Point Charges creating an electric field

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the net electric field at the origin due to two point charges, one with a charge of -4.00 nC at (0.600 m, 0.800 m) and the other with a charge of 6 nC at (0.600 m, 0). The net electric field is calculated using the formula E = (1/4*pi*E_0)(q/r^2) and the direction is determined by adding the components of the two vectors together. The result for the magnitude is 8.988*10^9 * 16.97108653*10^-9 and the direction is 169.1314747 degrees above the x-axis
  • #1
A point charge q =-4.00 nC is at the point x = 0.600 m, y = 0.800 m, and a second point charge q=6nC is at the point x = 0.600 m, y = 0.

A)Calculate the magnitude of the net electric field at the origin due to these two point charges.

I assume i can just treat the electric field charge as a vector pointed towards the - charge from the origion, using E = (1/4*pi*E_0)(q/r^2).
The other charge is therefore a horizontal vector on the x-axis pointing inwards.
After adding components together, I came to:
(8.988*10^9)(16.97108653*10^-9), any idea where I went wrong?

B)What is the direction of the net electric field at the origin due to these two point charges.
I assume I would just use the same technique here, and ended up with 169.1314747 degrees up from the x-axis... any ideas on where I'm messing up?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
nm was stupid and messed up my vectors
  • #3

I would like to clarify a few things about your calculations. Firstly, the formula you have used for electric field is correct, but it is important to note that the electric field is a vector quantity and therefore, both magnitude and direction need to be considered in calculations.

For part A, the net electric field at the origin can be calculated by adding the individual electric fields due to each point charge. The magnitude of the net electric field can be calculated using the formula you mentioned, but it should be noted that the distance (r) in the formula is the distance from the point charge to the point of interest, in this case, the origin (0,0). So, the distance for the first point charge would be 0.800 m and for the second point charge, it would be 0.600 m. After calculating the individual electric fields, you can add them using vector addition to get the net electric field at the origin.

For part B, the direction of the net electric field can be calculated using the direction of the individual electric fields and vector addition. It is important to note that the direction of the electric field is always in the direction of the force on a positive test charge. So, for the first point charge, the direction would be towards the origin (as it is a negative charge) and for the second point charge, it would be away from the origin (as it is a positive charge). After adding the two vectors, you can use trigonometry to find the direction of the net electric field.

I hope this helps clarify any confusion and helps you in solving the problem accurately. Remember to always double-check your calculations and take into account the vector nature of electric fields.

FAQ: Point Charges creating an electric field

1. How do point charges create an electric field?

Point charges create an electric field by exerting a force on other charges in their vicinity. This force is known as the electric field force and is a fundamental force of nature. The electric field lines, which are used to represent the strength and direction of the electric field, originate from positive charges and terminate at negative charges.

2. What is the relationship between point charges and electric fields?

Point charges and electric fields have a direct relationship, as the presence of a point charge creates an electric field in its surroundings. The strength of the electric field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the point charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the point charge.

3. How does the distance between point charges affect the electric field?

The distance between point charges has a significant impact on the strength of the electric field. As the distance increases, the electric field strength decreases, following the inverse square law. This means that doubling the distance between two point charges will result in a four times weaker electric field.

4. Can multiple point charges create a single electric field?

Yes, multiple point charges can combine to create a single electric field. The total electric field at any point is the vector sum of the individual electric fields due to each point charge. This principle is known as the superposition principle and is a fundamental concept in understanding electric fields.

5. How can the direction of an electric field created by point charges be determined?

The direction of an electric field created by point charges can be determined by the direction in which a positive test charge would move when placed in the electric field. The direction of the electric field lines also provides information about the direction of the electric field, as they always point away from positive charges and towards negative charges.
