storm, and implementing grounding and shielding techniques for sensitive equipment. Additionally, space agencies and utility companies monitor solar activity and can take precautionary measures to protect their equipment.

Do solar storms pose a risk to human health?

While solar storms can cause disruptions to technology, they do not pose a direct risk to human health. However, astronauts in space may be exposed to higher levels of radiation during a solar storm, and pilots flying at high altitudes may also be at risk. It is important for space agencies and airlines to monitor solar activity and take necessary precautions to protect their personnel.
