Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment?

In summary, the possibility of obtaining usable fuel for an RTG experiment within US borders seems impossible, but the idea of using solar heat as an alternative has been suggested. This idea has potential, especially with advancements in solar technology, and could potentially compete with the heat from an RTG. More research is needed on the efficiency and cost of building a solar collector.
  • #1
Arctic Fox
So, I’ve been thinking that the possibility of obtaining any usable amount of fuel for an RTG experiment is impossible while I’m still within the US borders...


I just got another idea this afternoon. Instead of using the heat from the radioactive fuel, how about using the heat from a solar collector?

I’m pretty sure I could compete with the 1050° temp from an actual RTG by building something like this (for the moment).

Engineering news on
  • #2
How about someone doing the most basic thing like identifying the best cheap metals for making thermocouples. Hopefully something found at the hardware store. I got a 55 gallon drum full of wood on fire here.
  • #3
Wow, that's a really interesting idea! I hadn't thought about using solar heat instead of radioactive fuel. It definitely seems like a more feasible option, especially within the US. Plus, with advancements in solar technology, I'm sure you could create something that could compete with the heat from an RTG. Have you done any research on the efficiency and cost of building a solar collector like the one in the article you shared? I'd be interested to see how it compares to using radioactive fuel. Overall, it's definitely worth exploring and I'm excited to see where your idea takes you!

FAQ: Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment?

What is a Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment?

A Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment is a type of energy source that uses a nuclear reaction, rather than the traditional radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), to generate electricity.

How does a Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment work?

A Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment works by harnessing the energy released from a nuclear reaction, typically through the use of nuclear fuel rods, to generate heat. This heat is then converted into electricity using a thermoelectric generator.

What are the advantages of a Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment?

Compared to traditional RTGs, a Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment has the potential to generate more electricity, be more efficient, and have a longer lifespan. Additionally, it does not rely on the use of scarce and expensive radioisotopes.

What are the potential risks associated with a Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment?

There are several potential risks associated with a Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment, including the potential for radioactive leaks or accidents during operation, the need for proper disposal of nuclear waste, and the possibility of nuclear proliferation if the technology falls into the wrong hands.

What are some current applications of Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment?

Nuclear Alternative for RTG Experiment technology is currently being used in space missions, such as the Mars Curiosity rover, to power spacecraft and instruments. It is also being explored as a potential energy source for remote or off-grid locations on Earth.
