What is the effect on water temperature when pasta is added to boiling water?

In summary, The specific heat capacity of Albertsons pasta is approximately 1.8 J/g*C degrees. When 340 g of this pasta (at 25 degrees celsuis) is added to 1.5 liters of boiling water, the temperature of the water decreases and the temperature of the pasta increases. To determine the effect on the water's temperature, a physical quantity, such as heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and surface heat transfer coefficient, must be mathematically calculated. However, the problem is not well-defined as it is time-dependent and requires assumptions to simplify it. One possible simplification is assuming that heat loss to the pasta occurs such that the water temperature remains steady.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The specific heat capacity of Albertsons pasta is approximately 1.8 J/g*C degrees. Suppose you toss 340 g of this pasta (at 25 degrees celsuis) into 1.5 liters of boiling water. What effect does this have on the temperature of water. (before there is time for stove to add more heat)?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

When the 25 degree pasta is tossed into boiling stove of water, doesn't the temperature of the stove decrease and the temperature of pasta increase? What physical quantity do I need to mathematically determined to find out the effect ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You have 1.5 liters of water at 100°.

Now you've added 340g of something that is 25°.

You can calculate the amount of heat capacity that the pasta will absorb and that if taken from the water, the temp that it will bring the water down to, taking into account the water to steam latent heat?
  • #3
LowlyPion said:
You have 1.5 liters of water at 100°.

Now you've added 340g of something that is 25°.

You can calculate the amount of heat capacity that the pasta will absorb and that if taken from the water, the temp that it will bring the water down to, taking into account the water to steam latent heat?

Q_initial = Q_final?




HOw would I determine the delta(T) for the noodles and delta(T) for the water?
  • #4
pentazoid said:
(before there is time for stove to add more heat)?
This is the crux of the matter--time. The temperature obtained by equating the heat gained by the pasta with the heat lost by the water is only for a final equilibrium state (i.e., heat is no longer exchanged) in an adiabatic system, which you do not have if the water is being heated by the stove. Instead, what you have is a standard transient heat transfer problem in which thermal conductivity plays a role in addition to heat capacity, density and mass. An additional parameter, the surface heat transfer coefficient, is also necessary.

But the problem is not well defined. The question is about the temperature of the water. But because it is time-dependent, the question cannot be answered until a time is stipulated. A long enough time, as noted, would allow the water to "recover" and come back to close to its initial temperature because it's being heated by the stove. Any time sooner than that would require transient heat transfer analysis. In this case you would be dealing with a partial differential equation. Water would be your system and your boundary conditions would your heat input from the stove, and heat lost to the pasta, heat lost to the environment by conduction and heat lost via steam creation. Heat lost to the pasta requires knowing the surface heat transfer coefficient of the pasta which would have to be obtained experimentally.

Even with all this, the problem is still unwieldy and requires assumptions to simplify it. But you wouldn't know the relevance of some of those assumptions unless you did actual experiments. For example, one assumption is that boiling keeps the water well mixed so that although temperature changes, it stays uniform throughout the pot. Another assumption is that if the time is short enough, heat lost via steam may be neglected.

One big simplification is assuming that heat loss to the pasta occurs such that water temperature stays steady. First, before the introduction of the pasta, the water is at a steady state--there's enough heat coming from the stove to balance the heat lost via steam production of a steady boil. Then the pasta is added and while it is being heated, the water assumes a new, lower, temperature that is steady. Instead of the heat input of the stove balancing heat loss to steam production, it now balances heat loss to the pasta. I don't know if this assumption is justifiable.

Adding thorough mixing to the simplification just discussed removes the thermal conductivity from the problem, but not the surface heat transfer coefficient. So, regardless of simplifications, this is not simply a heat capacity problem.

FAQ: What is the effect on water temperature when pasta is added to boiling water?

1. What is heat capacity and why is it important?

Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. It is an important concept in thermodynamics because it helps us understand how much energy is needed to change the temperature of a material, and how materials respond to changes in temperature.

2. What factors affect the heat capacity of a material?

The heat capacity of a material is affected by its mass, its specific heat, and its temperature. Materials with higher mass or specific heat will have a higher heat capacity, and the heat capacity of a material generally increases as its temperature increases.

3. How is heat capacity different from specific heat?

Heat capacity and specific heat are closely related concepts, but they are not the same. Heat capacity is an extensive property, meaning it depends on the mass of the material, while specific heat is an intensive property, meaning it is independent of mass. In other words, heat capacity is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a given amount of material, while specific heat is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one unit of mass of the material.

4. How is heat capacity measured experimentally?

Heat capacity can be measured experimentally by using a calorimeter, which is a device that measures the heat exchanged between a material and its surroundings. The initial and final temperatures of the material are measured, along with the amount of heat added or removed. From this data, the heat capacity can be calculated using the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat added or removed, m is the mass of the material, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

5. How does heat capacity play a role in everyday life?

Heat capacity plays a role in everyday life in many ways. It helps us understand how materials respond to changes in temperature, which is important in cooking, heating and cooling our homes, and understanding weather patterns. It also plays a crucial role in industries such as manufacturing, where precise temperature control is necessary for producing certain products. Additionally, understanding heat capacity is important in fields like engineering and chemistry, where it is used to design and optimize systems and processes.
