Future Opportunities in CPU Design: Insights from a Computer Engineering Major

  • Thread starter Techman07
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In summary, a computer engineering major should focus on microprocessor design. It is difficult to get a job in this field without a graduate degree. However, there are many opportunities available through internships and research assistantships. Being well-versed in Assembly Language will help you stand out from the competition.
  • #1
Computer Microprocessors...

Hello all. I have a question regarding my field of work after graduation.
I am a computer engineering major.

I want to know how difficult it would be for me to get my foot in the door, working for a company dealing with CPUs (Intel/AMD).
My expected graduation is Fall 2008, and I have a narrowed focus.
I have only wanted to work with the hardware and software aspects of the CPU design process.

Is my only hope a grad degree?
How likely am I to get a co-op/internship with one of these companies?
Are these jobs in an extremely high demand, I can't pull up much info about this particular job on the internet...

I am currently taking Microprocessors (EEL 4746) at FAMU/FSU engineering school, and I LOVE the course. I also recently bought Jon Stokes "Inside the Machine" to become familiar with the popular CPU architectures of today. What other type of knowledge must I be seeking to grasp in order to better equip myself for this type of work??

Thanks in advance.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Personally I have no idea what they want.

Have you checked with your schools guidance office?
Scanned their web sites for job postings?
I suppose you could write to them and ask :smile:

Also I wouldn't limit this to Intel/AMD. There are a number of other uP manufactures out there.
  • #3
The general field of IC design is a very interesting and challenging and rewarding field. I encourage you to keep pursuing these interests. The only modification that I'd suggest is to consider the full broad field of IC design, and not just the sub-field of uC/uP design.

uC/uP architecture definitely has some extra interest associated with it, but there are other IC design and fab areas that are equally interesting. Areas such as mixed-signal, RF, non-volatile memory, DSP, etc., each have very interesting aspects to them. And you will find it much easier to get work if your interests start off broad. As you gain work experience in the IC design field, then you will more easily be able to migrate toward specializations that interest you.

Definitely start looking around for internships or research assistantships in IC design. Practical experience is a big part of what companies are looking for in job candidates. Best of luck!
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  • #4
Your replies...

Hey, I really appreciate the responses you all gave. I will consider expanding my interest, especially since most of what I know comes straight from school and beyond that I don't really know much about the field.

Again, thanks.
  • #5
Berkman's suggestion is really good, besides you may like to take up some additional courses in Verilog/VHDL (assuming you already had had a full credit course in DSP).
Join some place like Yahoo groups and or Linked in , there are abundant job-postings coming that way including Internships.

Which also help you to progress, as you may post your problems and or investigate the emerging trends and problems...

all the best for your career...
  • #6
and i forgot to mention, A very high apptitude in System Analysis and Design along with system "C" really helps...complete the equn
  • #7
I am currently taking a VHDL course as we speak. I will definitely see what comes up in the groups. Honestly, I'm just trying to avoid those internships that aren't really helping get to where I want to be. All of this help is greatly appreciated.
  • #8
I saw your saying that you are taking microprocessor recently. I had a hard time to struggle with this subject. Are you studying in MC68000? One of my major subjects is microprocessor for this semester. Any tips that I can have to score in this subject? It's so hard for me.
  • #9
lightgreen said:
I saw your saying that you are taking microprocessor recently. I had a hard time to struggle with this subject. Are you studying in MC68000? One of my major subjects is microprocessor for this semester. Any tips that I can have to score in this subject? It's so hard for me.

Welcome to the PF. What aspects of uPs are you studying in this class? Is it mainly about architecture, or applications/programming, or a mix? I'd recommend getting practiced and comfortable writing Assembly Langauge programs to help you feel more comfortable with uPs/uCs.
  • #10
It's a mix where we need to study the archictecture, all the basic stuffs and at last programming. At the end of this course, we need to design a MC68000-based system. During the exam time, I can't answer the questions. I found out what I learned in class didn't help me a lot. This is because I don't even understand the questions.
  • #11
lightgreen said:
It's a mix where we need to study the archictecture, all the basic stuffs and at last programming. At the end of this course, we need to design a MC68000-based system. During the exam time, I can't answer the questions. I found out what I learned in class didn't help me a lot. This is because I don't even understand the questions.

Try "The Motorola Mc68000 Microprocessor Family" written by Thomas L. Harman & David T. Hein, real nice subject coverage. You have to understand the "concepts" like addressing, bus-architecture and cache and the like..sothat you can do fine in later stages of learning or while designing one with it...
also refer some microcontroller idea book..normally certain "Concepts" cannot be understood , but perhaps if you study and application, it would be easier...

(just like, when our teacher taught doppler effect, we never got what the heck it was , until told about the trains/buses/cars in opposite direction) so dwell deeply and resurface...

All the best ...
  • #12
Thank for your introduction! I will try my best!

FAQ: Future Opportunities in CPU Design: Insights from a Computer Engineering Major

What is a computer microprocessor?

A computer microprocessor is a small electronic device that serves as the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer. It is responsible for carrying out instructions and processing data in a computer system.

How does a microprocessor work?

A microprocessor works by receiving instructions and data from the computer's memory, processing them, and then sending the results back to the memory. It does this by using a combination of logic gates, registers, and arithmetic and logic units (ALUs).

What are the components of a microprocessor?

The main components of a microprocessor include the control unit, the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), and the registers. The control unit is responsible for fetching instructions, decoding them, and controlling the flow of data. The ALU performs mathematical and logical operations, and the registers are used to store temporary data and instructions.

What is the clock speed of a microprocessor?

The clock speed of a microprocessor refers to the number of instructions it can process per second. It is measured in hertz (Hz) and typically ranges from megahertz (MHz) to gigahertz (GHz). A higher clock speed means the microprocessor can process instructions faster.

What factors affect the performance of a microprocessor?

The performance of a microprocessor can be affected by several factors, including its clock speed, the number of cores it has, the amount of cache memory, and the architecture of the microprocessor. Other factors such as the efficiency of the operating system and the type of applications being run can also impact its performance.
