FQXi project descriptions now online (thx GL)

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, the FQXi project is a non-profit organization that supports research and public discourse on fundamental questions in physics and cosmology. The FQXi website features a variety of projects, including research proposals, essays, and multimedia projects, that address these questions. Anyone can submit a project to FQXi, and submissions are selected based on their relevance, originality, and potential impact. There are various ways to get involved with FQXi, such as submitting a project, participating in discussions, and supporting the organization through membership or donations.
  • #1
Science Advisor
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thanks to Garrett for alerting us to the fact that the summaries and ABSTRACTS for the 30 FQXi projects are now available

several of them are interesting to read
for example here is page 2 of the Pullin-Gambini project

Dr. Jorge A. Pullin
Louisiana State University

Rodolfo Gambini
University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay

Project Title:
Relational Physics with Real Rods and Clocks and the Measurement Problem of Quantum Mechanics

Technical Abstract:
When quantum mechanics is formulated in terms of relational notions, as is required by any theory of nature that includes gravity, it takes a different form than the usual one. In particular, there is a natural loss of coherence in quantum states when time and space are measured by realistic clocks and rods, which have quantum and other types of uncertainties in their measurements. We propose to investigate the impact of this loss of coherence on the fundamental problems of measurement in quantum theory. The aim is to show that the use of real clocks and measuring rods in quantum theory, combined with interactions with the environment, effectively eliminates most of the well known issues with the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics. It also opens a new perspective to be explored on interpretational issues of the quantum theory, since in view of the fundamental loss of coherence some interpretations of quantum mechanics immediately lose their compelling nature, whereas others arise as more natural."

for a more general overview, see their page 1:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks to Garrett for alerting us to this great resource! The summaries and abstracts for the 30 FQXi projects are now available, and several of them are very interesting to read. I just took a look at the Pullin-Gambini project, which proposes to investigate the impact of a natural loss of coherence when time and space are measured by realistic clocks and rods. It looks like a fascinating project with potential implications for the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics and interpretations of the quantum theory. Thanks again to Garrett for pointing us to this great resource!
  • #3

I find this project to be very intriguing and potentially groundbreaking. The idea of formulating quantum mechanics in terms of relational notions is a unique approach that could lead to a better understanding of the fundamental problems in the theory. The use of real clocks and measuring rods in quantum theory, combined with interactions with the environment, could potentially eliminate some of the long-standing issues with the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics. This project has the potential to not only shed light on the measurement problem, but also open up new perspectives and interpretations of quantum mechanics. I look forward to following the progress of this project and seeing the potential implications for the field of physics.

FAQ: FQXi project descriptions now online (thx GL)

1. What is the FQXi project?

The FQXi project, also known as the Foundational Questions Institute, is a non-profit organization that supports research and public discourse on fundamental questions in physics and cosmology.

2. What types of projects are featured on the FQXi website?

The FQXi website features a variety of projects, including research proposals, essays, and multimedia projects, that address fundamental questions in physics and cosmology.

3. Who can submit a project to FQXi?

Anyone can submit a project to FQXi, regardless of their background or affiliation. The organization encourages submissions from both professional scientists and interested individuals.

4. How are projects selected to be featured on the FQXi website?

Projects are selected based on their relevance to fundamental questions in physics and cosmology, as well as their originality and potential impact. All submissions go through a rigorous review process by a panel of experts in the field.

5. How can I get involved with FQXi and its projects?

There are several ways to get involved with FQXi, such as submitting a project, participating in discussions on the website, and attending FQXi events and conferences. You can also support the organization by becoming a member or making a donation.

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