Calculus-based physics mechanics

In summary, the conversation is discussing a problem involving a small glass ball projected in an evacuated tube and the time intervals between its passes through upper and lower timers. The goal is to find an expression for the acceleration of gravity, g, in terms of H, TsubL, and TsubU. The equation \Delta t = \frac {2v}{g} is used and ultimately, g is solved for using the given information.
  • #1
Calculus-based physics...mechanics

I'm having a little trouble with this problem...

"A small glass ball is projected straight up in an evacuated tube (no air resistance) and then falls back down. During its motion it passed both an upper and a lower timer that are separted by a distance H.

Let TsubL be the time interval between the two passes across the lower timer, and TsubU be the time interval between the two passages across the upper timer.

Find an expression for the acceleration of gravity, g, in terms of H, TsubL, and TsubU.

Any help would be appreciated, but thorough explanation would be a plus. Thanks everybody.
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  • #2
For any given vertical location the time interval between (upward and downward) crossings is [itex]\Delta t = \frac {2v}{g}[/itex]. If the initial speed is [itex]v_0[/itex] then, for a given height, [itex]v = \sqrt {v_0^2 - 2gy}[/itex] and using the information provided we have
[tex]g^2 T_L^2 = 4 \left( v_0^2 - 2g y_L \right)[/tex]
[tex]g^2 T_U^2 = 4 \left( v_0^2 - 2g y_U \right)[/tex]
Now subtract the equations and solve for g!
  • #3
Thanks a lot Tide, but I don't think I am allowed to use acceleration due to gravity in the equations, because i am trying to define g. It's like using a word in its own definition. I don't think my teacher will let it fly.
  • #4
I don't think that is what your teacher means. He or she is asking you to calculate the value of g which means it becomes an unknown value in your equations and you must solve for it. That is what is meant by "find an expression for."

FAQ: Calculus-based physics mechanics

1. What is the difference between calculus-based and algebra-based physics mechanics?

Calculus-based physics mechanics uses calculus concepts, such as derivatives and integrals, to analyze and solve problems related to motion and forces. Algebra-based physics mechanics, on the other hand, relies on algebraic equations and concepts to solve similar problems.

2. What are some real-life applications of calculus-based physics mechanics?

Calculus-based physics mechanics is used in various fields such as engineering, astronomy, and physics research. Some specific examples include designing bridges, predicting the trajectory of a satellite, and understanding the movement of particles in quantum mechanics.

3. What are the key equations in calculus-based physics mechanics?

Some of the key equations in calculus-based physics mechanics include Newton's laws of motion, the equations of motion, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. These equations are used to describe and analyze the motion of objects and the forces acting on them.

4. How does calculus-based physics mechanics relate to other branches of physics?

Calculus-based physics mechanics is a fundamental branch of physics and is closely related to other branches such as thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and quantum mechanics. Many concepts and principles from calculus-based physics mechanics are used and expanded upon in these other branches.

5. Is calculus necessary for understanding calculus-based physics mechanics?

Yes, calculus is necessary for understanding and applying calculus-based physics mechanics. Many of the concepts and equations used in this branch of physics involve derivatives and integrals, which are core concepts in calculus. Without a solid understanding of calculus, it can be difficult to fully grasp the concepts in calculus-based physics mechanics.

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