Faster than light and time travel into the past.

In summary, a newcomer to the forum shared their thoughts on the recent findings at CERN. They questioned if the findings prove time travel into the past is wrong, as according to the theory of relativity, anything faster than light would move backwards in time. However, scientists have not reported any evidence of this happening, leading to the possibility that moving faster than light does not necessarily result in going backwards in time. The poster acknowledged their English may not be perfect, but they believe they have conveyed their point effectively.
  • #1
Hey i am new in this forum and just want to share my thoughts with you guyz at the recent finding at CERN .

If the findings of CERN experiment are correct then does it means that time travel into the past is proved WRONG.?

Because according to relativity theory if something moves faster than light it would move backword in time.
So if neutrino's actually moved faster than light (as reported by CERN scientist) then according to relativity theory scientist should have received them at the other end before they actually triggered them, but scientists have not reported anyting like that. So does this mean that moving faster than light does not force to go backword in time.

(my english is bad, but i think i am able to convey my point ).
Physics news on

FAQ: Faster than light and time travel into the past.

1. Can anything travel faster than the speed of light?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is the universal speed limit. This means that nothing, including matter or information, can travel faster than the speed of light.

2. Is it possible to travel back in time?

The concept of time travel into the past is currently not possible based on our current understanding of physics. The laws of physics, particularly the concept of causality, make it implausible for an object to travel back in time.

3. Are there any theoretical ways to travel faster than light or into the past?

Some theories, such as the Alcubierre drive and wormholes, have been proposed as ways to potentially travel faster than light or into the past. However, these theories are still highly speculative and have not been proven to be feasible.

4. Can we observe anything that is faster than the speed of light?

No, we cannot observe anything that is faster than the speed of light. As mentioned earlier, the speed of light is the universal speed limit, and nothing can exceed it. Any object or information that appears to be traveling faster than light is due to a misunderstanding of the concept of relative velocity.

5. What are the implications of time travel into the past?

The concept of time travel into the past raises many paradoxes and logical inconsistencies. For example, the grandfather paradox raises the question of what would happen if one were to go back in time and prevent their own birth. Additionally, the concept of causality would be violated, as events in the past would be able to influence events in the future. These implications make the idea of time travel into the past highly improbable.

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