Can You Decrypt This Encrypted Text Using a Numerical Technique?

  • Thread starter Baroudeh
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In summary, the conversation discusses a numerical encryption technique used on an English text. The only available hint is "eight(8)" and it is believed that the numbers represent syllables. However, the speaker suggests that the hint may be more complicated and asks for any further theories or help in deciphering the text.
  • #1

The following text has been encrypted using a numerical technique. A student did it so it is not highly sophisticated. The text is:


The only available hint is: "eight(8)".

If any of you can provide any help or actually decipher it please let me know ! Besides it is a nice challenge and am currently also working on it.

Thank you,

Physics news on
  • #2

I don´t know... could be anything... I followed the hint separating in sets of 8 elements, and everu set ends with a 2 length number becuse you posted the cyphered text with separated parts by space

In fact, it is improbable that every set of 8 elements represents a word, since there is to many words with exactly 8 letters, but we don't know if every number with 2 elements representes a letter, since the alphabet has only 26 letters and there is numbers such like 96. Could be a cypher such that more than one number represents a letter. Some sets of numbers are most common:


I think the numbers represents syllables
  • #3
are you sure this is right? Near the beginning of the 5th row, there are seven zeroes instead of eight. Also, if you insert an extra zero there, the total number of digits (whitespace excluded) is still one less of a multiple of eight, as if another digit was missing.

It might be helpful to state other assumptions that you take for granted between you and your student, such as in which language is the text.
  • #4
Dodo said:
are you sure this is right? Near the beginning of the 5th row, there are seven zeroes instead of eight. Also, if you insert an extra zero there, the total number of digits (whitespace excluded) is still one less of a multiple of eight, as if another digit was missing.

It might be helpful to state other assumptions that you take for granted between you and your student, such as in which language is the text.

Well the text is written in english if that can help.
  • #5
al-mahed said:

I don´t know... could be anything... I followed the hint separating in sets of 8 elements, and everu set ends with a 2 length number becuse you posted the cyphered text with separated parts by space

In fact, it is improbable that every set of 8 elements represents a word, since there is to many words with exactly 8 letters, but we don't know if every number with 2 elements representes a letter, since the alphabet has only 26 letters and there is numbers such like 96. Could be a cypher such that more than one number represents a letter. Some sets of numbers are most common:


I think the numbers represents syllables

That maybe true... but i don't thing he would give such a hint... i think the eight hint is a litte more complicated than that... Do you have another theory regarding the hint?
  • #6
Interesting set of numbers...

My observations, don't know if they will help or not:

There are 119 zeros. 14 sets of 8, 1 set of 7 (someone questioned if this was a mistake?)

There are only 6 ones. They follow a very strange pattern, only appearing in the sequence "1213" at the end of certain sets of 0's

There are 37 twos. there are never just 2 consecutive twos, without a third. And this happens only three times.

There are 98. These seem to be very well spread out. There are never more than 3 in a row.

There are 70. There are never two in a row... but follow somewhat of a curious patter usually 4, number, 4 number, 4, number... like the beginning 4345484.. this same pattern happens 6 times.

The most common. There are 125. These seem to be very well spread out. There are never more than 3 in a row.

There are 110. These seem to be very well spread out. There are never more than 3 in a row -- but this happens only once.

There are 87 sevens. These seem to be very well spread out. There are never more than 3 in a row.

The clue! There are 56 of them. There are never more than one of them, like the 4s.

There are 18 nines. Again there are never more than 1 of them in a row.

That's all I have.
  • #7

there are 362 2-lenght numbers, and the only numbers in use are:

00, 01, 05, 06, 07

12, 13

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39

40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49

52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59

60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68

70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79

80, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89

94, 95, 96

if the number representes syllabes, one of then must be "a", and other "the", and other "that", most common in english
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  • #8
the zeros I think could be nulls to confuse
  • #9
the sequences


appears twice
  • #10
Dodo said:
are you sure this is right? Near the beginning of the 5th row, there are seven zeroes instead of eight. Also, if you insert an extra zero there, the total number of digits (whitespace excluded) is still one less of a multiple of eight, as if another digit was missing.

It might be helpful to state other assumptions that you take for granted between you and your student, such as in which language is the text.

I second this. I really think there is something odd, if not wrong here. Can you double check with your student that this is correct?
  • #11
separated by zeros sequences, we see some patherns, but I cannot say anything better than conjectures































  • #12

Separate by zero sequences, but when you get to the sequence with only 7 zeros isolate the 5 and keep going...
  • #13
Like this:
43 45 48 46 63 65 68 66 72 63 58 57 00000000

73 75 78 76 63 64 68 66 53 54 58 56 52 74 89 77 72 63 79 57 00000000

12 13 87 86 22 23 77 76 32 33 67 66 42 43 57 56 00000000

43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 63 64 59 68 64 65 68 67 00000000

43 45 48 46 53 55 58 57 63 65 39 47 73 74 68 66 72 63 49 67 00000000

12 13 87 86 22 23 77 76 32 33 67 66 42 43 57 56 00000000

33 35 38 36 43 45 48 47 53 55 58 56 63 64 59 57 72 63 39 58 63 72 58 37 00000000

43 45 48 46 53 54 58 57 63 65 68 66 00000000

33 35 38 36 53 55 58 56 62 53 48 47 42 33 59 57 52 42 39 58 42 52 58 37 0000000

53 55 58 57 52 54 00000000

12 13 87 86 22 23 77 76 32 33 67 66 42 43 57 56 00000000

63 65 68 66 53 55 58 56 73 74 78 77 72 54 59 57 62 72 69 68 72 62 49 58 00000000

63 65 68 67 53 55 48 46 43 45 58 57 72 63 39 47 00000000

73 74 78 77 63 64 68 66 53 54 58 57 74 75 49 67 64 65 79 68 54 5 00000000

33 35 38 37 35 36 48 46 53 55 58 57 55 56 46 45 63 65 78 77 73 75 49 38 75 76 00000000

33 35 78 76 53 55 58 56 63 65 38 37 43 45 37 36 73 75
  • #14
Why do you think there is no number with 0?

43 45 48 46 63 65 68 66 72 63 58 57 00000000

73 75 78 76 63 64 68 66 53 54 58 56 52 74 89 77 72 63 79 57 00000000

12 13 87 86 22 23 77 76 32 33 67 66 42 43 57 56 00000000

43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 63 64 59 68 64 65 68 67 00000000

43 45 48 46 53 55 58 57 63 65 39 47 73 74 68 66 72 63 49 67 00000000

12 13 87 86 22 23 77 76 32 33 67 66 42 43 57 56 00000000

33 35 38 36 43 45 48 47 53 55 58 56 63 64 59 57 72 63 39 58 63 72 58 37 00000000

43 45 48 46 53 54 58 57 63 65 68 66 00000000

33 35 38 36 53 55 58 56 62 53 48 47 42 33 59 57 52 42 39 58 42 52 58 37 0000000

53 55 58 57 52 54 00000000

12 13 87 86 22 23 77 76 32 33 67 66 42 43 57 56 00000000

63 65 68 66 53 55 58 56 73 74 78 77 72 54 59 57 62 72 69 68 72 62 49 58 00000000

63 65 68 67 53 55 48 46 43 45 58 57 72 63 39 47 00000000

73 74 78 77 63 64 68 66 53 54 58 57 74 75 49 67 64 65 79 68 54 5 00000000

33 35 38 37 35 36 48 46 53 55 58 57 55 56 46 45 63 65 78 77 73 75 49 38 75 76 00000000

33 35 78 76 53 55 58 56 63 65 38 37 43 45 37 36 73 75[/QUOTE]
  • #15
Honestly, it is a gut feeling.
I think this whole thing amounts to one sentence with the sequences of zeros are the spaces between words.
  • #16
I think this text is a poem or lyrics of a song, and the length of the zeros string denote the numbers of words in the sentence... the strucute suggest this conjecture, sentences repeated, combination of numbers that suggest rhymes, etc
  • #17
Diffy said:
Honestly, it is a gut feeling.
I think this whole thing amounts to one sentence with the sequences of zeros are the spaces between words.

if so then
43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 63 64 59 68 64 65 68 67

must be a word, and if this is a word and the hint is about sillables, every set of 8 numbers denote a sillable, and the owrd above has 4 sillables

43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 43 45 48 46 53 55 39 47 55 56 68 66 63 64 59 68 64 65 68 67

but the problem is: we don't see the sillables like these ones repeated in the text, and it is a little bit strange a text without ant sillable repeated

in the other hand, there are 724 numbers, and 8 do not divides 724
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  • #18
al-mahed said:
in the other hand, there are 724 numbers, and 8 do not divides 724

I count 726 digits. My speculation is that there is a missing zero as indicated before, and another missing digit, possibly within the sequence 7374787763646866535458577475496764657968545 (end of 6th row and beginning of the 7th), which is the only sequence between zeros with an odd number of digits (43). The extra zero and the extra digit would add up to 728, which is divisible by 8.

P.S.: If (big if) the total digits were 728, then it adds evidence to the idea that every 8 digits compose (somehow) a letter, the 8 zeroes being spaces between words. Words coming out this way have a reasonable average length. My (further) speculation is that the first and 8th words are the word "THE", 43454846 standing for the letter "T", but the code is position-dependent: the combination of 8 digits *and* the letter position (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... letter of the text) would combine to decode a letter. (Comment edited.)
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  • #19
These is the numbers used in the chypher considering:

1 - the chypher consists in 2-lenght numbers

2 - the cyphered text is not complete, and I fill the blanks as dodo and diffy suggest, but the alone 5 in the 14-th row I cannot say for sure what is the missing digit... my guess is that the missing digit is an 8, being 58 the last element in the 14-th row

So we have the table below

12 13

22 23

32 33 35 36 37 38 39

42 43 45 46 47 48 49

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

62 63 64 65 66 67 68

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

86 87 89

and the relative frequencies below

12,00	13,00	22,00	23,00	32,00	33,00	35,00	36,00	37,00	38,00	39,00	42,00	43,00	45,00	46,00	47,00	48,00	49,00	52,00	53,00	54,00	55,00	56,00	57,00	58,00	59,00	62,00	63,00	64,00	65,00	66,00	67,00	68,00	72,00	73,00	74,00	75,00	76,00	77,00	78,00	79,00	86,00	87,00	89,00
0,99%	0,99%	0,99%	0,99%	0,99%	2,65%	1,66%	1,32%	1,66%	1,66%	1,99%	1,99%	3,64%	2,98%	2,65%	1,99%	2,98%	1,32%	1,32%	4,64%	1,99%	4,30%	3,64%	4,64%	5,63%	1,32%	0,99%	5,63%	1,99%	2,98%	3,64%	2,32%	4,30%	2,98%	1,99%	1,66%	1,66%	1,99%	2,32%	1,66%	0,66%	0,99%	0,99%	0,33%
  • #20
I did search a lot, but I didin't find any material regarding the frequency of sillables in english... If anyone knows about something...
  • #21
I might be misremembering things slightly, but this always serves me well when I do the cryptograms in the paper.


Err, forgive me, you said syllables, not vowels or consonants. :)
  • #22
well u could try 2 maybe be helpful instead of making fun of people ! ;)
  • #23
Baroudeh said:
well u could try 2 maybe be helpful instead of making fun of people ! ;)

Me? I wasn't trying to poke fun. I'm actually learning how people analyze these types of sequences, just by sitting back an watching this thread develop.
  • #24
seycyrus said:
Me? I wasn't trying to poke fun. I'm actually learning how people analyze these types of sequences, just by sitting back an watching this thread develop.
Me too, I'd like to see it solved right here.
  • #25
Digraphs: th er on an re he in ed nd ha at en es of or nt ea ti to it st io le is ou ar as de rt ve
Trigraphs: the and tha ent ion tio for nde has nce edt tis oft sth men

Also useful are double letters: ss ee tt ff ll mm oo.
  • #26
CRGreathouse said:
Digraphs: th er on an re he in ed nd ha at en es of or nt ea ti to it st io le is ou ar as de rt ve
Trigraphs: the and tha ent ion tio for nde has nce edt tis oft sth men

Also useful are double letters: ss ee tt ff ll mm oo.

do you know any material regarding the frequency of syllables in english?
  • #27
Something I noted (though I haven't made anything useful out of it) is that base 8 might play a role.

In what follows, consider only the 'words' - the strings of digits between zeroes (that is, exclude zeroes from this consideration, and restart your 'position counter' to 1 at the beginning of each 'word').

Now, if you take alternative digits (i.e. the digits in odd positions vs. the digits in even positions), you'll notice that they are in base 8, offset 12121212... That is, all digits in odd positions are in the range 1-8. while all digits in even positions are in the range 2-9.

Subtract 1 from digits in odd positions, and 2 from digits in even positions, and they will all be octal.
  • #28
Dodo said:
Something I noted (though I haven't made anything useful out of it) is that base 8 might play a role.

In what follows, consider only the 'words' - the strings of digits between zeroes (that is, exclude zeroes from this consideration, and restart your 'position counter' to 1 at the beginning of each 'word').

Now, if you take alternative digits (i.e. the digits in odd positions vs. the digits in even positions), you'll notice that they are in base 8, offset 12121212... That is, all digits in odd positions are in the range 1-8. while all digits in even positions are in the range 2-9.

Subtract 1 from digits in odd positions, and 2 from digits in even positions, and they will all be octal.

could be a nice hint, indeed, but the problem is: there is no 8 and 9 as symbols in the base 8, only 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7... so, perhaps we should convert all numbers to the base 8, considering that those numbers are in base 10

8 becomes 10
9 becomes 11
  • #29
4345410466365610667263510570000000073757107663646106653 54510565274101177726371157000000001213107106222377763233 676642435756000000004345410465355311475556610664345410 46535531147555661066636451161064656106700000000434541046 53555105763653114773746106672634116700000000121310710622 2377763233676642435756000000003335310364345410475355 510566364511577263311510637251037000000004345410465354510 5763656106600000000333531036535551056625341047423351157 52423115104252510370000000535551057525400000000121310710 6222377763233676642435756000000006365610665355510567 374710777254511576272611610726241151000000000636561067535 5410464345510577263311470000000073747107763646106653545 10577475411676465711610545000000003335310373536410465355 5105755564645636571077737541131075760000000033357107653 5551056636531037434537367375
  • #30
Well, what I meant was
313336345153565460514645 [00000000] 6163666451525654414246444062776560516745 [00000000] 00017574101165642021
555430314544 [00000000] 3133363441432735434456543133363441432735434456545152475652535655 [00000000] 31333634
41434645515327356162565460513755 [00000000] 00017574101165642021555430314544 [00000000] 21232624313336354143
4644515247456051274651604625 [00000000] 313336344142464551535654 [00000000] 21232624414346445041363530214745
4030274630404625 [0000000] 414346454042 [00000000] 00017574101165642021555430314544 [00000000] 51535654414346446
1626665604247455060575660503746 [00000000] 51535655414336343133464560512735 [00000000] 616266655152565441424
6456263375552536756424 [00000000] 2123262523243634414346454344343351536665616337266364 [00000000] 2123666441
  • #31
I didin't find any material regarding the frequency of syllables, digraphs or trigraphs, so it's a little bit difficult go any further.

I was considering if the text is chiphered with another kind of chiper, like the DES kind, RAS, or something like that... I am not an expert, far away of that, but my guess is: because of the patherns is very unlike a strong chiper like those generates patherns like these, so I still think that the chiper is some kind of more simple substitution chiper concerning syllables, digraphs or trigraphs
  • #32
Since this has been kicked around without it being broken, maybe (Mr) Barovdeh could give us more infro on the level of education of the student and any relevant course of study.
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  • #33
I googled "73 75 78 76 63 64 68 66 53 54 58 56 52 74 89 77 72 63 79 57 00000000" and the only hit was this thread so I guess it is of little relevance. Just something to kick around when one is not busy. Or could this be something to worry over, like a cipher to start some event to happen around the world. It is not fair that they chose a student to write this! Egads, look at all those who are reading this cipher even now.
  • #34
This doesn't solve it, but if you break the cypher on the zero blocks and delete the digit on every even index, you get the following

35 86 35 86 23 87
35 86 34 86 34 86 24 97 23 97
23 76 23 76 23 76 23 76
35 86 35 97 56 86 35 86 35 97 56 86 34 98 45 87
35 86 35 87 35 97 34 86 23 97
23 76 23 76 23 76 23 76
35 86 35 87 35 86 34 97 23 98 32 87
35 86 34 87 35 86
35 86 35 86 23 87 23 97 22 98 22 87
35 87 24
23 76 23 76 23 76 23 76
35 86 35 86 34 87 24 97 22 98 22 98
35 87 35 86 35 87 23 97
34 87 34 86 34 87 45 97 45 98 45
35 87 56 86 35 87 56 65 35 87 35 98 56
35 86 35 86 35 87 35 76 35

Which seems to reveal some tantalizing patterns.

I ran that through" translator which yielded the following ascii text

#V#VW#V"V"VaaLLLL#V#a8V#V#a8V"b-W#V#W#a"VaLLLL#V#W#V"ab W#V"W#V#V#VWabW#WLLLL#V#V"Wabb#W#V#Wa"W"V"W-a-b-#W8V#W8A#W#b8#V#V#W#L#

not much help but I think the cypher might interlace irrelevant data in the even positions to throw would be decoders off the track.
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  • #35
You know, one-time-pads and RSA are "not highly sophisticated" either.