Understanding the Cat in a Box Paradox

  • Thread starter ArielGenesis
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    Box Paradox
In summary: I also said that it is different from being dead or alive.Yes, I think we're on the same page now. The point that I've been trying to make is that the common interpretation of the Schroedinger's Cat paradox is that it is in a superposition of states. That means that ALL of those states exist simultaneously. What seems to be often missed in this is the word "superposition". Many people would say that the cat is either dead OR alive, and we just don't know which one. But that's not what a superposition means.Zz.In summary, the conversation discusses the cat in a box paradox as an analogy for particles in quantum
  • #141
Does everyone remember learning Maxwell's equations in classical electrodynamics? Remember the textbook justifying his fix to Ampere's law, with an example such as: taking an Amperian loop around some part of a capacitor-containing circuit? "The current enclosed by the loop" is ill defined because you are free to arbitrarily choose the shape of the enclosing surface (so as to either slip between the capacitor plates OR cut a conducting wire)?

Griffiths said "in Maxwell's time there was no experimental [..inconsistency.] The flaw was a purely theoretical one, and Maxwell fixed it by purely theoretical arguments." To me, Schroedinger's cat seems like a highly analogous example: sure there are no experimental problems, but states are ill defined due to the arbitrary freedom to choose where collapse occurs, and so it is still desirable to find an interpretation free of these theoretical flaws.
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  • #142
Rade said:
Thank you for your comments, but I do not agree with your first sentence above. Within the box, two coin states exist at any time, they are only separated by space. Within the box the coin has both head state and tail state by definition of being a coin (ontology)
This is a fallacy. In coin tossing, an outcome of "head" means one thing. You need to distinguish the fact that the coin has both a "head" and a "tail" from the outcome of tossing, which can only be one and not the other.

By definition, the states being discussed have to do with which face of the coin is up, not which whether the coin has two faces. It is a given. So the real issue is, can both faces of the coin be up at the same time?

By definition of what a coin is, if "heads" is up, "tail" is down. Therefore to say both "heads" and "tails" are up is a logical contradiction even before we have started discussing any physics. The same applies to any talk of "probability wavefunctions" being real entities. It doesn't even survive the language and logic test so there is no point trying to discuss the physics.

Lets look at it another way. To say that the cat is neither dead or alive until we look is the same as saying we create the reality by observing it. It then begs the question what reality you are trying to observe? To say the cat is neither dead or alive and then trying to determine whether it is dead or alive is utter stupidity in the first place. There are tons of reasons why this interpretation of QM does not make sense and I've only hinted at a few.

As relates to the ontology, a cat in a closed box has both alive and dead states by definition of being a cat, and it has either alive state or dead state as relates to human knowledge after observation. As I see it, the key is to grasp the dialectic of the [and + or] as the basis of reality, quantum or classical. There are not two different realities, one classical and one quantum, they are a dialectic of a more basic synthesis of the [and + or] states of existence. This is how I see it, perhaps I error.
This is a fallacy. It is true that ontologically, cats CAN be either dead or alive. This is probability. Both states are possible for cats. But no single cat can physically be in both states at the same time. It is clearer in macroscopic examples like the cat in the box situation because the states are clearly determined with enough experimental evidence for any reasonable human being to know that cats can not both be dead and alive at the same time.

What is astonishing is that many people skip the logical contradictions and jump right into fantastic metaphysical theories that have nothing to do with science.
  • #143
f95toli said:
But there has also been a LOT of work done on systems consisting of single objects that STILL can be put in a superposition; solid state qubits are a good example (single ions in ion traps is another). Superpositions are as " real" as any other state; if they were just due to "classical probability" quantum computers would not work (not to mention the fact that much of atomic and molecular physics would also not work).

Can you cite some examples?
  • #144
cesiumfrog said:
sure there are no experimental problems, but states are ill defined due to the arbitrary freedom to choose where collapse occurs, and so it is still desirable to find an interpretation free of these theoretical flaws.

I think I know now what my comprehension problem is. I have always thought implicitely that the collapse of the wave function could one day be explained by some more fundamental process (similar for example to critical points in classical mechanics). But of course my view is not congruent with standard interpretations of quantum mechanics.

So the problem with the cat in the box paradox is that the collapse of the wave function is not described by the Schrödinger equation, although it apparently happens all the time, right ? So there's only two alternatives: either reality independent of the observer does not exist or the wave function collapse can be explained by something outside the framework of quantum mechanics.

But what is so far-fetched with the proposition that the collapse can be explained by some physical law one day ?

Yes I know there's some restrictions like Bell's theorem (which I haven't ever tried to understand), but isn't there an enormous multitude of possible future theories left ?

(Sorry for being so noisy.)
  • #145
Couldn't the cat in the box paradox probably be boiled down to the following question:

Is there any specific property of a quantum mechanical process that indicates whether or not it triggers the collapse of the wave function ?
  • #146
I don't think I quite follow the issue we seem to be having here, especially when I think I see at least a couple of different tracks of discussion this thread to be on.

Are we talking about a generic Schrodinger Cat-type state, or are we discussing specifically the problems with an actual Cat-in-a-box-with-radioactive-material thought experiment?

The generic Schrodinger Cat-type state and the related measurement problem have been extensively presented in that Leggett paper that I've mentioned. This also includes the clearest evidence for quantum superposition of LARGE conglomerate of particle on the order of 10^11 particles (macroscopic when compared to other situations). Why do we want to go to bigger sizes? To see if at some scale if QM transitions into classical even if we can still maintain coherence, and the possibility of observing the dynamics of a measurement, which one expects a priori to be easier to do with a larger object.

If this is an issue about the cat itself, we can always get someone to actually perform the experiment! (don't tell PETA though). However, unlike the Delft/Stony Brook experiments, as I've said before, how are we going to detect the presence of such superposition? What observable do we measure that is either non-commuting or non-contextual to the "alive-dead" observable to detect the presence of such superposition? So to me, the actual cat experiment itself is ill-defined to an actual test. This is before we even consider if the cat is in coherence with the radioactive source or if it is interacting with its environment that induce decoherence, etc.. etc... so the problem here is in trying to actually test what we want to show. As an experimentalist, and as any other experimentalist can tell you, if you don't know what to actually measure, there's no experiment to construct.

  • #147
ZapperZ said:
So to me, the actual cat experiment itself is ill-defined to an actual test. This is before we even consider if the cat is in coherence with the radioactive source or if it is interacting with its environment that induce decoherence, etc.. etc... so the problem here is in trying to actually test what we want to show. As an experimentalist, and as any other experimentalist can tell you, if you don't know what to actually measure, there's no experiment to construct.

I'm not sure if I have understood what you say. A superposition of states cannot be measured as the wave function cannot be measured without destroying it. But doesn't the cat in the box experiment rather indicate that we don't understand the measurement process since we cannot tell when the cat actually died or not as we finally open the box ?
  • #148
OOO said:
I'm not sure if I have understood what you say. A superposition of states cannot be measured as the wave function cannot be measured without destroying it. But doesn't the cat in the box experiment rather indicate that we don't understand the measurement process since we cannot tell when the cat actually died or not as we finally open the box ?

That is why I mentioned about non-commuting and non-contextual observables.

Remember, if an operator A operates on a wavefunction, only those observables that commute with A will also have the wavefunction "collapsing" for them (assuming non-degenerate states). Those that do not commute with A still have undetermined values.

In the SQUID experiments, they measure the coherence energy gap due to the superposition of the supercurrent. This is the non-contextual observable with respect to the actual measurement of the direction of the supercurrent. Such coherence gap would not occur if there are no superposition. So indirectly, you have measured the superposition of the current direction without having to actually make a measurement of the current. This is why we know such superposition is real.

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  • #149
ZapperZ said:
That is why I mentioned about non-commuting and non-contextual observables.

Remember, if an operator A operates on an observable, only those observables that commute with A will also have the wavefunction "collapsing" for them (assuming non-degenerate states). Those that do not commute with A still have undetermined values.

In the SQUID experiments, they measure the coherence energy gap due to the superposition of the supercurrent. This is the non-contextual observable with respect to the actual measurement of the direction of the supercurrent. Such coherence gap would not occur if there are no superposition. So indirectly, you have measured the superposition of the current direction without having to actually make a measurement of the current. This is why we know such superposition is real.


I interpret your statement as: for working out the paradox it would be better not to use a cat but a SQUID since the superpositition in the latter can be detected without destroying it. Is that right ?
  • #150
OOO said:
I interpret your statement as: for working out the paradox it would be better not to use a cat but a SQUID since the superpositition in the latter can be detected without destroying it. Is that right ?

Kinda.. the problem with the cat is that we haven't defined the observables involved in the system. We certainly can't tell what would be commuting and non-commuting.

Note that the effects of superposition is extremely common in chemistry. The existence of bonding and antibonding states are clear evidence of such a thing. So it isn't just restricted to SQUIDs. The reason that Leggett suggested the SQUID experiment in the first place is that it would involve the superposition of not just one or two or three particles, but a gazillion particles, thus testing the the "size" effect for detecting quantum behavior. Superconductors are idea for that because the supercurrent behaves as a single, coherent "entity", causing Carver Mead to proclaim that nowhere in nature is there a better demonstration of quantum mechanics[1].


[1] C. Mead, PNAS v.94, p.6013 (1997).
  • #151
OOO said:
Couldn't the cat in the box paradox probably be boiled down to the following question:

Is there any specific property of a quantum mechanical process that indicates whether or not it triggers the collapse of the wave function ?

I think the basic question is more fundamental than that.

"What are you trying to measure?" or rather
"Does it make sense to try to measure something that does not exist until it is measured?"

There exists a physical reality which underlies all scientific inquiry, without which science is meaningless.

Many physicists, as long as they consider nature to made up of wavefunctions according to the copenhagen interpretation, have misunderstood Bohr. Bohr's idea of physics was never to describe what nature is. He was not interested in ontological questions issues like "what was really happening." He said following:
"There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature." [J. C. Polkinghorne (1989, pp. 78-79)]
I disagree with him. Physics is about finding out how nature is, and what the laws of nature are. However, Bohr's statements must be understood through his perspective which unlike Einstein's, is epistemological rather than ontological.
  • #152
ZapperZ said:
Kinda.. the problem with the cat is that we haven't defined the observables involved in the system. We certainly can't tell what would be commuting and non-commuting.

Note that the effects of superposition is extremely common in chemistry. The existence of bonding and antibonding states are clear evidence of such a thing. So it isn't just restricted to SQUIDs. The reason that Leggett suggested the SQUID experiment in the first place is that it would involve the superposition of not just one or two or three particles, but a gazillion particles, thus testing the the "size" effect for detecting quantum behavior. Superconductors are idea for that because the supercurrent behaves as a single, coherent "entity", causing Carver Mead to proclaim that nowhere in nature is there a better demonstration of quantum mechanics[1].


[1] C. Mead, PNAS v.94, p.6013 (1997).

As you mention it: a real superconductor is finite, so the cooper-pair wave function must be a "heavy" superposition of plane waves. Doesn't this give rise to the same question as the cat in the box, namely whether there is some mesoscopic level of description where quantum goes to classical ? Or am I mixing things up ?

I'm not so familiar with superconductivity so I don't know if BCS theory is able to explain a bounded superconductor consistently or if it's done with a little hand-waving.
  • #153
The superconducting wavefunction is not directly revelant in this case. There are a number of "technical" reasons why superconductors are very useful for fabricating qubits (the main one being that the presence of a gap gives it some protection from excitations) but in all types of "ring qubits" (RF-SQUIDs, Mooij-type qubits etc), only flux quantization and "stiffness" of the phase (to preserve coherence aorund the whole loop) is relevant.
Hence, you do NOT need a microscopic description of superconductivity to model a superconducting qubiot. The only thing you need is a double well potential.

Also, note that the first type of superconducting qubit that was ever realized was the charge qubit (by Nakamura in 1999) which uses a superposition of charge ;in ring type qubits it is the conjugate, flux, which is the relevant variable (most qubits can be classified as being either charge- or flux qubits depending on the value of the charging and Josephson energies; there are "hybrids" such as at the quantronium and the transmon; there are also single junction phase qubits, used by e.g, Martinis and co-workers)
  • #154
mn4j said:
I think the basic question is more fundamental than that.

"What are you trying to measure?" or rather
"Does it make sense to try to measure something that does not exist until it is measured?"

What makes you sure that these questions are more fundamental ? I would say that in order to find more fundamental questions we have to investigate more fundamental physics. For me this cat-in-the-box experiment seems to add unnecessary complications to the matter.

Specifically, discussing about measurements and reality seems to be useless to me as long as I cannot answer the question why such a fundamental observation like the position of an electron on the screen behind the single-slit experiment is basically unpredictable.

Both of your questions appear to be answerable to me in the case of the single-slit experiment. 1) we measure position, ideally of a single silver atom, 2) yes it does make sense to repeat the experiment many times finding out that there is an amplitude of the wave the square of which happens to give the probability of measuring position of the reduction of a silver atom.

On the other hand it is not possible for me to answer the question that I've mentioned. And finally with the cat-in-the-box I can answer none of these questions. So I'd consider my question more fundamental (don't be pissed off by this formulation, I don't want to do contest about who generates the more fundamental questions)
  • #155
mn4j said:
I disagree with him. Physics is about finding out how nature is, and what the laws of nature are.

That is what most scientists belived 100 years ago. However, we have gradually come to the conclusion that this is a rather meaningless goal from a scientific point of view.
Whether or not or theories describe the "real world" is strictly speaking irrelevant, a good theory must be able to predict the outcome of experiments; that is all.
In principle someone could up with theory that explained the world in terms of invisible pink unicorns; as long as it was falsifiable; agreed with all existing data and was better at predicting the outcome of new experiments than existing theories we would have to conclude that it was a good theory. Whether or not the unicorns were real or not is irrelevant.

Now, I realize that many people think this is very unsatisfactory from a philosophical point of view and I suspect even most scientist assume that the theories they work with somehow describes an "objective reality"; but that is a separate issue which has nothing to do with physics as such. When working with QM it is extremely important to keep the scientific and philosophical discussions apart.
  • #156
mn4j said:
Can you cite some examples?

There are plenty. Just google "solid-state qubit".
Note that whereas most experiements use a "statisical" readout (single-shot readouts are hard; but not impossible) there are some that do not.

You can find some of my "usual" references for superconducting qubits at the end of this paper.


See e.g. refs 1-4, 10,15, 19
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  • #157
mn4j said:
The problem with a lot of these discussions is a confusion…

There exists a physical reality which underlies all scientific inquiry, without which science is meaningless.

Many physicists, as long as they consider nature to made up of wavefunctions according to the copenhagen interpretation, have misunderstood Bohr. Bohr's idea of physics was never to describe what nature is. He was not interested in ontological questions issues like "what was really happening."

This is fortunate in the sense that most quantum phenomena to date have been studied using ensembles of large numbers of individual entities. And this is the only reason the faulty copenhagen interpretation has appeared to work to date. It is unfortunate because to date, QM continues to be paradoxical and unclear when explaining phenomena involving individual particles.

I would say that mainly it was and it is the communication problem. To maintain the communication you need the following (consider end-to-end):

1) the available information (knowledge) at each end user;
2) the common code;
3) the overlapping bandwidth;
4) the matched receivers;
5) the proper communication media.

You have in mind the condensed matter physicists and not HEP. They (in average):

1) don’t know math, QM, QFT and statmech;
2) use fuZzy logic and not usual as rest of normal people;
3) consider the statistical ensembles only;
4) don’t know to read;
5) immediately run any organized discussion into chaos.

The outcome of a lot of these discussions is confusion…

mn4j said:
Nothing is happening in the system, but a lot is happening in your mind.

Now you describe the inverse process: the communication of the information as input to the quantum computer.

Regards, Dany.
  • #158
Anonym said:
You have in mind the condensed matter physicists and not HEP. They (in average):

1) don’t know math, QM, QFT and statmech;
2) use fuZzy logic and not usual as rest of normal people;
3) consider the statistical ensembles only;
4) don’t know to read;
5) immediately run any organized discussion into chaos.

The outcome of a lot of these discussions is confusion…

You seem to spend more time on sociology than on physics. At least from what I have seen here, you prefer to annoy people by throwing insults around. I haven't seen you saying something substantial besides citing authorities.
  • #159
mn4j: Just a point of interest. Copenhagen was all about destroying Schrodingers semi-classical view of a real waveform propogating though space according to Schrodinger's equations.

Copenhagen regards the waveform as a construction of the observer (human mind, machine) etc. Therefore Schrodinger's Cat is not a paradox according to Copenhagen; the waveform doesn't actually effect the cat. Copenhagen works just fine with "ensembles of large numbers of individual entities". You need to be more specific if you think this is not the case.
  • #160
OOO said:
You seem to spend more time on sociology than on physics. At least from what I have seen here, you prefer to annoy people by throwing insults around. I haven't seen you saying something substantial besides citing authorities.

well, I'll be, 00, I live in a glass house, too

(that reminds me, I've got to get to the glass store today)
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  • #161
So the cat paradox is that the cat can be both dead and alive until an external observer confirms that the cat is in one state or the other.

Is it ok if you could explain how this ties into MO theory of bonding and antibonding, my eyebrow raised a little when this was mentioned, and I'm always keen too see somones outlook on stuff like this.
  • #162
shaun_o_kane said:
mn4j: Just a point of interest. Copenhagen was all about destroying Schrodingers semi-classical view of a real waveform propogating though space according to Schrodinger's equations.

Copenhagen regards the waveform as a construction of the observer (human mind, machine) etc. Therefore Schrodinger's Cat is not a paradox according to Copenhagen; the waveform doesn't actually effect the cat. Copenhagen works just fine with "ensembles of large numbers of individual entities". You need to be more specific if you think this is not the case.

Schrödinger proposed the cat paradox, precisely to illustrate that the Copenhagen interpretation was not a description of reality.

Jaynes, E. T., 1990, `Probability in Quantum Theory,' in Complexity, Entropy, and the Physics of Information, W. H. Zurek (ed.), Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA, p. 381

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  • #163
I really don't want to wade through another publication looking for the bit that you feel supports your view. Please be specific. Jaynes is not a physicist or philosopher, he is Bayesian. Having read other publications by Jaynes I'm not at all sure that he understands QM interpretations. He, like Bohr and Schrodinger, is dead now so can't elaborate or clarifiy on his writings.

A phrase like "illustrate that the Copenhagen interpretation was not a description of reality" is so imprecise that it is impossible to comment.

It is some time since I looked at Schrodinger's paper but if I remember correctly the Cat paradox was contained in a report of the progress of his own research group. Since Schrodinger believed in a physically real waveform, it is hardly surprising that he complains about "the present state" of QM. The paper did not provoke the same response from Bohr that Einstein's crtiticisms did.

If you think that Schrodinger's Cat is a problem for Copenhagne, please explain why?
  • #164
shaun_o_kane said:
Jaynes is not a physicist or philosopher, he is Bayesian.
This tells me you have not read any of his works. Jaynes is indeed phyciscist! He did a lot of work in statistics but you'd be sorely mistaken to write him off. If you are really interested in the topic, please read the article then come back. It discusses particularly the issue you raised. His biography is here: http://bayes.wustl.edu/etj/etj.html

Having read other publications by Jaynes I'm not at all sure that he understands QM interpretations. He, like Bohr and Schrodinger, is dead now so can't elaborate or clarifiy on his writings.
Having read his publications, I'm not sure you understand him. If you can claim that a person (ET Jaynes) with PhD in physics, who studied under people Oppenheimer and Eugene Wigner is not a physicist, I wonder what indeed you are talking about.

It is some time since I looked at Schrodinger's paper but if I remember correctly the Cat paradox was contained in a report of the progress of his own research group. Since Schrodinger believed in a physically real waveform, it is hardly surprising that he complains about "the present state" of QM. The paper did not provoke the same response from Bohr that Einstein's crtiticisms did.If you think that Schrodinger's Cat is a problem for Copenhagne, please explain why?
Here is the quote from the translated version of Shroedinger's paper that explains it (bolded sentence):

One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer which shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts.

It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks.

If you want it more elaborate, the article I quoted to you discusses the issue in depth.

To summarize:
The copenhagen interpretation wrongly treats an epistemological theory as an ontological one. The error is called "The Mind Projection Fallacy".

elsewhere Jaynes describes it as follows:
The error occurs in two complementary forms, which we might indicate thus:
(A) (My own imagination) ==> ! (Real property of Nature)
(B) (My own ignorance) => ! (Nature is indeterminate)
Form (B) arose out of quantum theory; instead of covering up our ignorance with fanciful assump-
tions about reality, one accepts that ignorance but attributes it to Nature. Thus in the Copenhagen
interpretation of quantum theory, whatever is left undetermined in a pure state [tex]\psi[/tex] is held to be
unknown not only to us, but also to Nature herself. That is, one claims that [tex]\psi[/tex] represents a phys-
ically real "propensity" to cause events in a statistical sense (a certain proportion of times on the
average over many repetitions of an experiment) but denies the existence of physical causes for the
individual events below the level of [tex]\psi[/tex] .​

Nothing illustrates this as clearly as the cat in box paradox, which is interpreted by copenhagans to mean until we look (ignorance), the Cat is both dead and alive (nature is indeterminate).
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  • #165
AbedeuS said:
So the cat paradox is that the cat can be both dead and alive until an external observer confirms that the cat is in one state or the other.

To me that puts to much stock in the human mind hologram perspective by saying something is only real if we can process it, the God complex, as if our brains are the best processors in the universe.

Lots of thing are real that we can't see hear or touch or even imagine right now and they have been here long before us and will out live us, perception does not making something real or not IMHO.

Probably 99.999999999 of the universe is unknown to science as we know it because we just don't know how to measure it or even know that its there, so when somebody discovers something new does that mean it only began when it was discovered?

I don't think it matters if we observe a phenomenon or not, the cat in the box is just a trick question, a head fook as they say in Scotland.
  • #166
ShadowWorks said:
To me that puts to much stock in the human mind hologram perspective by saying something is only real if we can process it, the God complex, as if our brains are the best processors in the universe.

Lots of thing are real that we can't see hear or touch or even imagine right now and they have been here long before us and will out live us, perception does not making something real or not IMHO.

Probably 99.999999999 of the universe is unknown to science as we know it because we just don't know how to measure it or even know that its there, so when somebody discovers something new does that mean it only began when it was discovered?

I don't think it matters if we observe a phenomenon or not, the cat in the box is just a trick question, a head fook as they say in Scotland.

I agree 100%.

I believe that in ACTUALITY the cat is either in 1 state OR in the other (It is either dead or alive but NOT BOTH). Each outcome has the same equal chance to exist. There is no inbetween state of alive or dead, assuming we all have the same interpretation of living or not living (dead), (which we should, otherwise we have something else to discuss). Just because there is not a known fact to US if the cat is alive or dead doesn't mean that it is neither.

Do you guys disagree?
  • #167
Wavefunction Collapse

I think that the cat in a box paradox is very exciting, and gets told a lot, and thus gets misinterpreted. You see, in this case, it is easy to believe that it makes no difference whether you can observe it or not. But there are cases where it does. Two-slit interference patterns with electrons is a case that is similar, but where it is more obvious. If you look through which hole the electrons go through, the pattern disappears, if you don't there is one. The cat in a box involves the same principles, except there's no obvious difference between looking and not looking.
Of course to me, it also seems ridiculous to say that looking and not looking can make a difference. Suppose you get a spreadsheet to tell you which holes the electrons went through, but you don't look at the spreadsheet. Now, you look to see whether there was an interference pattern, and you see one since you haven't observed the spreadsheet. But later you look at the spreadsheet, and find that something incredibly improbable happened (or, alternatively, history gets altered so that you saw that there was no interference pattern, in which case however you could set up a huge paradox by deciding to yourself: if I don't see an interference pattern, I won't look at the spreadsheet, if I do, I will). Therefore the instrument you use to observe must be the observer.
That is, when you open the box, the cat is either dead or alive, because the Geiger counter is the observer. There should be no superposition of states.
Now, personally I think I've got to be wrong, because I respect Schrodinger greatly, and it seems silly that he would've missed something like this, so someone please tell me why I'm wrong.
Additionally, the point of using a cat (rather than say, an exploding keg of powder, is that the cat could potentially be an observer).
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  • #168
I like that this topic has drawn so many to make their very first comments here.
  • #169
cesiumfrog said:
I like that this topic has drawn so many to make their very first comments here.

I registered just so I could reply to this post..I am very interested :-)

What lead me here is a whole new topic though, and I am still searching for the answer.
  • #170
Ableman said:
you saw that there was no interference pattern, in which case however you could set up a huge paradox by deciding to yourself: if I don't see an interference pattern, I won't look at the spreadsheet, if I do, I will). Therefore the instrument you use to observe must be the observer.
That is, when you open the box, the cat is either dead or alive, because the Geiger counter is the observer. There should be no superposition of states.
Now, personally I think I've got to be wrong, because I respect Schrodinger greatly, and it seems silly that he would've missed something like this, so someone please tell me why I'm wrong. Additionally, the point of using a cat (rather than say, an exploding keg of powder, is that the cat could potentially be an observer).

In order to tell you whether you are right or wrong, one should understand what you want to say. I was not able to do that. Therefore, let me ask you the introductory question: How do you know that the cat is the macroscopic system and not microscopic?

Regards, Dany.
  • #171
Ableman said:
That is, when you open the box, the cat is either dead or alive, because the Geiger counter is the observer. There should be no superposition of states.
Agree with you.
  • #172
lightarrow said:
Agree with you.

You are welcome also to explain the connection between the fact that the Geiger counter is the detector and the state of the cat.

Regards, Dany.
  • #173
I apologize that I was unclear, I'm new to this forum. Now, I'm an undergraduate physics student, so maybe I'm missing something. But it shouldn't make a difference whether it's a macroscopic or microscopic system.
What I mean is that as soon as the Geiger counter detects an atomic decay the wave function collapses. The cat is not even necessary. The atom itself is no longer in a superposition of decayed and undecayed as soon as the Geiger counter registers the decay, no more than a coin is in a superposition of heads or tails just because you haven't looked at the outcome. That is, I am saying as soon as it is possible to tell whether the atom decays (or the electron has passed through a particular slit) the wavefunction collapses, and the atom is no longer in a superposition of decayed and undecayed and the cat is not in a superposition of alive and dead. The need for a conscious observer is eliminated, and any kind of an observer (like a Geiger counter) will do.
  • #174
Ableman said:
I apologize that I was unclear. I'm an undergraduate physics student, so maybe I'm missing something.

You should not apologize. But you did not answer my question: How do you know that the cat is the macroscopic system and not microscopic? Try to focus on it only. I am not interesting to know what you mean; I am interesting to let you know what the problem (the measurement problem) is.

Regards, Dany.

P.S. Hint: the Geiger counter registers the decay but the hammer is broken; so?
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  • #175
Anonym said:
You are welcome also to explain the connection between the fact that the Geiger counter is the detector and the state of the cat.

Regards, Dany.
The Geiger counter's "click" is an irreversible process. It's that which fixes one of the two possible values of the result. In that moment wavefunction has collapsed and there are no more superpositions.

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