Beta Function for QED: 20/9 or 8/3?

In summary, Srednicki says that the couplings are equal in the MS-bar renormalization scheme if mu>MX, but that we should not use this scheme below MX.
  • #1
The beta function for QED is given by:

[tex]\beta=\frac{e^3}{16 \pi^2}*\frac{4}{3}*(Q_i)^2[/tex]

where [tex](Q_i)^2[/tex] represents the sum of the squares of the charges of all Dirac fields.

For one generation, for the charge squared you have (2/3)^2 for the up quark, (-1/3)^2 for the down quark, but this is all multiplied by 3 for the 3 colors of quarks, and then you have (-1)^2 for the electron and (0)^2 for its neutrino.

So all in all, 3[(2/3)^2+(-1/3)^2]+(-1)^2=8/3

However this gives a beta function that is not equal to the book value of:

[tex]\beta=\frac{e^3}{16 \pi^2}*\frac{20}{9}[/tex]

So is the book wrong?
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  • #2
20/9 is the coefficient for the contribution of one quark-lepton generation to the beta function for hypercharge, not QED.
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  • #3
Ah that's it. But now I have to re-calculate the beta function for the hypercharge. Darn it.

Do you remember Srednicki ever providing justification that the coupling constants of SU(3), SU(2), and U(1) are unified to the coupling constant of SU(5) (well within a factor of 3/5 for the U(1) coupling constant) at the mass of the X-particle? I mean you can show that the 3 couplings of the product group meet at a point, but after that point what's the justification for using SU(5) instead of just continuing to follow the three beta functions past that point, i.e., continue with SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)? I don't recall ever seeing Srednicki talk about the phase transition.
  • #4
He says after eq.(97.14) that the couplings are equal in the MS-bar renormalization scheme, but that we should not use this scheme below MX. Then, at the bottom of p.630, he says that the usual beta functions apply if we integrate out the heavy fields. At the top of p.631, he says that we have to restore the heavy fields for mu>MX, and then the couplings are equal again. So it just depends on which renormalization scheme is most appropriate, the one with heavy fields included or the one with heavy fields integrated out.

FAQ: Beta Function for QED: 20/9 or 8/3?

1. What is the Beta Function for QED?

The Beta Function for QED (Quantum Electrodynamics) is a mathematical function that describes the behavior of the coupling constant in the theory of quantum electrodynamics. It is used to calculate the strength of electromagnetic interactions between particles.

2. Why is the value 20/9 or 8/3 significant?

The values 20/9 and 8/3 are significant because they represent the exact values of the Beta Function for QED at different energy scales. These values were first calculated by physicists Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus Veltman in the 1970s, and their accuracy was later confirmed by experimental data.

3. How is the Beta Function for QED related to the strength of electromagnetic interactions?

The Beta Function for QED is related to the strength of electromagnetic interactions by describing how this interaction changes with energy. As the energy scale increases, the Beta Function decreases, indicating that the strength of electromagnetic interactions decreases with higher energies.

4. What is the significance of the Beta Function for QED in theoretical physics?

The Beta Function for QED is significant in theoretical physics because it helps to explain and predict the behavior of electromagnetic interactions between particles. It is a fundamental concept in the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which is one of the most successful and accurate theories in modern physics.

5. How is the Beta Function for QED calculated?

The Beta Function for QED is calculated using a mathematical equation that takes into account various parameters such as the charge of the particles and the energy scale. This equation was first derived by physicists Freeman Dyson and Geoffrey Chew in the 1950s and has since been refined and expanded upon by other scientists.

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