Integrating a Scalar Map over a Compact Manifold: What's So Special About It?

In summary, a manifold is a subspace of Euclidean space that is locally homeomorphic to either \mathbb{R}^k or \mathbb{H}^k. In order to integrate a scalar map over a compact manifold, we use the definition of integral over a manifold, which involves breaking the manifold into coordinate patches and considering a set of measure zero. This method is necessary because integrating over a compact manifold as a regular subset of Euclidean space may not give the same result.
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First let me write out the definition of a manifold given in my book:

Let [tex] k > 0 [/tex]. A k-manifold in [tex] \mathbb{R}^n [/tex] of class [tex] C^r [/tex] is a subspace [tex] M [/tex] of [tex] \mathbb{R}^n [/tex] having the following property: For each [tex] p \in M [/tex], there is an open set [tex] V \subset M [/tex] containing [tex] p [/tex], a set [tex] U [/tex] that is open in either [tex] \mathbb{R}^k [/tex] or [tex] \mathbb{H}^k [/tex] (upper half space), and a continuous bijection [tex] \alpha : U \rightarrow V [/tex] such that 1) [tex] \alpha [/tex] is of class [tex] C^r [/tex], 2) [tex] \alpha^{-1} : V \rightarrow U [/tex] is continuous, 3) [tex] D\alpha(x) [/tex] has rank k for each [tex] x \in U [/tex]. The map [tex] \alpha [/tex] is called a coordinate patch on [tex] M [/tex] about [tex] p [/tex].

In my text I am reading the chapter on integrating a scalar map over a compact manifold. My question is this: Suppose M is a compact-manifold. As a subset of [tex] \mathbb{R}^n [/tex] it is bounded. So instead of going through all the mess of defining a manifold and defining the integral of a continuous function f over a manifold, why not just integrate f over M as one usually would? Using Riemann sums in [tex] \mathbb{R}^n [/tex]?

Surely this would give the same result as integrating f over M using the definition of integral over a manifold. So what's so special about using a manifold M for integration when we could just consider M as a regular bounded subset of Euclidean space and integrate it how we usually would?

In case you're wondering, here is the definition of the integral of a scalar map over a compact manifold M:

Let M be a compact k-manifold in [tex] \mathbb{R}^n [/tex], of class [tex] C^r [/tex]. Let [tex] f: M \rightarrow \mathbb{R} [/tex] be a continuous function. Suppose that [tex] \alpha_i: A_i \rightarrow M_i [/tex], for i = 1, ..., N, is a coordinate patch on M, such that [tex] A_i [/tex] is open in [tex] \mathbb{R}^k [/tex] and M is the disjoint union of the open sets [tex] M_1, M_2, ..., M_N [/tex] of M and a set K of measure zero in M. Then [tex] \int_M f dV = \sum_{i = 1}^N \int_{A_i} f(\alpha_i) V(D \alpha_i) [/tex].

Note that [tex] dV [/tex] represents the integral with respect to volume and [tex] V(D \alpha_i) = \sqrt{det[(D\alpha_i)^{tr} D\alpha_i]} [/tex]
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  • #2

FAQ: Integrating a Scalar Map over a Compact Manifold: What's So Special About It?

What is a manifold?

A manifold is a mathematical object that is a generalization of a plane or a surface. It is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space, meaning it can be described using coordinates and has a smooth structure.

What does it mean to integrate over a manifold?

Integrating over a manifold means calculating the integral of a function over the entire space of the manifold. This involves taking into account the curvature and shape of the manifold in the integration process.

What is the difference between integrating over a manifold and integrating over a regular space?

Integrating over a manifold is more complex than integrating over a regular space because the manifold may have a non-Euclidean structure, meaning the usual rules of integration may not apply. Additionally, integrating over a manifold takes into account the curvature and shape of the space, which can change the results of the integration.

Why is integrating over a manifold important in mathematics?

Integrating over a manifold is important because it allows for the study of complex and abstract spaces in mathematics. It is also a key tool in many areas of physics, including general relativity and quantum mechanics, where the concept of a manifold is used to model space and time.

What are some practical applications of integrating over a manifold?

Integrating over a manifold has practical applications in areas such as computer graphics, computer vision, and machine learning. In computer graphics, it is used to create realistic 3D images by integrating over the 3D surface of an object. In computer vision, it is used to analyze and understand images of objects in a 3D space. In machine learning, it is used to train models to recognize patterns and make predictions in complex data sets.

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