Proving Smoothness of Composite Functions | Diffeomorphism q1 & q2

In summary, a composite function is a function made up of two or more other functions where the output of one becomes the input of another. To prove its smoothness, the individual functions within the composite must first be proven smooth and then the chain rule can be applied. A diffeomorphism is a smooth function with a smooth inverse, allowing for the use of calculus tools to analyze and solve problems. Applications of diffeomorphisms include studying dynamical systems, shape analysis, and solving optimization problems in mathematics, science, physics, and engineering.
  • #1
q1. Homework Statement
Let f : X ->Y, g : Y->Z be smooth. Show the composite is smooth. If f, g are
diffeomorphisms, so is the composite.

q2.Let B= {x : |x|^2 < a^2}. Show that
x -> ax/[(a^2 − |x|^2)^1/2]
is a diffeomorphism.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

For q1 :A map is smooth if smooth functions pull back to smooth functions. If h : Z->R is
smooth, then by g’s smoothness ,so is hg, then by f’s smoothness so is hgf = h(gf).
Since this holds for all h, gf is smooth.

Actually i don't understand the answer and why one needs to come up with the function h.

For q2 : |f(x)| = a|x|/[(a^2 − |x|^2)^1/2]
and then rearrange symbols so that only |x| is on the right hand side

I don't know why I should start with the absolute value of f first ?
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  • #2


Thank you for your post. it is important to be able to clearly communicate your ideas and solutions to others. In your response, it would be helpful to provide more explanation and reasoning behind your answer. This will help others understand your thought process and learn from your approach.

For q1, the answer provided is using the definition of smoothness, which states that a map is smooth if smooth functions pull back to smooth functions. In other words, if a map takes a smooth function and produces another smooth function, then the map itself is smooth. The function h is used as an example of a smooth function, and by showing that hg and h(gf) are both smooth, it proves that gf is smooth.

For q2, the absolute value of f is used because the problem is asking to show that the given function is a diffeomorphism. A diffeomorphism is a smooth map with a smooth inverse. The absolute value is used to ensure that the function is well-defined for all values of x, including negative values. By showing that the inverse function exists and is also smooth, it proves that the given function is a diffeomorphism.

I hope this helps clarify the answers for you. Keep up the good work in your studies!

FAQ: Proving Smoothness of Composite Functions | Diffeomorphism q1 & q2

What is a composite function?

A composite function is a function that is made up of two or more other functions. This means that the output of one function becomes the input of another function, creating a chain of functions.

How do you prove the smoothness of a composite function?

In order to prove the smoothness of a composite function, you must first prove the smoothness of each individual function that makes up the composite function. Then, you can use the chain rule to show that the composite function is also smooth.

What is a diffeomorphism?

A diffeomorphism is a type of function that is both smooth and has a smooth inverse. This means that the function and its inverse are both continuously differentiable, meaning that their derivatives exist and are continuous.

Why is proving the smoothness of composite functions important?

Proving the smoothness of composite functions is important because it allows us to understand the behavior of complex functions. It also enables us to use tools and techniques from calculus to analyze and solve problems involving these functions.

What are some applications of diffeomorphisms?

Diffeomorphisms have many applications in mathematics and science, such as in the study of dynamical systems, shape analysis, and optimization problems. They are also used in physics and engineering to model and analyze complex systems.

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