Why does the earth behave like a giant magnet?

In summary, the Earth behaves like a giant magnet due to the rotation convection cells in the outer core, which generate a magnetic field. Changes in these cells can result in a flip of the Earth's magnetic polarity. The depletion of ozone above Antarctica is caused by the absence of sunlight during the arctic night, allowing for higher concentrations of CFCs to react with the sun's rays. In a fractional distillating column, the exit of oxygen gas at -183C causes the argon gas to also boil, making it difficult to separate the two gases. This is due to the chaotic processes and irregularities in the convection cells.
  • #1
i have posted these questions in the chemistry forum but I have not receive any replys. Perhaps I have posted the questions in a wrong forum.

why does the Earth behave like a giant magnet?

why the hole in the ozone layer is above Antarctica but not polluted continents?

in a fractional distillating column of liquid air, the 'exit' of oxygen gas (b.p. -183C) is below the argon gas (b.p. -186C). However, when the liquid air encounters the 'exit' of oxygen gas which is at -183C, the argon also boils. So we cannot separate the oxygen and argon.
What's wrong with my concept?

Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
The outer core[/url] of the Earth is thought to have big rotation convection cells, transmitting the generated heat from the inside out. That molten iron may be slightly ionized and consequently have a electrical charge.

Since rotating convection cells also rotate the electrical current each convection cell may generate a huge magnetic field. Since adjacent convention cells are supposed to counter rotate the respective magnetic fields are opposite in direction, cancelling each other almost, depending on small irregularities in those chaotic processes. The Earth magnetic field is supposed to be a resultant field of all those counter rotating convection cells.

Now it should also be clear that smal changes in the convection cells could have large effects for the Earth magnetic field, one field a little strong another a little weaker and the complete magnetic polarity may flip from North to South.

This is the geo-dynamo hypothesis.
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  • #3
Atmospheric ozone is constantly generated under IR light of the sun and it decays again due to all kind of chemical processes.

Now: No sun - No ozone. And this happens at the poles every once and a while, It's called the arctic night. It's that simple.

The last one seems to e not Earth related. Have no idea.
  • #4
Andre said:
Atmospheric ozone is constantly generated under IR light

UV light, isn't it?

Now: No sun - No ozone. And this happens at the poles every once and a while, It's called the arctic night. It's that simple.

related causes: Air movement in the stratosphere transports CFCs toward the poles. The colder atmosphere above the poles better retains the CFCs so that higher concentrations are available to react with the sun's rays upon the end of the arctic night.

FAQ: Why does the earth behave like a giant magnet?

1. Why does the earth have a magnetic field?

The earth has a magnetic field because it has a liquid iron core that is constantly moving. This movement of molten iron creates electric currents, which in turn generate a magnetic field.

2. How does the earth's magnetic field protect us from harmful radiation?

The earth's magnetic field acts as a shield, deflecting most of the charged particles and radiation from the sun. This protects us from harmful solar winds and cosmic rays that can be dangerous to living organisms.

3. Does the earth's magnetic field ever change?

Yes, the earth's magnetic field is constantly changing. It is known to flip its polarity every few hundred thousand years, which means the magnetic north and south poles switch places. Scientists are still studying the causes and effects of these magnetic field reversals.

4. What is the significance of the earth's magnetic field?

The earth's magnetic field plays a crucial role in maintaining life on our planet. It not only protects us from harmful radiation, but it also helps animals to navigate and orient themselves. Additionally, the magnetic field contributes to the formation of the auroras in the polar regions.

5. Can we use the earth's magnetic field for navigation?

Yes, humans have been using the earth's magnetic field for navigation for centuries. Compasses work by aligning with the earth's magnetic field, with the needle pointing towards the magnetic north pole. However, due to the constantly changing nature of the magnetic field, navigational systems have to be regularly updated to ensure accuracy.

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