Adiabatic, isobaric & isothermal expansions

In summary, the gas does negative work to expand from V1 to V2 = 4V1. W=-3V_1NkB T_1 and Q=NkBT1ln(4), both positive.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An ideal gas of N particles is reversibly expanded from V1 to V2 = 4V1. The starting temperature T1 is known and [itex]E_1 = \frac{3}{2} N k_B T_1[/itex]. As of yet [itex]E_2[/itex] is unknown.

a) Express [itex]\Delta E = E_1 - E_2[/itex] in terms of the added heat Q and work done on the gas W.

b) Calculate the work done W if the expansion is isobaric.

c) Calculate Q, W and [itex]E_2[/itex] if the expansion is isothermal.

d) Calculate Q if the expansion is adiabatic.

e) If the expansion in question d) was irreversible instead of reversible, would the added heat be less, more or equal?

The Attempt at a Solution

a) The gas does positive work, so the work done on the gas is negative: [itex]\Delta E = Q - W[/itex]

b) For an isobaric expansion: [itex]W = p(V_2 - V_1) = 3V_1p[/itex]

c) [itex]dW = pdV[/itex], so [itex]W = \int_{V_1}^{V_2} \frac{N k_B T_1}{V} dV = N k_B T_1 \ln{\frac{4 V_1}{V_1}} = N k_B T_1 \ln{4}[/itex]

[itex]Q = W = N k_B T_1 \ln{4}[/itex]

[itex]dU = 0[/itex], so there is no change in energy: [itex]E_1 = E_2 = \frac{3}{2}N k_B T_1[/itex]

d) In an adiabatic expansion Q = 0.

e) If the expansion was irreversible, then heat was lost on friction or something else, so to make up for that, the added heat would have to be more than 0.

Can someone check these answers? I am doubting most of them.
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  • #2
b) Give W with N and V1.

e.) "Adiabatic" means no heat exchange. Does it depends if the process is reversible or irreversible?

  • #3
SoggyBottoms said:
a) The gas does positive work, so the work done on the gas is negative: [itex]\Delta E = Q - W[/itex]
Careful! It says W = work done ON the gas. The first law is:

Q = ΔU - W where W = work done ON the gas (ie. W = -∫PdV if process is reversible).

b) For an isobaric expansion: [itex]W = p(V_2 - V_1) = 3V_1p[/itex]
Are you finding the work done ON the gas? or work done BY the gas? Can you express this in terms of T1?

c) [itex]dW = pdV[/itex], so [itex]W = \int_{V_1}^{V_2} \frac{N k_B T_1}{V} dV = N k_B T_1 \ln{\frac{4 V_1}{V_1}} = N k_B T_1 \ln{4}[/itex]

[itex]Q = W = N k_B T_1 \ln{4}[/itex]
Correct if W = work done BY the gas. But in a) it says W = work done ON the gas.
d) In an adiabatic expansion Q = 0.
e) If the expansion was irreversible, then heat was lost on friction or something else, so to make up for that, the added heat would have to be more than 0.
If the expansion is still adiabatic, why would there be any heat flow at all?

  • #4
Thanks for the help.

a) So this should be [itex]\Delta E = Q + W[/itex], I understand why.

b) Can I simply say [itex]W = -p(V_2 - V_1) = -3V_1p = -\frac{3V_1 N k_B T_1}{V_1} = -2 V_1 N k_B T_1?[/itex]

c) [itex]Q = W = -N k_B T_1 \ln{4}[/itex], I understand.

e) So it doesn't depend on reversibility and it's still 0.
  • #5
SoggyBottoms said:
Thanks for the help.

a) So this should be [itex]\Delta E = Q + W[/itex], I understand why.
b) Can I simply say [itex]W = -p(V_2 - V_1) = -3V_1p = -\frac{3V_1 N k_B T_1}{V_1} = -2 V_1 N k_B T_1?[/itex]
Check your division.
c) [itex]Q = W = -N k_B T_1 \ln{4}[/itex], I understand.
e) So it doesn't depend on reversibility and it's still 0.

  • #6
Doh, that should be [itex]-3NK_B T_1[/itex] of course, how stupid. Is this correct then?
  • #7
The change of the energy is ΔE=E2-E1. It was written in the opposite way in the OP. If it was that way in the original text, everything gets the opposite sign.

When W is the work done on the gas, and Q is the added heat,

In an isothermal process, ΔE=0, Q+W=0, Q=-W. W=−NkBT1ln(4), but Q=NkBT1ln(4), positive. The answer for correct now.

  • #8

FAQ: Adiabatic, isobaric & isothermal expansions

1. What is an adiabatic expansion?

An adiabatic expansion refers to a process in which a system expands without any exchange of heat with its surroundings. This means that the internal energy of the system remains constant during the expansion.

2. How does an isobaric expansion differ from an adiabatic expansion?

An isobaric expansion is a process in which a system expands at a constant pressure. This means that the system is allowed to exchange heat with its surroundings, resulting in a change in internal energy. In contrast, an adiabatic expansion does not allow for any heat exchange, so the internal energy remains constant.

3. What is the relationship between temperature and volume in an isothermal expansion?

In an isothermal expansion, the temperature of the system remains constant while the volume changes. This means that the pressure of the system must also change to maintain a constant temperature, according to the ideal gas law: PV = nRT.

4. How do these expansion processes affect the work done by the system?

In an adiabatic expansion, no work is done by the system because there is no change in internal energy. In an isobaric expansion, the work done by the system is equal to the change in pressure multiplied by the change in volume. In an isothermal expansion, the work done by the system is equal to the product of the pressure and the natural logarithm of the final volume divided by the initial volume.

5. What are some real-world examples of adiabatic, isobaric, and isothermal expansions?

Some examples of adiabatic expansion include the expansion of a gas in a piston without any heat exchange, or the expansion of a gas as it rises in the Earth's atmosphere. Isobaric expansions can be seen in everyday processes such as boiling water or inflating a balloon. Examples of isothermal expansion include the operation of a refrigerator or the expansion of compressed air in a scuba tank.

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