Creating a Flammable Bouncing Ball: A Scientific Approach

  • Thread starter SkepticJ
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In summary: Ah, makes sense. If I have to do it that way, so be it. I'd much rather alter the chemistry of the ball itself, without ruining the bounce. Bouncing balls are intentionally made non-flammable correct? They're made from polymers made from hydrocarbons. You can't ask for much better burning stuff than hydrocarbons or materials made from them; so what's added to keep them from burning well?I've used those, but I was thinking more along the line of fuses with gunpowder, or whatever it is, in them that makes them burn fast.As much as I would love to see a Flaming Bouncy Ball, the
  • #1
No, I'm not crazy, nor will use them in an unethical manner. I simply want a novel subject to photograph for Advanced Photography (The judges probably haven't ever seen such a thing.) and to use on the 4th etc. I've tried setting bouncing balls on fire, doesn't work. How can I make them, or one from scratch, that is flammable to the point where it won't go out even when bouncing at high speed into the sky?
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  • #2
I remember hearing about the "flaming balloon". Basically, this guy filled it up with hydrogen, soaked it in acetone, and then lit it and let it fly.

I guess you could try soaking the balls in some flammable solvent like acetone and then lighting it. I doubt this will work. Ideally, you'll need some sort of fuse so you won't burn your hand off.
  • #3
Cesium said:
I remember hearing about the "flaming balloon". Basically, this guy filled it up with hydrogen, soaked it in acetone, and then lit it and let it fly.
I guess you could try soaking the balls in some flammable solvent like acetone and then lighting it. I doubt this will work. Ideally, you'll need some sort of fuse so you won't burn your hand off.

So what does the acetone do in the balloon trick? Make the balloon latex itself flammable?

Where do I get fuses? I've wondered this for years, because the fuses that are on some fireworks aren't nearly long enough. So I've wanted to modify them to give me time to get away and actually enjoy watching the thing go off; instead of running for my life.
  • #4
the acetone put on the balloon is what would burn at first. If the actual rubber of the balloon was burning, it wouldn't stay a balloon very long, it would pop. It is like the trick where you put alcohol on your hand, then light your hand on fire. As long as you do it right, your hand is safe while the alcohol burns.
Coating a ball with just about any type of flammable liquid would work. Light it on first, roll it off a table, and quickly take the picture.

As for fuses, a really cheap-o verion I have come to use in some circumstances is a piece of paper. tear a paper strip and set it against the object you want to light, light the other end of the paper, and (assuming the paper doesn't blow away or go out), the fire will evenually move toward the other side.
  • #5
mrjeffy321 said:
the acetone put on the balloon is what would burn at first. If the actual rubber of the balloon was burning, it wouldn't stay a balloon very long, it would pop. It is like the trick where you put alcohol on your hand, then light your hand on fire. As long as you do it right, your hand is safe while the alcohol burns.
Coating a ball with just about any type of flammable liquid would work. Light it on first, roll it off a table, and quickly take the picture.

As for fuses, a really cheap-o verion I have come to use in some circumstances is a piece of paper. tear a paper strip and set it against the object you want to light, light the other end of the paper, and (assuming the paper doesn't blow away or go out), the fire will evenually move toward the other side.

Ah, makes sense.
If I have to do it that way, so be it. I'd much rather alter the chemistry of the ball itself, without ruining the bounce. Bouncing balls are intentionally made non-flammable correct? They're made from polymers made from hydrocarbons. You can't ask for much better burning stuff than hydrocarbons or materials made from them; so what's added to keep them from burning well?

I've used those, but I was thinking more along the line of fuses with gunpowder, or whatever it is, in them that makes them burn fast.
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  • #6
As much as I would love to see a Flaming Bouncy Ball, the melting rubber sticking to the surfaces of bouncing and the introduced shrapnial would be a turn down.

Also try soaking the polymer balls in Kyrosene (spelling), for 10-15 minutes and see if that does the trink in breaking down enough of the surface for the ball to ignite. Most of those balls are very dense, and very smooth on the surface, that makes it hard to get enough oxygen to combust. Also another idea is porting the ball by drilling many small holes in the structure to allow it to vent while keeping its bouncy qualities.

Its like trying to light Flour, you can't light a pile of Flour setting on a table, but if you vaporize it, your going to need to regrow your eyebrows for a month.

FAQ: Creating a Flammable Bouncing Ball: A Scientific Approach

What are "Flammable Bouncing Balls"?

"Flammable Bouncing Balls" are a type of toy or novelty item that are designed to bounce and catch fire upon impact. They are typically made of a material that is highly flammable, such as rubber or plastic, and contain a small amount of flammable liquid inside.

Are "Flammable Bouncing Balls" safe to use?

No, "Flammable Bouncing Balls" are not safe to use. Due to their highly flammable nature, they pose a fire hazard and should not be used or played with.

What happens if a "Flammable Bouncing Ball" catches fire?

If a "Flammable Bouncing Ball" catches fire, it will produce flames and potentially release toxic fumes. The fire can quickly spread and cause harm to anyone or anything nearby.

Why are "Flammable Bouncing Balls" still sold?

Despite the potential dangers, "Flammable Bouncing Balls" may still be sold due to lack of regulation or oversight in certain areas. It is important to always check the safety warnings and labels on any toy or novelty item before purchasing.

What precautions should be taken when using "Flammable Bouncing Balls"?

The safest precaution is to not use "Flammable Bouncing Balls" at all. If you do choose to use them, make sure to keep them away from any open flames or heat sources, and never leave them unattended. It is also important to properly dispose of them after use to avoid any potential fire hazards.
