E = mc^2: Identity or equality

  • Thread starter pmb_phy
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In summary: Goldstein in "In summary, " states that the relationship between inertial mass m and inertial energy E is an equality rather than an identity.
  • #1
Some people refer to the relationship between inertial mass m (aka "relativistic mass") and inertial energy E as an identity and some refer to it as an equality. Inertial mass has never been defined as m = E/c2.

Inertial mass is always defined as the m in p = mv (e.g. Tolman, Feynman, French etc. etc. etc.). The E in that equation is always defined as the total energy of a particle minus the potential energy of position, V(r) (although some people use different letters for, such as T, for E. E.g. Goldstein - 3rd Ed.). The relationship E = mc2 must then be derived which thereby makes it an equality rather than an identity.

My question is to those who hold it to be an identiy is - Why?


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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Inertial mass is not relativistic mass as I have mathematically proven here in the past. Relativistic mass has no place in modern relativity as it is just a redundant name for relativistic energy which is defined as the time element of the momentum four-vector of the first kind. From the definition of the momentum four-vector of the second kind one has
[tex]P^{0} = p^{0} + (q/c)\phi ^{0}[/tex]
This yields
[tex]E_{R} = E_{tot} - E_{pot}[/tex]
[tex]E_{R}[/tex] is the relativistic energy and what is innapropriately called relativistic mass. You also missname energy parameter by total energy as well which is unfortunate, but even if by that mistake you have identified relativistic mass with the energy parameter instead of the total energy, you have still "identified" it with an energy. That should end your questioning whether it is an identity because even though you have identified it with the wrong energy, you have still "identified" it yourself.
To see more about what I am referring to conserning the different kinds of momentum four-vectors see
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  • #3
Okay, pmb, how many threads do you intend to start that have no purpose other than discussing the semantics of the invariant mass view vs. the relativistic mass view? This same discussion has already been had countless times on this forum. I've given you the opportunity to write an essay supporting your views, which we will happy to host for you. You have ignored that opportunity, and continue to start threads about the same topics. I regard this thread as spamming.

- Warren

FAQ: E = mc^2: Identity or equality

1. What does "E = mc^2" mean?

"E = mc^2" is an equation developed by Albert Einstein that relates energy (E) to mass (m) and the speed of light (c). It states that energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into one another.

2. What is the significance of "E = mc^2"?

"E = mc^2" is significant because it revolutionized our understanding of the universe and led to the development of nuclear energy and weapons. It also plays a crucial role in the theory of relativity and our understanding of the relationship between matter and energy.

3. Is "E = mc^2" an identity or an equality?

"E = mc^2" is both an identity and an equality. It is an identity because it is always true and does not change, regardless of the values of the variables. It is also an equality because it shows the equal relationship between energy and mass.

4. How did Einstein come up with "E = mc^2"?

Einstein developed "E = mc^2" as a consequence of his theory of special relativity. He realized that mass and energy were not separate entities, but were different forms of the same thing. He also used mathematical equations to show the relationship between the two.

5. Can "E = mc^2" be applied in everyday life?

Yes, "E = mc^2" can be applied in everyday life. It is the basis for nuclear energy and is used in medical technology, such as PET scans and radiation therapy. It also plays a role in understanding the energy released in chemical reactions and the formation of stars.

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