Which is worse: Cigars or Cigarettes

  • Thread starter Nothing000
  • Start date
In summary: I was walking down the street this past week and someone on the other sidewalk was smoking a pipe... and I inhaled the smell of some memories... and it was kinda nice. Could I encourage someone to smoke an occasional pipe without enormous amounts of guilt?
  • #1
I know what you all are going to say: They are both bad for you! But I want to find out which one is really worse for you.

I of course know that smoking one cigar is worse than smoking one cigarette. But I was wondering what would be worse: smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, or smoking one cigar a day?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
cigarettes are worse
  • #3
They are both bad for you!

I strongly advise against both, as they can kill you.
  • #4
Well.. i heard a cigar is like 10 cigarettes... so i take it cigars are worse :P
  • #5
Cigar smokers generally don't inhail, whether that makes a difference or not I don't know.
  • #6
Anttech said:
Cigar smokers generally don't inhail, whether that makes a difference or not I don't know.

Ya, I forgot to mention that.

I also forgot to mention that I am asking this question since I recently started smoking cigars (I am sure most of you realized that already from the way the post was written). But I don't inhale. And yes, I know it is still bad. They are both bad; we can all agree on that. But does anyone have any factual info on the health difference between cigarettes and cigars?
  • #7
Nothing000 said:
Ya, I forgot to mention that.

I also forgot to mention that I am asking this question since I recently started smoking cigars (I am sure most of you realized that already from the way the post was written). But I don't inhale. And yes, I know it is still bad. They are both bad; we can all agree on that. But does anyone have any factual info on the health difference between cigarettes and cigars?

You can find lots of facts on the internet. I think cigar smokers (who don't inhale) possesses a greater oral cavity cancer (of any kind) potential. Inhaling any type of cigar is pure madness. Further on, I think it looks pretty stupid, specially if you're younger, but suit yourself.
  • #8
How the hell do you know I am younger. I could easilly be in my early 130's for all you know.

Hey, do you like the deftones?
  • #9
Nothing000 said:
How the hell do you know I am younger. I could easilly be in my early 130's for all you know.

Hey, do you like the deftones?

I said, if you're younger. It's only a possibility. :smile:
  • #10
Good. Because I am in fact 132 years YOUNG. Hey, homes, do you like Deftones? And more important, do like Beastie Boys?
  • #11
I think it is gross that Havana cigars are rolled into shape on the thighs of Cuban women.
So, just cigarettes for me.
  • #12
Cuban's are lovely... I only smoke 'em at special occasions, like new Year. Takes me a good few hours to finish them.
  • #13
Other areas are probably different. Here, it's the addatives in cigarette tobacco that make them worse. I always inhale cigars and pipes when I smoke them, but that's just because they aren't too far removed from the unfiltered cigarettes that I use. I pretty much gave up both of them with the advent of the emphysema because they're too harsh. Still working on the cigarette thing. :rolleyes:
  • #14
Cigars, not inhaled.
Approximately 50% of people with oral cancer will live more than 5 years after diagnosis and treatment. If the cancer is detected early, before it has spread to other tissues, the cure rate is nearly 75%. Unfortunately, more than 50% of oral cancers are advanced at the time the cancer is detected. Most have spread to the throat or neck.

Lung cancer is the most lethal of cancers worldwide, causing up to 3 million deaths annually. Only one in ten patients diagnosed with this disease will survive the next five years.

So its just a matter of chooseing which way you perfer to die. I have seen the bodies from both kinds of deaths, neither is very pretty.
  • #15
hypatia said:
I have seen the bodies from both kinds of deaths, neither is very pretty.
What the #$!% do you do for a living!:bugeye:
  • #16
What about pipe smoking? Not that I'd consider it... I don't smoke... I just sometimes like the smell of someone who does. A mild cigarette smoke reminds me of a good girl-friend, stronger cigarettes of some European pals, etc... and well, I was walking down the street this past week and someone on the other sidewalk was smoking a pipe... and I inhaled the smell of some memories... and it was kinda nice. Could I encourage someone to smoke an occasional pipe without enormous amounts of guilt? I already know a few guys that smoke an occasional cigar. Cigars vs. pipe? Anyone know?
  • #17
physics girl phd said:
What about pipe smoking? Not that I'd consider it... I don't smoke... I just sometimes like the smell of someone who does. A mild cigarette smoke reminds me of a good girl-friend, stronger cigarettes of some European pals, etc... and well, I was walking down the street this past week and someone on the other sidewalk was smoking a pipe... and I inhaled the smell of some memories... and it was kinda nice. Could I encourage someone to smoke an occasional pipe without enormous amounts of guilt? I already know a few guys that smoke an occasional cigar. Cigars vs. pipe? Anyone know?
My dad smoked a pipe and I bought him a humidor for his pipe tobacco, it smelled so good.

I know someone that smokes a pipe and he doesn't believe me that it won't bother me. There is so much difference between cigarette and pipe smoke.
  • #18
Nothing000 said:
How the hell do you know I am younger. I could easilly be in my early 130's for all you know.

Hey, do you like the deftones?

in that case I would advise chocolate with sigar taste.
  • #19
I think it is gross that Havana cigars are rolled into shape on the thighs of Cuban women.
*thinks how cigars look* Ah! So Cuban women are all pirates with peg legs!
  • #20
as a freshman in college i was pontificating about the evils of drinking when a friend pointed out: "you smoke. that's worse for you than drinking." i never knew that, having been "educated" by self righteous right wing religious morons.

as a grown man with serious lung problems, i suggest dropping both cigars and cigarettes.
  • #21
mathwonk said:
as a grown man with serious lung problems, i suggest dropping both cigars and cigarettes.
You too, huh? Every time that I see kids smoking, I suggest that they stop. I also have to tell them that hearing that as a kid made me more determined to keep at it. Now, I try to point out that it has nothing to do with any moral stance. It's killing me, and I don't want to see it happen to someone else who can have a meaningful life. And the hell of it is, I still enjoy it. I have the Nicorette inhaler (aerosol nicotine), but it just isn't the same... :frown: ) So I still smoke Canadian Classic with the filter ripped off. (As I like to tell curious onlookers: if I want to suck on a tampon, I have far more disgusting ways to do it than to pay to have one one the end of my cigarette.)
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  • #22
Wanna be a convincing role-model? Stop.
  • #23
arildno said:
I think it is gross that Havana cigars are rolled into shape on the thighs of Cuban women.
I know a few Cuban women.
Now if I could just talk them into rolling cigars on their thighs o:)
  • #24
Well, if you keep them blindfolded, you can just tell them that it's a cigar... :rolleyes:
  • #25
Nothing000 said:
I know what you all are going to say: They are both bad for you! But I want to find out which one is really worse for you.

I of course know that smoking one cigar is worse than smoking one cigarette. But I was wondering what would be worse: smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, or smoking one cigar a day?
Cigarettes are MUCH better. Take it from me. I especially recommend Gauloises Blondes, my favourite brand.

If you smoke up to 5 cigarettes per day, smoking is not too harmful. Really, it gives a lot of joy and no it does NOT make you feel bad. I am sure that some people here will agree with me.

Don't always listen to them cheap morals of the "health police".

Enjoy but don't overdo it...lol

greets marlon
  • #26
verty said:
Wanna be a convincing role-model? Stop.

Was this a message about smoking?
Or was it a message to Danger? :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #27
:-p ..
  • #28
In that case I recommend reading http://www.quitsmoking.com/books/smokestop/index.htm . It's guaranteed that you quit :approve: . Definitely

The question is with what, smoking or reading? :rolleyes:
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  • #29
Was this a message about smoking?
Or was it a message to Danger?

Did I take Danger too seriously? I guess he might have been taking the mickey, but I'm sure plenty people think that way.
  • #30
In that case I recommend reading this book. It's guaranteed that you quit . Definitely

Speaking of which, Allen Carr's book is really good.
  • #31
2 things finally helped me quit:
1) i read that it is the number 1 factor in heart disease that is within my control (my dad died of heart faiure).
2) one day after class, (I even smoked in class) a student who was struggling to get a D, told me he was concerned about my smoking.

i thought, if a kid that slow feels sorry for me, I must be a real moron to smoke.
  • #32
obviously the solution is to inject nicotine directly into your bloodstream. No tar from that, and it feeds the addiction.

The only problem is avoiding ODing because nicotine is incredibly poisonous.
  • #33
A smoker does not inhale with cigars? Is it just like having a piece of harmful incense in your mouth then?
  • #34
obviously the solution is to inject nicotine directly into your bloodstream.

No! Nicotine is highly addictive. Why would you want to keep dosing yourself with it? Nicotine is the first thing that must go.
  • #35
gosh I didnt realize how many people smoked. how did you guys start? didn't you consider the long-term health effects? How does it give you satisfaction? Is it lilke an epicurean thing to do?

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