Why the magnetic field of the electrons is circular instead of triangular?

In summary: The reason the potential field around an electric charge is spherically symmetric is because the electric force between two charges depends only on the distance between them, not the direction. This is just like gravity, where the gravitational force between two masses depends only on the distance between them, not the direction. If the force depends only on the distance, then the field lines must be radial (pointing out from the source) and spherically symmetric (since the distance from the source is the same in all directions).Now, let's consider a moving electron. Since it's moving, it has a magnetic field around it. The magnetic force between two moving charges depends not only on the distance between them, but also on the relative
  • #1
why the magnetic field of the electrons is circular instead of triangular? (in conductor with current)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why in the world would you think it might be triangular? Consider symmetry.
  • #3
Doc Al said:
Why in the world would you think it might be triangular? Consider symmetry.

Can you explain deeper please?
  • #4
No, I'd prefer that you explain why you think it might be triangular.

All your posts seem to be short, broad questions (often the same question repeated) with no background or context given. We have no idea what you know or don't know. You really need to find a textbook and begin at the beginning.
  • #5
Doc Al said:
No, I'd prefer that you explain why you think it might be triangular.

All your posts seem to be short, broad questions (often the same question repeated) with no background or context given. We have no idea what you know or don't know. You really need to find a textbook and begin at the beginning.

Why it is circular instead of some other shape, that was my question and why the magnetic field is in that direction instead of the opposite?
  • #6
You just restated the same question and the answer will be the same: why would you think it would be any other shape?
  • #7
russ_watters said:
You just restated the same question and the answer will be the same: why would you think it would be any other shape?

And why would you think it is circular? And is the magnetic field acting like dipole magnet?
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  • #8
scientist91 said:
And why would you think it is circular? And is the magnetic field acting like dipole magnet?

As Doc Al pointed out, symmetry plays a role. Let's start with a simpler question: why do you think that (Newtonian) gravity is "circular", and not hexagonal ?
  • #9
scientist91 said:
why the magnetic field of the electrons is circular instead of triangular? (in conductor with current)

Because if the magnetic field is a tetracontakaihexagon then it would take less work to create a an enneacontagon.
  • #10
and is it acting like dipole magnet?
  • #11
Is what acting like a dipole magnet? Look, these sort of questions are beginning to get tiresome. As I have said before, we are not your teachers, and as I have said before, the best way to learn this sort of basic science is to READ BOOKS and PAY ATTENTION IN SCHOOL. I am laying into you like this because I still believe your heart is in the right place and you are trying, so simply ignoring your questions would be a disservice - I really do want to help you learn as do all of the people still posting in these threada, but you are persistently ignoring good advice given by knowledgeable people. Continuously posing less-than-coherent questions is not a good way to learn science, and if you wish to learn science, it is important you understand this fact and act on it. I'm sorry to take such a harsh tone, but I believe at this point it needs to be said.
  • #12
I'm not sure exactly where this discussion stands right now, but I'm going to take a shot at answering his question.

Scientest91, the magnetic fields surrounding electrons that you see in pictures is called a contour map. You may have seen contour maps when with topography. If you don't understand how to interpret a contour map, you will not be able to understand the magnetic 'circles' around electrons.

The contour lines are circular because the magnetic field around an electron decays with equally in all directions with distance. Gravity works the same way. The further you get from a planet, the less you feel its gravity; and the force you feel will be the same 1 mile away from the planet, in all directions.
  • #13
I understand what the guy is saying.

I think it's just because things are circular. Take an arbitrary distance and draw a line. let's say that's how far the magnetic field goes, and then stops. If we assume a consistent medium, then you can imagine that the distance until it stops is the same everywhere around the magnetic body. Thus, a sphere.

The distance where "it stops" is more likely to a chosen magnitude, where say, if you had a magnetic ball, it would be the distance away that it cannot suck in a paper clip. Did I explain that ok? It's circular, spherical, hyperspherical, whatever, because of this.
  • #14
These circular shapes are a favorite of the universe. A follow up question that the OP may want to consider is why do air bubbles take a natural spherical shape.
  • #15
I'm fairly sure electrons don't have magnetic fields, they have a charge, and therefore there is a Coulombic attraction. I think what you meant to ask is: why is the potential field surrounding an electron spherical?
  • #16
billiards said:
I'm fairly sure electrons don't have magnetic fields, they have a charge, and therefore there is a Coulombic attraction. I think what you meant to ask is: why is the potential field surrounding an electron spherical?

Since electrons have charge, an electron in motion would have a magnetic field around it would it not?
  • #17
billiards said:
I'm fairly sure electrons don't have magnetic fields...
Moving electrons do.

FAQ: Why the magnetic field of the electrons is circular instead of triangular?

1. Why is the magnetic field of electrons circular?

The magnetic field of electrons is circular because of their spin. Electrons have an intrinsic property called spin, which is a form of angular momentum. This spin causes the electrons to behave like tiny magnets, producing a circular magnetic field around them.

2. Can the magnetic field of electrons be triangular?

No, the magnetic field of electrons cannot be triangular. This is because the spin of electrons is quantized, meaning it can only have certain specific values. These values correspond to a circular magnetic field and do not allow for a triangular shape.

3. What causes electrons to have a circular magnetic field?

As mentioned before, the circular magnetic field of electrons is caused by their spin. The spin of the electrons creates a magnetic moment, which in turn produces a circular magnetic field.

4. Is the circular shape of the magnetic field of electrons a fundamental property?

Yes, the circular shape of the magnetic field of electrons is a fundamental property. It is a result of the spin of electrons, which is an intrinsic property and cannot be altered or changed.

5. How does the circular magnetic field of electrons affect their behavior?

The circular magnetic field of electrons plays a significant role in their behavior. It is responsible for the interactions between electrons and other particles, such as protons and other electrons. It also plays a crucial role in the formation of chemical bonds and the behavior of materials in magnetic fields.

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