RIemann-Weyl formula and application

In summary, the Riemann-Weyl formula relates a sum over the imaginary part of the zeros of Riemann zeta that are in the form 1/2+it, assuming the Riemann Hypothesis is true and all the 't' are real. The formula is correct if the Fourier transform of f(x) exists, but it is not certain. An example of using the formula is obtaining the sum of e^{-t^{2}} where 't' runs over the imaginary part of all Zeta zeros in the form \zeta (1/2+it)=0, assuming RH is true. It is unclear if the Riemann-Weyl formula can be applied in this case.
  • #1
given a real function 'f' so the Fourier transform of f(x) exists and assuming Riemann Hypothesis is true so all the non-trivial zeros of Riemann Zeta are of the form 1/2+it then the Riemann-Weyl formula

[tex] \sum _{t} f(t) = f(i/2)+f(-i/2)+2g(0)\pi- (2\pi)^{-1} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dr f(r) \frac{ \Gamma '(1/4+ir/2) }{\Gamma (1/4+ir/2)}+ \sum _{n=1}^{\infty} \Lambda (n) (n)^ {-1/2}g(lon) [/tex]

the first sum run over the non-trivial zeros, my question is if all the zeros are 1/2+it with 't' real number , the only condition for Riemann-Weyl formula to converge is that the Fourier transform of f(x) , which can be a function or a distribution must exists ? , under what conditions can be apply Riemann-Weyl summation formula? , if f(x) is a function g(u) is its Fourier transform
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  • #2
Lets clarify this. The question is confusing. Please use more simple sentences if you can.
  • #3
Sorry Ramsey , my question was

I have given a formula (Riemann Weyl formula) that relates a sum over the imaginary part of the zeros of Riemann zeta that are in the form 1/2+it

assuming Riemann Hypothesis is true so all the 't' are real, i think that the formula is correct in case the Fourier transform of f(x) exists but i am not sure.

for example if i wan to obtain the sum of [tex] e^{-t^{2}} [/tex] where 't' runs over the imaginary part of all Zeta zeros in the form [tex] \zeta (1/2+it)=0 [/tex] , assuming RH is real could we use the Riemann-Weyl formula ? that was all thanks.

FAQ: RIemann-Weyl formula and application

1. What is the Riemann-Weyl formula?

The Riemann-Weyl formula is an important result in mathematics that relates the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator to its kernel. It is named after the mathematicians Bernhard Riemann and Hermann Weyl, who independently derived it in the 19th and 20th centuries, respectively.

2. What is the significance of the Riemann-Weyl formula?

The Riemann-Weyl formula has many applications in various fields, including quantum mechanics, differential geometry, and mathematical physics. It is particularly useful in the study of differential operators and their spectral theory.

3. How is the Riemann-Weyl formula applied in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the Riemann-Weyl formula can be used to determine the energy levels of a quantum system. By considering the Hamiltonian operator as a self-adjoint operator, the formula provides a way to calculate the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian and thus the energy levels of the system.

4. What is the connection between the Riemann-Weyl formula and differential geometry?

The Riemann-Weyl formula is closely related to the study of differential operators and their spectra, which is a key aspect of differential geometry. It can be used to understand the geometry of manifolds and the behavior of differential equations on curved spaces.

5. Are there any generalizations of the Riemann-Weyl formula?

Yes, there are several generalizations of the Riemann-Weyl formula, such as the Riemann-Hilbert problem and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. These generalizations extend the original formula to more complex settings, such as non-self-adjoint operators and non-compact manifolds.

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