How a Theoretical Physicist Makes Themselves Useful to Society?

In summary, what I am saying is that if you want to help society, do not focus on publishing the solutions to current problems in physics. There are many other highly educated and trained people in society who can do this. Try to do something helpful and relevant to society, such as teaching high school, tutoring, or doing something quantitative or analytical.
  • #1
How have some of you used your knowledge of physics to serve others, and be a contributing member of society? Or: any suggestions?
Physics news on
  • #2
I played a small role in preventing the world financial system from collapsing, and by doing so helped prevent a second great depression.
  • #3
bjnartowt said:
How have some of you used your knowledge of physics to serve others, and be a contributing member of society? Or: any suggestions?

This is a puzzling question. It seems to imply that theoretical physicists only work in areas of physics that are esoteric and no relations to anything applicable. Do you think that theoretical physicists only work in subjects like high energy physics and string theory?

Look up the name "John Bardeen". He was a theorist, and without him, your modern electronics (your computer, iPods, etc..) would not work.

  • #4
Enhancing humanity's knowledge of the universe is a pretty fine contribution to society.
  • #5
I wasn't insinuating anything. I was just wondering how I could make use of my skills *now*. Namely: I'm not yet educated enough to publish anything in what seems to be my advisor's field (quantum electrodynamics).

However, I sure as heck know how to take a derivative and I have about an undergraduate's understanding of physics. (a splash of QM, a bit of classical mechanics at the calc of variations level, a bit of electrodynamics): how can I serve people with these? ( up my resume a bit, too...if I may be selfish :-p).
  • #6
I don't know about building up your resume, but you can build up your wallet's size by tutoring at a good price(really depends on where you are).

I live near a relatively small city and a friend of mine has been posting ads for tutoring at the high school level for $50 an hour and is getting hits. $50 and hour is pretty damn good money, and you would be sort of ...serving...or at least making money off of your services!

If you can get ten to twenty hours a week you could be making a ton. I'm sure you could easily pass the Praxis exam to pad your resume.
  • #7
Basically, what I'm asking: I'm not yet at the level of physics-education where I can publish the solutions to current problems in physics. Is there anything I can do in the meantime that helps society?
  • #8
bjnartowt said:
Basically, what I'm asking: I'm not yet at the level of physics-education where I can publish the solutions to current problems in physics. Is there anything I can do in the meantime that helps society?

As mentioned, tutoring is great. I imagine you could help kids at the high school or undergraduate level. That's really all there is to do at this point, if you want to use what you've been learning at least.
  • #9
bjnartowt said:
Basically, what I'm asking: I'm not yet at the level of physics-education where I can publish the solutions to current problems in physics. Is there anything I can do in the meantime that helps society?

The vast. vast. vast majority of people who work for the benefit of society, as you put it, don't do it by publishing the solutions to current problems in physics.

Go volunteer for something you believe in.
  • #10
Teaching high school is not 'sort of' serving, it *is* serving!
  • #11
bjnartowt said:
Basically, what I'm asking: I'm not yet at the level of physics-education where I can publish the solutions to current problems in physics. Is there anything I can do in the meantime that helps society?

Helping society does not require being a physicist. A variety of highly educated people in sciences or engineering can help society. The purpose of a physicist is not really to help society; it is to understand and explain. The purpose of other educated and trained people is to help society (although sometimes applications of theirs actually hurt society a bit).

Analytical, quantitative, and sometimes computer-programming skills, themselves without having any particular finished Degree are enough to do useful things in some small segment of society. Anyone with at least some physics education would be able to solve some problems using Arithmetic (and sometimes a bit of Geometry) combined with chosen fundamental principles. Solving problems is helping at least some small part of society.

FAQ: How a Theoretical Physicist Makes Themselves Useful to Society?

1. What is the role of a theoretical physicist in society?

A theoretical physicist studies the fundamental laws of nature and develops theories to explain and predict physical phenomena. They also work to advance our understanding of the universe and contribute to technological and scientific advancements.

2. How do theoretical physicists contribute to society?

Theoretical physicists contribute to society by conducting research that leads to new discoveries and innovations in areas such as energy, healthcare, and communication. They also help to solve complex problems and provide insights that can be applied in various fields.

3. Can theoretical physicists make a difference in everyday life?

Yes, theoretical physicists can make a difference in everyday life through their contributions to technology, medicine, and other fields. For example, theoretical physicists have played a crucial role in the development of computers, lasers, and medical imaging devices.

4. How do theoretical physicists collaborate with other scientists and professionals?

Theoretical physicists collaborate with other scientists and professionals by sharing their expertise and knowledge, collaborating on research projects, and exchanging ideas and information. They also work closely with experimental physicists and engineers to test and validate their theories.

5. What are some potential future impacts of theoretical physics on society?

Theoretical physics has the potential to impact society in many ways in the future. Some potential impacts include advancements in renewable energy sources, improved understanding and treatment of diseases, and developments in quantum computing and communication technologies. Theoretical physicists also play a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and space exploration.
