No End in Sight: Academic Success Stories for This Semester

  • Thread starter Cyrus
  • Start date
In summary: Overall, the semester was ok. I'm a little bummed I didn't get an A in Leadership and Modernization, but at least I got an A in the class.
  • #1
This semester is OVER!

Today was my last final. I think I pulled a 4.0 this semester. :cool:

I am so glad I have all this free time!

Oh, wait that's summer classes start June 5th,

  • Mechanical Engineering 331. Fluid Mechanics (Summer Session I)
  • English Langauge and Literature 393. Technical Writing (Summer Session I)
  • Afro-American Studies 298L. Intro to African-American Lit (Summer Session II)
  • Art 150. Introduction to Art Theory (Summer Session II)

But after this summer I will NEVER have to take another humanity class. :!)

(they make us take 18 credits of humanity and 6 of engrish, that's just not right)

Oh wait, then there is the fall, heat transfer, vibrations I, Electronics II, and Materials :cry:

Make it stop, make it stop!

Post your academic sucess stories for this semester in here. (I don't want to hear, nor care about how you failed) :cool:

I only got 3 hours of sleep before my exam today, so if you will excuse me, I'm going to go pass out so I can go out and get some drinks with my friend later tonight.
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Physics news on
  • #2
cyrusabdollahi said:
But after this summer I will NEVER have to take another humanity class. :!)
I think you should have resigned from humanity sooner! But well being late is better than never...:-p
  • #3
Humanities classes are inhumane

Kudos goes out to Mattmns for his linear exam, oh yeah here's lookin at you! :wink: :cool:
  • #4
Or it's the end of the beginning. :biggrin:
  • #5
:smile: I got a 3.75 this semester, I got a B- in western civ :smile: :cry: In my other 3 classes (3 math classes :smile:) I got 2 A's and an A+, Linear Algebra, Vector Analysis, and Intro to Prob/Stats, respectively. I had a 103.5 average in Vectors but no A+ :cry:

Congrats on the nice semester Cyrus. If only we can get Pengwuino to follow our great example :biggrin:
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  • #6
When Cyrus is disconnected from the hive will he be able to function independantly ?:smile:
  • #7
In two weeks my community college days are over forever! w00t! I are going to be goin to a reel collige now!:biggrin:

Congrats, Cyrus! Keep up the good work.
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
In two weeks my community college days are over forever! w00t! I are going to be goin to a reel collige now!:biggrin:

Congrats, Cyrus! Keep up the good work.

Hey, congrats MIH, a sure winner :smile:
  • #9
Hearty congratulations to Cyrus, mattmns and MIH! Well done!

Umm, I'm still waiting for Pengwuino's report card. :rolleyes:
  • #10
University let out for me at the end of April so I've bee done for awhile now. I ended up finishing with a 3.6 which is ok but I wanted apartment flooded about 2 weeks before finals started and I had to live with 7 industrial fans going 24/7 (they sounded like jet engines) so that cut into my studying a bit. Oh well I have next year to bring it up! Congratulations to everyone who just finished, you guys did great!
  • #11
mattmns said:
:smile: I got a 3.75 this semester, I got a B- in western civ :smile: :cry: In my other 3 classes (3 math classes :smile:) I got 2 A's and an A+, Linear Algebra, Vector Analysis, and Intro to Prob/Stats, respectively. I had a 103.5 average in Vectors but no A+ :cry:

Congrats on the nice semester Cyrus. If only we can get Pengwuino to follow our great example :biggrin:

103.5, sweet. :cool:

I had that in my Materials class last semester. OWNED.
  • #12
I did fairly well past semester. I was taking:

Leadership and Modernization
Structural Analysis II
General Hydraulics
Engineering Materials

Leadership was some kind of humanity course. It was fairly boring. We talked about the qualities a leader posseses, types of leaders in society and etc... Anyway, i liked the last project. The civil engineers united under one group and invested money and time on fixing up a local elementary school, which was pretty busted. I got an A.

Structural Analysis II and General Hydraulics were both really interesting. I learned quite a bit. Got an A on both.

For me Hydrology was tedious, especially the project. I spent a whole deal of time and money working on an hydrological study of a river's watershed (drainage basin). I had to find the geomorphological parameters of the watershed, plus apply some other methods i learned in class. It took me A LOT of time. You wouldn't believe... Anyway i got a good grade.

Engineering Materials was the best class of the semester. I ended up making hydraulic concrete!. I calculated the correct amount of Portland cement, aggregates (sand and chad ["Grava" in spanish]) and water throught the ACI method. The result was an hydraulic concrete with a strength of 180 kg/m^2. All of this was done on the lab, of course. It was the last practice. Got an A too. Btw, when we broke the testtube, it had the correct strength :smile:

Well right now, i am taking:

Highway Design I -> So far it looks tedious :eek: , huge project.

Structural Design I -> Looks moderate, too much to read. It's basicly reinforced concrete design, i got other design courses for steel and wood.

Aqueducts and Sewers -> I got my basis covered, i'll be ok.

Soil Mechanics -> I like learning about it, but the teacher is crazy. All i know about soils came from my Geology I class.

Constructive Methods in Engineering -> Haven't taken the first class, and it's the 2nd week already. The dean of the school is teaching it.
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FAQ: No End in Sight: Academic Success Stories for This Semester

1. What is "No End in Sight: Academic Success Stories for This Semester"?

"No End in Sight: Academic Success Stories for This Semester" is a book that compiles real-life stories of academic success from students who have overcome challenges and achieved their goals during a particular semester. It aims to inspire and motivate other students who may be facing similar struggles.

2. Who is the target audience for this book?

The target audience for "No End in Sight" is primarily college or university students who are currently enrolled in an academic program. However, it can also be beneficial for high school students, as well as anyone who is interested in personal development and finding ways to succeed in challenging situations.

3. What types of academic success stories are included in the book?

The book features a variety of academic success stories, including overcoming academic challenges such as failing a class or struggling with time management, achieving a high GPA, receiving scholarships or awards, and balancing academic responsibilities with personal or family commitments. Each story is unique and offers valuable lessons and advice.

4. How can this book help me with my own academic success?

Reading about the experiences of others who have achieved academic success can provide valuable insights and strategies that you can apply to your own academic journey. The book also offers practical tips and advice on how to overcome common challenges and stay motivated throughout the semester.

5. Is this book based on scientific research?

While the book may reference some research studies, it primarily focuses on real-life experiences and personal anecdotes from students. However, the book's strategies and advice are based on proven methods for academic success, such as setting goals, time management, and seeking support from peers and mentors.

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