What Is Dimensional Regularization in Arbitrary Dimensions?

In summary: Delta}\right)^{\frac{D-2}{2}}In summary, the conversation is about an integral that is beyond the speaker's understanding, but they have found a way to solve it using a textbook. They mention that the integral is divergent in one dimension but can be solved in arbitrary dimensions using a specific formula. They also mention using a limit and studying the behavior near a "pole." The conversation ends with the speaker acknowledging their lack of intuitive understanding of the integral and asking for more clarification. They also provide some corrections and additional details about the integral.
  • #1
i'm doing an integral for my advisor that is way beyond me but i have pages from a textbook that tell me how to do it so here goes

[tex]\int\frac{d^4\ell}{(2\pi)^4}\frac{1}{(\ell^2+A^2)^2} = \frac{1}{2}B(0,2)[/tex]

which is divergent

but in arbitrary dimensions

you get

[tex]\int\frac{d^4\ell}{(2\pi)^4}\frac{1}{(\ell^2+A^2)^2} = \frac{1}{(4\pi)^\frac{D}{2}}\frac{\Gamma (2-\frac{D}{2})}{\Gamma (2)}(\frac{1}{A})^{2-\frac{D}{2}}[/tex]

and setting [tex] \epsilon = 4-D[/tex]

and then letting D approach 4 we get

[tex]\frac{1}{(4\pi)^{2}}(\frac{2}{\epsilon}-log\Delta - \gamma +log(4\pi) + O(\epsilon))[/tex]


[tex]\gamma \approx .5772[/tex]

the thing is i only understand why this works on a very very superficial level. something along the lines of taking a limit and studying behavior as the limit approaches a "pole." but i really have no intuitive clue as to what an integral in arbitrary space even means. can anyone give me some sense of what's going on.
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  • #2
anybody? anybody? maybe this should be moved into atomic physics
  • #3
4 dimensional calculus is the same as 3 dimensional calculus, except for the extra dimension.

You appear to be leaving out some details. I imagine that l is supposed to be a vector quantity, and that you have some particular regions of integration in mind that you haven't shared with us.

I don't know what "arbitrary dimensions" means, or from where D and [itex]\Delta[/itex] came. The meaning of B is not obvious to me from the context either.

LaTeX tip: use \left( and \right) to make large parentheses. (You can replace parentheses with other symbols too)
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  • #4
Hurkyl said:
4 dimensional calculus is the same as 3 dimensional calculus, except for the extra dimension.

You appear to be leaving out some details. I imagine that l is supposed to be a vector quantity, and that you have some particular regions of integration in mind that you haven't shared with us.

I don't know what "arbitrary dimensions" means, or from where D and [itex]\Delta[/itex] came. The meaning of B is not obvious to me from the context either.

LaTeX tip: use \left( and \right) to make large parentheses. (You can replace parentheses with other symbols too)

ahh I've made lots of mistakes in the write up

[tex]\int\frac{d^D\ell}{(2\pi)^D}\frac{1}{(\ell^2+\Delta)^ 2} = \frac{1}{(4\pi)^\frac{D}{2}}\frac{\Gamma (2-\frac{D}{2})}{\Gamma (2)}\left(\frac{1}{\Delta}\right)^{2-\frac{D}{2}}[/tex]

region of integration is all of space. yes [itex]\ell[/itex] is a vector,arbitrary dimensions means just that, instead of 3 or 4 , D and it comes from how to solve that integral.
[itex]\Delta[/itex] is just a constant and B is the beta function.

don't mind this stuff, something i started typing out before i realized my initial write up was completely retarded. if you need to know how to work out the integral i'll finish that up.

[tex]\int\frac{d^D\ell}{(2\pi)^D}\frac{1}{(\ell^2+\Delta)^ 2} = \int\frac{d\Omega_{D}}{(2\pi^D)}}\int^{0}_{\infty}d\ell\frac{\ell^{D-1}}{(\ell^2+\Delta)^2}= \frac{2(\sqrt{\pi})^D}{\Gamma(\frac{D}{2})}\left(

FAQ: What Is Dimensional Regularization in Arbitrary Dimensions?

1. What is dimensional regularization?

Dimensional regularization is a mathematical technique used to regularize or make finite the divergent integrals that arise in quantum field theory calculations. It involves analytically continuing the number of spacetime dimensions from the usual four dimensions to a complex number, which allows for the calculation of finite results.

2. How does dimensional regularization differ from other regularization methods?

Dimensional regularization differs from other regularization methods, such as cutoff regularization or lattice regularization, in that it preserves the symmetries of the underlying theory. This means that physical quantities, such as particle masses and couplings, are not affected by the regularization process.

3. What are the advantages of using dimensional regularization?

One of the main advantages of dimensional regularization is that it allows for the calculation of finite results without having to introduce arbitrary parameters, as is the case with other regularization methods. Additionally, it preserves the symmetries of the underlying theory and is applicable to a wide range of quantum field theories.

4. Are there any limitations to using dimensional regularization?

While dimensional regularization is a powerful tool in theoretical physics, it does have some limitations. It is not applicable to all types of divergent integrals and can lead to unphysical results in certain cases. It also requires a good understanding of the underlying theory and mathematical techniques.

5. How is dimensional regularization used in practical applications?

Dimensional regularization is used extensively in theoretical physics, particularly in the field of quantum field theory. It is applied in the calculation of physical quantities, such as particle masses and scattering amplitudes, and is an essential tool in the development and testing of new theories, such as the Standard Model of particle physics.

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