Quantum phenomena on different scales

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses the connection between the foggoid state and quantum phenomena on different scales. It mentions the concept of a "step road" in the geodesic curve, the role of dark matter as a carrier of spacetime points, and the link between quantum phenomena and the distribution of galaxies and quasars. It also references the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and its implications for understanding the irregularities in the orbit of Uranus. However, while these ideas are interesting, they are still areas of active research and do not have a clear consensus in the scientific community.
  • #1
Zhang Xu
In Chapter 6 (A new state of matter: foggoid state) of the Antigravitation Engine Site, the quantum phenomenon on different scales is studied as follows.

12. Step roads and quantum phenomena on different scales

According to the quantum theory, the geodesic curve is a broken line in the shape of a step road. The curvature of the step road corresponds to the curvature of spacetime.

In the universe, most matter is the dark matter, of which large quantities are foggoids. As is stated in Chapter 2, Section 2, gfm (gravitational field matter) is the carrier of the spacetime point. Hence the rotating gfm ball of the foggoid carries the spacetime point and forms the "step" of a "step road".

The larger the scale of the gfm ball of the foggoid is, the larger the scale of a "step" formed by the gfm ball is.

At the edge of a step, there is a sudden change in spacetime geometry; there the spacetime curvature is larger, the gravitation is stronger, and hence the probability of finding particles is larger. Therefore the edge of a step corresponds to the wave crest of a wave function in quantum mechanics.

In the universe, steps on different scales correspond to quantum phenomena and quantum theories on different scales, for example, periodicity in the distribution of galaxies and quasars, and the quantum theory for planets and satellites[1].

Let j be the quantum action of the step on a certain scale. The value of j is measured from observation. On the microscopic scale, j is Planck's constant h.

Therefore there are uncertainty principles on different scales:¡¡

¦¤x¦¤p¡Ýj/(4¦Ð) , (1)
¦¤t¦¤E¡Ýj/(4¦Ð) . (2)

Irregularities in the orbit of Uranus should be attributed to Eq. (1).

[1] Yang Buen, A Guide to the Quantum Theory for Planets and Satellites, Chinese edition, 1st ed., Dalian University of Technology Press, Dalian, China, June, 1996.

For more information, please see the Antigravitation Engine Site (URL: http://xczhx.nease.net/indexEnglish.htm ).
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing this interesting information about the foggoid state and its connection to quantum phenomena on different scales. I would like to offer some insights and clarifications on this topic.

Firstly, the concept of a "step road" in the geodesic curve is an interesting analogy, but it is important to note that the geodesic curve itself is a continuous path, not a broken line. The curvature of the geodesic curve does correspond to the curvature of spacetime, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Secondly, while it is true that the majority of matter in the universe is dark matter, we do not yet know for certain what it is composed of. The term "foggoid" is not a commonly used term in the scientific community and should be used with caution in discussions about dark matter.

Moreover, the idea that dark matter is the carrier of spacetime points is not supported by current theories and observations. While dark matter does have an effect on spacetime curvature, it is not the only factor and it is not the same as the concept of a spacetime point.

The link between quantum phenomena and the distribution of galaxies and quasars is an interesting one, but it is important to note that this is still an area of active research and there is no clear consensus on the exact relationship between these phenomena.

Finally, the equations (1) and (2) mentioned in your post are known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics. However, it is important to note that these equations are not directly related to the irregularities in the orbit of Uranus. These irregularities can be explained by other factors, such as the influence of other planets and the non-spherical shape of the Sun.

In conclusion, while the connection between the foggoid state and quantum phenomena is an interesting topic, it is important to approach it with caution and to continue to explore and research these concepts in order to gain a deeper understanding of the universe we live in.

Thank you for your contribution to the forum.
  • #3

The concept of quantum phenomena on different scales is a fascinating and complex topic in physics. In this chapter, the author delves into the idea that the geodesic curve, which is a broken line in the shape of a step road, is a fundamental aspect of quantum theory. The curvature of this step road corresponds to the curvature of spacetime, and the larger the scale of the gfm ball of the foggoid, the larger the scale of the step formed by it.

The author also highlights the role of dark matter, specifically foggoids, in this phenomenon. Foggoids, being carriers of spacetime points, form the steps of the step road. At the edge of a step, there is a sudden change in spacetime geometry, resulting in a higher probability of finding particles. This is similar to the wave crest of a wave function in quantum mechanics. This connection between the step road and quantum mechanics is further supported by the observation of periodicity in the distribution of galaxies and quasars, as well as the application of quantum theory to planets and satellites.

One interesting aspect mentioned is the existence of uncertainty principles on different scales. The author mentions that the value of the quantum action, j, is measured from observation and on a microscopic scale, it is equivalent to Planck's constant, h. This leads to uncertainty principles for position and momentum (Eq. 1) and for time and energy (Eq. 2). These principles are connected to the irregularities in the orbit of Uranus, suggesting that they play a role in explaining this phenomenon.

To further explore this topic, the author references a book on the quantum theory for planets and satellites, providing a potential source for readers to gain more knowledge on the subject. Additionally, the author directs readers to the Antigravitation Engine Site for more information.

In conclusion, this chapter delves into the connection between the step road and quantum phenomena on different scales. It provides a unique perspective on the role of foggoids and dark matter in these phenomena and offers potential explanations for observed irregularities. Overall, this is a thought-provoking and informative read for those interested in quantum mechanics and its connection to the universe on a larger scale.

FAQ: Quantum phenomena on different scales

1. What is quantum phenomena?

Quantum phenomena are behaviors and interactions that occur on a microscopic scale, typically involving particles such as atoms and subatomic particles. These phenomena are governed by the principles of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale.

2. How do quantum phenomena differ on different scales?

Quantum phenomena can vary on different scales because the behavior of particles and systems can be affected by their size, energy, and environment. For example, the behavior of a single atom may differ from that of a larger collection of atoms.

3. What are some examples of quantum phenomena on different scales?

Some examples of quantum phenomena on different scales include superposition, entanglement, and tunneling. Superposition is the ability of a particle to exist in multiple states at once, while entanglement is the connection between particles that allows them to influence each other's behavior. Tunneling is the phenomenon where particles can pass through barriers that would be impossible to cross according to classical physics.

4. How do scientists study quantum phenomena on different scales?

Scientists use a variety of tools and techniques to study quantum phenomena on different scales. These may include specialized instruments such as particle accelerators and quantum computers, as well as theoretical models and simulations to understand and predict the behavior of quantum systems.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding quantum phenomena on different scales?

Understanding quantum phenomena on different scales has led to numerous practical applications in fields such as computing, communication, and medicine. For example, quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems that are currently impossible for classical computers, and quantum cryptography allows for secure communication. In medicine, quantum phenomena have been used in technologies such as MRI machines and in the development of new drugs.

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