Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony

In summary, a massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony is set to take place on May 8, 2004, at more than 20 sacred sites in the American West and around the world. This event was inspired by the visions of Bennie LeBeau of the Eastern Shoshone tribe, who noticed distressing changes in land and animals at Yellowstone National Park. The ceremony is intended to be a mass spiritual event, aimed at healing the world and bringing the visions to life.
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Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony

Set for May 8, 2004

- Peacekeepers Called to the Circle -

© - Copyright March, 2004 by Steven McFadden

While dwelling amid the high mountains along the North American Continental Divide, Bennie LeBeau of the Eastern Shoshone tribe experienced a torrent of dreams and visions, especially in 1999. The visions directed him to set in motion the plans for a massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony.

Over the last year Bennie has become aware of many sharply distressing changes in both land and animals at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. These changes are becoming even more ominous right now, he says, and they have prodded him into direct action to bring his visions alive.

The huge Medicine Wheel Ceremony that Bennie envisions is intended to be a mass spiritual event. The ceremony is set to take place at High Noon on Saturday, May 8, 2004 at more than 20 sacred sites in the American West, and at many other sacred sites elsewhere around the world, including Australia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Ireland, Germany, and the Middle East. [continued]
Biology news on
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I think I am supposed to be in Jackson Hole that weekend. I think that events like this have great importance. Just summoning the intent to heal this world, is important in the equation.
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The Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony is a powerful and important event that is bringing together people from all over the world to honor and heal the land and animals at Yellowstone National Park. The visions and dreams experienced by Bennie LeBeau are a clear indication of the urgency and importance of this ceremony. It is heartening to see individuals taking direct action to address the distressing changes happening in our natural world.

This mass spiritual event is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of coming together to honor and heal the Earth. By gathering at sacred sites around the world, we are sending a powerful message of unity and solidarity in our efforts to protect and preserve the natural world.

I commend Bennie LeBeau for his leadership and vision in organizing this ceremony and bringing together people from different cultures and backgrounds. May this ceremony bring about positive change and healing for the land and animals at Yellowstone National Park and beyond. Let us all join in this important event and continue to work towards a more sustainable and harmonious world for all beings.

FAQ: Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony

1. What is a Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony?

A Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony is a traditional Native American ritual that involves creating a large wheel-like structure made of stones arranged in a circular pattern. The ceremony is believed to bring balance and harmony to the participants and the surrounding environment.

2. What is the significance of the Medicine Wheel in Native American culture?

The Medicine Wheel is a sacred symbol and a powerful tool for spiritual and physical healing in Native American culture. It represents the circle of life, the four cardinal directions, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The wheel is also used for guidance, meditation, and prayer.

3. How is a Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony performed?

The ceremony is usually performed by a spiritual leader or elder who guides the participants through the ritual. It typically involves smudging, prayers, singing, and drumming. The stones used to create the wheel are also blessed and placed in a specific order to represent the four directions and elements.

4. What are the benefits of participating in a Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony?

The ceremony is believed to have numerous benefits, including promoting healing, balance, and connection with nature and the spiritual world. It can also help to release negative energy and emotions, and bring about a sense of peace and unity among the participants.

5. Is the Massive Medicine Wheel Ceremony open to everyone?

The ceremony is a sacred and spiritual practice that is typically only open to those who are invited by the Native American community. It is important to respect their traditions and culture and to seek permission before participating in a ceremony. However, some Native American communities may hold public ceremonies that are open to all.
