Is it true that unitary transform in QM corresponds to canonical transform

In summary, the unitary transform in quantum mechanics corresponds to the canonical transformation in classical mechanics in a similar way. The state function \Psi[O] is a functional of the observable algebra and is subject to positivity and normalization conditions. The canonically transformed observable, O', is obtained from the original observable, O. In the case of the wave function \psi(x), Dirac's Quantum Mechanics section 26 provides a comprehensive explanation of this concept. However, it should be noted that while there is an analogy between unitary and canonical transformations, unitary transformations are more general and the two types are not equivalent due to the fundamental differences between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics.
  • #1
Is it true that unitary transform in QM corresponds to canonical transformation in classical mechanics in this way:

[tex]\hat{U}\Psi[O] = \Psi[O'][/tex]

state [tex]\Psi[O][/tex] is a functional of the observable algebra, satisfying positivity and normalization conditions. [tex]O'[/tex] is the canonically transformed observable.

what does it look like in the case of wave function [tex]\psi(x)[/tex] ?
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Physics news on
  • #2
See Dirac's Quantum Mechanics, section 26, for a very thorough discussion of this matter. In short, Dirac notes that while unitary and contact/canonical transformations are analogous, unitary xforms are far more general than canonical ones -- QM and classical mechanics are very different.
Reilly Atkinson
  • #3

The relationship between unitary transforms in quantum mechanics and canonical transformations in classical mechanics is a complex and nuanced one. While there are some similarities between the two, it is not accurate to say that a unitary transform in QM always corresponds to a canonical transform in classical mechanics.

Firstly, it is important to clarify that the term "canonical transform" in classical mechanics refers to a specific type of transformation that preserves the form of Hamilton's equations. These equations describe the evolution of a system over time and are based on the Hamiltonian, which is a function of the system's position and momentum variables. In contrast, the term "unitary transform" in quantum mechanics refers to a type of transformation that preserves the inner product between two quantum states.

In certain cases, a unitary transform in quantum mechanics can be related to a canonical transform in classical mechanics. This is known as the Wigner-Weyl correspondence and it is based on the fact that the quantum mechanical operators representing observables can be mapped onto classical phase space functions. However, this correspondence is not always straightforward and it depends on the specific observables and transformations involved.

In the case of the wave function \psi(x), the unitary transform \hat{U}\psi(x) would result in a new wave function \psi'(x) that is related to the original one by a phase factor. This is because the unitary transform only acts on the quantum state, not on the underlying classical variables. On the other hand, a canonical transform in classical mechanics would result in a new set of classical variables, such as position and momentum, that are related to the original ones by a specific transformation. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that the unitary transform corresponds to the canonical transform in this case.

In summary, while there are some connections between unitary transforms in quantum mechanics and canonical transformations in classical mechanics, they are not equivalent and cannot be simply interchanged. They represent different mathematical concepts and should be understood and applied accordingly.

FAQ: Is it true that unitary transform in QM corresponds to canonical transform

1. What is a unitary transform in quantum mechanics?

A unitary transform in quantum mechanics is a mathematical operation that preserves the inner product of two quantum states. It is represented by a unitary matrix and is used to describe the evolution of quantum systems in time.

2. What is a canonical transform in quantum mechanics?

A canonical transform in quantum mechanics is a mathematical operation that transforms the coordinates and momentums of a quantum system while preserving its Hamiltonian. It is used to simplify the equations of motion and study the symmetries of a quantum system.

3. How are unitary transforms and canonical transforms related in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, it is true that a unitary transform corresponds to a canonical transform. This means that a unitary transform can be used to describe the same physical transformations as a canonical transform, but in a different mathematical form.

4. What are the applications of unitary transforms in quantum mechanics?

Unitary transforms are widely used in quantum mechanics to describe the evolution of quantum systems, such as in quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum simulations. They are also used in the study of quantum measurement and entanglement.

5. How do unitary transforms affect the observables of a quantum system?

Unitary transforms do not change the observables of a quantum system. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of observables remain the same after a unitary transform is applied. This is because unitary transforms preserve the inner product of quantum states, which is directly related to the probabilities of measurement outcomes.

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