What could be causing waves and shaking on my computer screen?

In summary, the conversation revolves around a computer experiencing waves and shaking on the monitor. After trying different monitors, reloading drivers, and running various anti-virus programs, it is determined that the issue is due to a faulty video chip on the motherboard. A new video card is suggested as a solution, which ultimately resolves the problem. There is no clear explanation as to why restoring to an earlier date helped.
  • #1
ray b
my computer just got waves and shaking on the monitor
tried a different monitor same result
tryed reloading the ATI driver pack it got worse
dumped everything in the V driver and reloaded still bad
tried high and low rez and refresh rates
high on both looked worse to the point of being unreadable
with lowest rez best but still some waves and shaking
restore to an earlyer date some what better but still there just somewhat less

the box is a A64 in a MS7093 MB with on board ATI xpress 200 V chip

run avast anti-virus maliwarebites spybot adaware combofix and no cure

is this a known bug or is it chip failure
would a video card be a fix to disable the on MB chip

edit googled this a bit and common fixes like el wires or magnets near screen DONOT APPLY
no close source of this problem and no thing new has been added or moved
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Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
ray b said:
my computer just got waves and shaking on the monitor
tried a different monitor same result
tryed reloading the ATI driver pack it got worse
dumped everything in the V driver and reloaded still bad
tried high and low rez and refresh rates
high on both looked worse to the point of being unreadable
with lowest rez best but still some waves and shaking
restore to an earlyer date some what better but still there just somewhat less

the box is a A64 in a MS7093 MB with on board ATI xpress 200 V chip

run avast anti-virus maliwarebites spybot adaware combofix and no cure

is this a known bug or is it chip failure
would a video card be a fix to disable the on MB chip

edit googled this a bit and common fixes like el wires or magnets near screen DONOT APPLY
no close source of this problem and no thing new has been added or moved

I'm not quite sure what your problem is. Is the monitor doing this constantly, or is it more of a "flicker?"
  • #3
Moving magnetic fields near the monitor can cause this, or even blowing a fan at the monitor can cause it
  • #4
fixed it !
was a bad video chip on the MB
I knew it was not magnetic fields
a new video card and no more waves

I am not sure why the restore to early date helped at all

FAQ: What could be causing waves and shaking on my computer screen?

1. What causes waves and shaking on my screen?

Waves and shaking on your screen are typically caused by interference in the signal being sent from your device to the screen. This can be due to a variety of factors such as a loose connection, electromagnetic interference, or a faulty graphics card.

2. How can I fix waves and shaking on my screen?

The first step in fixing waves and shaking on your screen is to check all of your connections and make sure they are secure. If that does not solve the issue, try adjusting the settings on your graphics card or updating the drivers. If the problem persists, it may be a hardware issue and you may need to replace your graphics card.

3. Can using certain devices or electronics near my screen cause waves and shaking?

Yes, certain devices or electronics that emit electromagnetic fields, such as speakers or cell phones, can interfere with the signal being sent to your screen and cause waves and shaking. It is recommended to keep these devices at least a few feet away from your screen to minimize interference.

4. Is there a way to prevent waves and shaking on my screen?

The best way to prevent waves and shaking on your screen is to regularly clean and maintain your device and its connections. This will help ensure a strong and stable signal to your screen. Additionally, minimizing the use of other electronic devices near your screen can also help prevent interference.

5. Is waves and shaking on my screen a sign of a serious issue?

In most cases, waves and shaking on your screen are not a sign of a serious issue and can be easily fixed. However, if the problem persists after trying the suggested solutions, it may be an indication of a more serious hardware problem and you may need to seek professional assistance.

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