Understanding the Fire and Sustain Voltage of a Neon Lamp

In summary, you would need to know the fire voltage, sustain voltage, and current requirements for the neon lamp in order to use it in your experiment.
  • #1
Ali Asadullah
Dear we have been asked to devise an experiment to find the resistance of a resistor using neon lamp. Can some help me please i have to submit it in next couple of days. I know about resistance but have no idea of neon lamp. Please help me making lab report.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ali Asadullah said:
Dear we have been asked to devise an experiment to find the resistance of a resistor using neon lamp. Can some help me please i have to submit it in next couple of days. I know about resistance but have no idea of neon lamp. Please help me making lab report.

That's a tough one. You will need to look up the voltage and current characteristics of neon lamps to start this. You could check the wikipedia.org article as a starting place. Once you have that, you should be able to figure out a way to use a variable voltage source and the neon bulb to give you a way to estimate the resistance of the resistor.

Tell us what you learn about the neon bulb, and what your initial thoughts are for how to use it.
  • #3
Now sir neon lamp is what we have been told by friends that its a type of bulb which glows at any particular value of voltage. The lamp shown in the figure glows only when the voltage drops from the positive half to zero in that quarter of cycle the bulb glows. Please tell mew that the how to calculate the time between two glows theoretically.what is the formula and how to link the resistance with that time?


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  • #4
Ali Asadullah said:
Now sir neon lamp is what we have been told by friends that its a type of bulb which glows at any particular value of voltage. The lamp shown in the figure glows only when the voltage drops from the positive half to zero in that quarter of cycle the bulb glows. Please tell mew that the how to calculate the time between two glows theoretically.what is the formula and how to link the resistance with that time?

Ah. Is that a diode in the upper left part of the circuit? It just sounds like you are to use some RC time constant or RC impedance characteristic to help you figure out the R value, based on knowing the C value and having control over the AC source.

We don't do your work for you. What can you do with the AC source and value of the capacitor to start to tell you the value of R?
  • #5
Sir will we use the formulas q =Q (1-e-t/RC) ? and time and resistance are directly proportional because time period=RC?
  • #6
Ali Asadullah said:
Sir will we use the formulas q =Q (1-e-t/RC) ? and time and resistance are directly proportional because time period=RC?

I think either that equation or a similar one. How are you thinking of running the circuit to let you see the time constant?
  • #7
Sir please tell me which equation i should use for theoretical value of resistance if we have given C, time period?
  • #8
Ali Asadullah said:
Sir please tell me which equation i should use for theoretical value of resistance if we have given C, time period?

I don't know. You still haven't answered my question about the diode-like thing, and you haven't said anything about the voltage source's capabilities. You need to do the thinking about how you can do something with this circuit to give you a visible indicator or time constant that you can relate the to value of the resistor.
  • #9
Sir that is a diode, and voltage source is any mains supply.
  • #10
Ali Asadullah said:
Sir that is a diode, and voltage source is any mains supply.

Then you should be looking at the turn-on characteristics of the neon lamp that you will use. What is its fire voltage? What is its sustain voltage? What currents are required for fire and sustain?

FAQ: Understanding the Fire and Sustain Voltage of a Neon Lamp

1. What is the purpose of a resistance in a circuit?

A resistance is used in a circuit to limit the flow of electric current. It helps to protect the other components in the circuit from being damaged by too much current.

2. How do neon lamps work?

Neon lamps work by using the gas neon to create a glowing light. When an electric current is passed through the gas, it becomes excited and produces light. This is known as fluorescence.

3. Why are neon lamps used in advertising signs?

Neon lamps are used in advertising signs because they produce a bright and vibrant light that can be seen from far away. The gas also has a long lifespan, making it a cost-effective option for businesses.

4. How does the resistance of a neon lamp affect its brightness?

The resistance of a neon lamp plays a crucial role in determining its brightness. A higher resistance will result in a dimmer light, while a lower resistance will produce a brighter light. This is because the amount of current flowing through the lamp is directly proportional to its brightness.

5. What happens if a neon lamp does not have a built-in resistor?

If a neon lamp does not have a built-in resistor, it will draw too much current and become damaged. This can cause the lamp to burn out or even explode. It is important to always use a resistor when using a neon lamp in a circuit.
