Composites for Relations: R1 and R2 | Help with Composites Homework

  • Thread starter physicsgirlie26
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In summary, for the given relations R1 and R2, the composites are R1={(x,y) member of real numbers x real numbers: x=y} and R2={(x,y) member of real numbers x real numbers: y=(-10x+4)}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the composites for the relations defined.

R1={(x,y) member of real numbers x real numbers: y=x}
R2={(x,y) member of real numbers x real numbers: y=-5x+2}

a) R1compositeR1

2. The attempt at a solution

a) I was thinking that R1compositeR1={(x,y) member of real numbers x real numbers: x=y}=R1
b) I'm not to sure how to do and that's the one I need help on.

Can you please help me?

Thank you!
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  • #2

I am happy to assist you with your question. For part b), R2compositeR2={(x,y) member of real numbers x real numbers: y=(-5x+2)+(-5x+2)}={(-10x+4)}. This means that for any input value of x, the resulting y value will be equal to -10 times the input value plus 4. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

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FAQ: Composites for Relations: R1 and R2 | Help with Composites Homework

1. What are composites and why are they important in relationship studies?

Composites are a statistical technique used to combine multiple variables into a single score. They are important in relationship studies because they allow researchers to analyze the overall effect of multiple variables on a relationship, rather than just looking at each variable individually.

2. How do you calculate R1 and R2 in composites for relationship studies?

R1 and R2 are calculated by first standardizing the individual variables and then taking the average of the standardized values. R1 is the average of the values for one group, while R2 is the average of the values for the other group. These values are then compared to determine the strength of the relationship between the two groups.

3. Can composites be used for non-linear relationships?

Yes, composites can be used for non-linear relationships. However, it is important to note that the strength of the relationship may not be accurately represented by R1 and R2, as these values are based on linear associations.

4. What are some potential limitations of using composites in relationship studies?

One limitation of composites is that they require a large sample size in order to accurately represent the relationship between variables. Additionally, composites can only be used for continuous variables, so they may not be suitable for all types of relationships.

5. How do you interpret R1 and R2 values in composites for relationship studies?

R1 and R2 values can range from -1 to +1, with higher values indicating a stronger relationship. They can also be compared to each other to determine which group has a stronger association with the relationship being studied.

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