Galaxy size particle accelerator

In summary, we need a particle accelerator the size of a milky way to probe the Planck length. If M-Theory is true, then we might be able to use M-energy to probe the Planck scale without needing a galaxy sized particle accelerator.
  • #1
It is said that it takes a particle accelerator the size of a milky way to probe the Planck length. But with the resources available in the universe and with other billions year A.D. civilizations out there existing. What if they had created one already. Is there any galaxy out there that look like a particle accelerator in Astronomy?

Also what is the equivalent Tev to probe the Planck scale. How many Hiroshima size atomic bombs for example in energy or is it just the energy of a train collision?
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  • #2
you don't need a galaxy size particle accelerator to probe anything at all nor do we need one on earth. I highly doubt there is a galaxy size particle accelerator out there because it would be useless. The real key is being creative and figuring out how to piece together the universe.
  • #3
eXmag said:
you don't need a galaxy size particle accelerator to probe anything at all nor do we need one on earth. I highly doubt there is a galaxy size particle accelerator out there because it would be useless. The real key is being creative and figuring out how to piece together the universe.

Momentum is proportional to wavelength... so is it right that one divides the Planck constant by the wavelength of the Planck scale?

What is the wavelength of the Planck scale? How many TeV result? And is it equal to in terms of daily experience.. like the energy to lift a hundred pound weight?

Does anyone know about this?
  • #4
eXmag said:
you don't need a galaxy size particle accelerator to probe anything at all nor do we need one on earth. I highly doubt there is a galaxy size particle accelerator out there because it would be useless. The real key is being creative and figuring out how to piece together the universe.

It doesn't matter how creative one is if one cannot verify the results.
  • #5
eXmag said:
you don't need a galaxy size particle accelerator to probe anything at all nor do we need one on earth.

So you figure all those physicists all over the world who want bigger and better particle accelerators are just dumb? And you clearly are smarter?
  • #6
We don't need a bigger accelerator, the universe does a fine job on its own.
  • #7
waterfall said:
Also what is the equivalent Tev to probe the Planck scale. How many Hiroshima size atomic bombs for example in energy or is it just the energy of a train collision?

The Planck energy is approximately the amount of energy released in a bolt of lightning. The trick is focusing it in an incredibly small volume (for comparison, the LHC should operate at 14TeV, about the energy expended by a fly performing a pushup).
  • #8
Nabeshin said:
The Planck energy is approximately the amount of energy released in a bolt of lightning. The trick is focusing it in an incredibly small volume (for comparison, the LHC should operate at 14TeV, about the energy expended by a fly performing a pushup).

So one has to build particle accelerator the size of a galaxy to concentrate the energy of a bolt of lightning into the Planck scale?

From the formula

Momentum = Planck constant / Wavelength

What's the wavelength of the Planck length?
And what's the units of the momentum and how do you carry the bolt of lightning into the probing carrier wave of the momentum to reach the Planck scale?
  • #9
phinds said:
So you figure all those physicists all over the world who want bigger and better particle accelerators are just dumb? And you clearly are smarter?

why do we need a particle accelerator? i clearly did not say that i was smart, all i am, is being creative. Why do we need to bombard particles at high speeds? will that enable us to travel to other worlds? no, one has to understand the mere building blocks of time to fully understand the universe. There is no such thing as a higgs boson nor will we find one because it doesn't exist. The real key to the future is energy not creating neutrinos and antimatter or whatever.
  • #10
Assumes facts not in evidence. That is why we continue building bigger accelerators. My only objection is it is merely an exercise in the law of diminishing returns. I am fairly convinced the LHC is our last and best effort at particle physics. Whatever is left, however improbable, is left for cosmologists to explore.
  • #11
If M-Theory were discovered, maybe there would be a shortcut such that instead of a galaxy sized particle accelerator, it would just be tabletop size using perhaps M-energy from M-theory to probe the Planck scale... using something to compact the lightning bolt and compress it down to Planck size. Remember in Manhattan Project, they were able to use compresion bomb to compress the uranium or plutonium and made the nuke go off at first try. This is very impressive. Imagine doing something they hadn't done before and it exploded the first time. Bottomline is, We have literally many geniuses in our midst..
  • #12
Closed pending moderation.

FAQ: Galaxy size particle accelerator

What is a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator?

A Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator is a hypothetical machine that is capable of accelerating particles to extremely high energies in order to study the fundamental properties of matter and the universe. It would be much larger and more powerful than any current particle accelerator.

Why do we need a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator?

A Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator would allow scientists to study particles and their interactions at energies that are not possible with current accelerators. This could lead to a better understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe and potentially new discoveries in physics.

How big would a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator be?

The exact size of a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator is not known, as it is a hypothetical concept. However, it would likely be significantly larger than the largest current particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, which has a circumference of 27 kilometers.

How much energy would a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator require?

The amount of energy required for a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator would be immense. It would likely require billions of joules of energy per beam, which is significantly more than current accelerators. This energy would also need to be carefully controlled and focused in order to accelerate particles to high energies.

What are the potential risks of a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator?

As with any large and powerful machine, there are potential risks associated with a Galaxy Size Particle Accelerator. These could include radiation exposure, accidental creation of black holes, and potential damage to the surrounding environment. Any potential risks would need to be carefully considered and mitigated before the construction of such a massive machine.

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