Exact meaning of a local base at zero in a topological vector space

In summary: This neighbourhood base is the set of all translations that leave the point unchanged. It is also translation-invariant, because if we take any two translations and combine them, the result is still a translation. In summary, the neighbourhood base of a point in a topological space is the set of all translations that leave the point unchanged.
  • #1
I am confused as to exactly what a local base at zero (l.b.z.) tells us about a topology. The definition given in Rudin is the following: "An l.b.z. is a collection G of open sets containing zero such that if O is any open set containing zero, there is an element of G contained in O". Ok, great.

But I have seen some proofs in my functional analysis class that suggest something like the following: Any open set in the topology can be formed by taking unions (possibly uncountable) of *translations* of sets in a l.b.z. Is this true, or am I just missing something?
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  • #2
Yes, the two are equivalent!

Basically, take an open set G in the topology. If a is in G, then G-a contains 0, thus we can find an element V_A of the lbz, such that [tex]V\subseteq G-a[/tex]. Thus [tex]a+V[/tex] contains a and is smaller than G. Now, we can write G as

[tex]G=\bigcup_{a\in G}{a+V_a}[/tex]

Thus we have written G as union of translations of the lbz...
  • #3
micromass said:
Yes, the two are equivalent!
Great, thanks! Now that I know that, I'm going to try to work out a proof. But is this discussed in Rudin, or on the web, somewhere in case I get stuck?
  • #4
Sorry I posted too fast. I was going to include a proof. I've edited my post 1 with the proof...
  • #5
You are already familiar with a neighbourhood base in any topogical space.

Now, the topology on a t.v.s. (or a topological group for that matter) is translation-invariant. This is because "translation by a fixed g"
[itex]T_g:x\mapsto x+g[/itex]
is a homeomorphism (which is because addition is by definition continuous, and T_g is obviously invertible). So it suffices to consider the neighborhood base of any point, in particular 0.

FAQ: Exact meaning of a local base at zero in a topological vector space

What is a local base at zero in a topological vector space?

A local base at zero in a topological vector space is a collection of neighborhoods of the origin that form a basis for the topology of the vector space. This means that every open set containing the origin can be expressed as a union of elements from the local base.

Why is the concept of local base at zero important in topological vector spaces?

The concept of local base at zero is important because it allows us to define continuity and convergence in topological vector spaces. By using a local base at zero, we can determine which sequences and functions converge to the origin, and which ones do not.

How is a local base at zero related to the concept of a neighborhood?

A local base at zero is a collection of neighborhoods of the origin. In fact, it is the smallest collection of neighborhoods that can generate all other neighborhoods of the origin. This means that every neighborhood of the origin contains an element from the local base at zero.

Can the local base at zero be used to define a topology on a topological vector space?

Yes, the local base at zero can be used to define a topology on a topological vector space. In fact, it is one of the ways to construct a topology on a vector space. By using the local base at zero, we can define the open sets and the neighborhood system of the vector space.

Are there any specific properties that a local base at zero must satisfy?

Yes, a local base at zero must satisfy the following properties:

  • Every element of the local base must contain the origin.
  • For any two elements B1 and B2 of the local base, there must exist another element B3 that is a subset of both B1 and B2.
  • Every neighborhood of the origin must contain an element from the local base.

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