Which interaction does the Higgs field rely on?

In summary, the Higgs field is a new kind of interaction that mediates the fifth fundamental force. It is not the Higgs particle that imparts mass, but a leftover signature that a Higgs field exists. The actual particle that imparts mass is properly called the 'weak hyper charge'.
  • #1
Dear Physics Forum,

can anyone tell me which of the fundamental interactions is involved in the Higgs Field? Or is it a new and unique type of interaction apart from the fundamental 4?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's a new kind of interaction. If you want you could think of the Higgs boson as mediating a 5th fundamental force.
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  • #3
The four fundamental forces of the Standard Model of particle physics explain how experimentally observed particles interact, say the electron for example, via the electromagnetic force. But what is not explained is why the electron itself has mass. Turns out the Higgs mechanism imparts mass to W and Z bosons and electrons, spin 1/2 fundamental particles.

Leonard Susskind explains the Higgs mechanism here: It is an understandable conceptual video, not heavy math:

You can start at about minute 45 to get the following essentials...

It turns out the 'Higgs boson' is not actually the Higgs particle that imparts mass; instead, it is a leftover signature that a Higgs field exists. The actual particle that imparts mass I think is properly called the 'weak hyper charge'...I'm guessing "Higgs" particle in an imprecise shorthand for that...in the video he calls this a 'zilch' particle. I did not find Susskind precisely clear on this.

Susskind says this:

The Higgs boson can be thought of [a] as the compression and relaxation, a change in density, a vibration or oscillation, of the condensate [the Higgs field]…that is, compression waves in the condensate an oscillation of the condensate field potential, a repetitive change in the field potential…

edit: rereading the quote, it appears Susskind is just describing what any particle is: Particles are the quanta of some local operator...a local particle state.

For anyone that watches the video, Susskind is explaining in words how the mathematical operators in the theory change rotational symmetry and how those mechanisms impart mass.

As an electron flips spin direction this is a spontaneous breaking of chiral [rotational] symmetry and is the process by which particles get mass.

Just don't ask why things work this way...nobody knows and nobody was positive they did and hence all the hoopla about confirming that a Higgs field actually exists.
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  • #4
Yes it is a different kind of interaction. The Higgs interaction is called a Yukawa interaction after Hideki Yukawa who first identified its possibility. Yukawa interaction is not a gauge interaction like the others
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  • #5
The discovered boson represents a new interaction. It remains to be shown that this field has the very high vacuum value by which it is supposed to generate mass.

FAQ: Which interaction does the Higgs field rely on?

1. What is the Higgs field and why is it important in physics?

The Higgs field is a fundamental component of the Standard Model of particle physics. It is a field that permeates all of space and gives elementary particles their mass. It is important in physics because it helps explain the origin of mass and is crucial in understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

2. How does the Higgs field interact with particles?

The Higgs field interacts with particles through a process called the Higgs mechanism. This mechanism involves particles interacting with the Higgs field, gaining mass as a result. The strength of this interaction is proportional to the mass of the particle.

3. Does the Higgs field rely on a specific type of interaction?

The Higgs field relies on the weak interaction, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This interaction is responsible for radioactive decay and plays a crucial role in the Higgs mechanism.

4. What role does the Higgs field play in the formation of the universe?

The Higgs field played a crucial role in the formation of the universe. During the early stages of the universe, the Higgs field was in a state of high energy and all particles were massless. As the universe cooled, the Higgs field underwent a phase transition and particles began to interact with it, gaining mass and forming the building blocks of matter.

5. Are there any experimental evidences of the existence of the Higgs field?

Yes, the existence of the Higgs field has been confirmed through experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012. The discovery of the Higgs boson, a particle associated with the Higgs field, provided strong evidence for the existence of the Higgs field and its role in giving particles their mass.

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