Bode Phase plot of a second order system

In summary, the article discusses the relationship between the Root Locus plot and 3-D Bode Diagrams and how they can be used to help understand the behavior of a system. It is good information to have if you are trying to understand a system in more detail.
  • #1
Hey guys.

I need to know how to draw a Phase Bode plot of a Second order system.

I understand and can draw the Gain(Magnitude) Bode plot, but I can't seem to get the grip of the Phase one.

As far as I know there is an asymptote at 0[tex]^{o}[/tex] at low frequencies and an asymptote at 180[tex]^{o}[/tex] at high frequencies. But the transition between the two changes with damping factor.

Do any of you know the relationship between damping factor and the asymptotes so that I am able to draw an accurate Phase Plot of 2nd Order Systems?

Thanks guys
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  • #2
Dunno about "damping factor". A second order system might have two poles, or a pole and a zero. Each pole or zero will introduce a phase change in the frequency region near it:
  • #3
bumclouds said:
Do any of you know the relationship between damping factor and the asymptotes so that I am able to draw an accurate Phase Plot of 2nd Order Systems?

Let's say you've got a transfer function

[tex]\frac{X(s)}{U(s)}=\frac{G\cdot\omega^2}{s^2+2\zeta\omega s+\omega^2}[/tex]

Then [tex]\zeta[/tex] is your damping ratio. If I remember correctly, the damping ratio determines the shape of the step response and impulse response of the system.

If [tex]\zeta > 1[/tex] then the system is over-damped and the system response is slow.
If [tex]\zeta < 1[/tex] then the system is under-damped and the output has overshoot or ringing before reaching steady-state.
If [tex]\zeta = 1[/tex] then it is critically damped, which is the fastest response without oscillations.
If [tex]\zeta = 0[/tex] then it oscillates.

The location of the poles on the s-plane can be determined from damping ratio (or the damping ratio can be calculated if you know the location of the poles).

Set the denominator in the above equation to zero and solve for s to get the locations of the poles.

(sorry, running out of time, hope this helps you get started...)
  • #4
berkeman said:
Dunno about "damping factor".

that "zeta" coefficient that is related to Q. i think that's what it is.

A second order system might have two poles, or a pole and a zero.

i wouldn't call a system with one pole and one zero a "second-order system". it's a first-order system.

Each pole or zero will introduce a phase change in the frequency region near it:

i thought that Bode plots (using these asymptotes) were good when the poles and zeros were real (so the system can be modeled as a cascaded sections of smaller first-order systems). if the poles/zeros are complex and not so awful close to the real axis, then you need to plot out the frequency response legitimately (using a plotting function in software) instead of the asymptotic approximation approach using Bode plots. you can determine where the asymptotes go, but the behavior around the corners (where asymptotes meet) will be a lot different for complex pole pairs compared to real poles.
  • #5

FAQ: Bode Phase plot of a second order system

What is a Bode Phase plot of a second order system?

A Bode Phase plot is a graphical representation of the phase response of a second order system, which shows how the output phase of the system changes in relation to the input frequency.

How is a Bode Phase plot of a second order system different from a Bode magnitude plot?

A Bode magnitude plot shows the gain or amplitude response of a system, while a Bode Phase plot shows the phase response. They are two different components of the frequency response of a system.

What information can be obtained from a Bode Phase plot of a second order system?

A Bode Phase plot can provide information about the stability, damping, and frequency response of a second order system. It can also be used to determine the system's resonance frequency and bandwidth.

How is a Bode Phase plot of a second order system useful in practical applications?

In engineering and control systems, the Bode Phase plot can be used to design and analyze filters, amplifiers, and other systems. It can also be used to identify and correct issues with stability and frequency response.

What are some common characteristics of a Bode Phase plot of a second order system?

A Bode Phase plot of a second order system typically starts at 0° at low frequencies and transitions to -180° at high frequencies. It also has a peak at the system's resonance frequency and shows a phase margin at the crossover frequency.

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