TIME DILATION. WHY do clocks that are

In summary, the animation depicts how the clocks on two people who are moving relative to each other will tick slower than if the people were stationary.
  • #141
DaleSpam said:
The same way that the side of a right triangle is actually physically shorter than the hypotenuse. It is just geometry, only using the Minkowski metric instead of the Euclidean metric.

For comparison with post #138, here's an illustration of that geometric explanation why oscillators actually slow down as their speed increases:
(a basic but neat Minkowski diagram that I hijacked from a web blog by L.G. Sims)
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #142
ghwellsjr said:
He explained how he did it in post #6:
'The frame are drawn with POV-Ray, then assembled by a GIF animator (I use Animation Shop 3).'
Thanks, I forgot! Regretfully Animation Shop 3 isn't freeware...
  • #143
harrylin said:
Thanks, I forgot! Regretfully Animation Shop 3 isn't freeware...

I'm sure that that are a number of freeware programs that would do the job. Assembling the individual frames into an animated GIF is the easy part.
  • #144
I'm trying to understand this

I understand the picture where Zoe is stationary in front of the veranda, but I do not understand the animation.

If it’s an object like a ping-pong ball going from one side of the car to the other, I would assume the ball would get the forward speed of the car. Since all objects can be pushed by the car, it would be strange to even ask why the ping-pong ball would go like the light ray in the animation. Light however doesn’t get pushed by the car, so this makes me question that it gets the forward motion of the car.

In case Zoe moves, the angle in which the light ray is being sent will have to change, or the light will no longer reach the mirror. (for Zoe it will seem to go backwards in her car)
If she does change it however, there wouldn’t be any need to change her time. Instead she could just calculate the same distance as Jasper does.

My problem with the animation comes down to this:
If a light source moves from back to front it has no effect on the speed of the light, but if a light source moves sideways there suddenly is some mysterious sideways velocity of the light.

If I assume the light ray gets the forward velocity from the moving lightsource then the calculation is correct and time for Zoe has to change. For me this seems like a good reason to say the assumption is false.

If I assume the light ray doesn't get the forward motion, then time stays the same. For me this makes sense.

There’s a light source of yellow light with a wavelength of 580nm in the back of a car and an observer 2m from the light source in the front of the car.

If the car is standing still it takes 1/517x1012 s for the light wave to appear. The light wave with a wavelength of 580nm will travel to the observer in 6.67x10-9 s. It will take the observer 1/517x1012 s to detect the light wave from front to end. The observer will see this as yellow light with a wavelength of 580nm.

If the car is traveling with a speed of 0.8c it will take 1/517x1012 s for the light wave to appear. In this time the light source has moved 464nm. So the distance between the front of the wave and the end is now 116nm (instead of 580nm) The light wave with a wavelength of 116nm will travel to the observer in 33.3 x10-9 s The observer will move a length L between detecting the front of the 116nm wave and the end. (L+116nm)/c = L / 0.8 so L=464nm making the observer see the light with a wave length of (464+116=) 580nm.

To prove this is right I’d need something that uses some kind of electro-magnetic wave and show it takes the waves longer at higher speeds. So I’d need a thing like an atomic clock and show it runs slower at higher speeds or I’d need a particle like a muon and show the information traveling within about its decay will take longer to reach its outer edges at high speeds. Funny thing is those are exactly the same things as are being used to proof time dilation.

My question is, what am I doing wrong or what experiment does time dilation explain that can't be explained by my view?
  • #145
Ernst Jan said:
I'm trying to understand this

I understand the picture where Zoe is stationary in front of the veranda, but I do not understand the animation.
The animation of Janus (if that's the one you mean) is certainly about EM wave propagation, bouncing from mirrors; the dots make it easy to follow the reflections.
If it’s an object like a ping-pong ball going from one side of the car to the other, I would assume the ball would get the forward speed of the car. Since all objects can be pushed by the car, it would be strange to even ask why the ping-pong ball would go like the light ray in the animation. Light however doesn’t get pushed by the car, so this makes me question that it gets the forward motion of the car.
Light rays are not affected by the forward motion of the car (at least that is the second postulate, and experiments apparently confirm it).
In case Zoe moves, the angle in which the light ray is being sent will have to change, or the light will no longer reach the mirror. (for Zoe it will seem to go backwards in her car)
If she does change it however, there wouldn’t be any need to change her time. Instead she could just calculate the same distance as Jasper does.

My problem with the animation comes down to this:
If a light source moves from back to front it has no effect on the speed of the light, but if a light source moves sideways there suddenly is some mysterious sideways velocity of the light. [..]
In SR there is a difference between quantity of motion and speed; as a result, speed and direction do not relate to each other like in Newton's mechanics. But I'm sure we had a thread about your question not long ago... OK I found it back with Google:


There’s a light source of yellow light with a wavelength of 580nm in the back of a car and an observer 2m from the light source in the front of the car.

If the car is standing still it takes 1/517x1012 s for the light wave to appear. The light wave with a wavelength of 580nm will travel to the observer in 6.67x10-9 s. It will take the observer 1/517x1012 s to detect the light wave from front to end. The observer will see this as yellow light with a wavelength of 580nm.

If the car is traveling with a speed of 0.8c it will take 1/517x1012 s for the light wave to appear. In this time the light source has moved 464nm. So the distance between the front of the wave and the end is now 116nm (instead of 580nm) The light wave with a wavelength of 116nm will travel to the observer in 33.3 x10-9 s The observer will move a length L between detecting the front of the 116nm wave and the end. (L+116nm)/c = L / 0.8 so L=464nm making the observer see the light with a wave length of (464+116=) 580nm.

To prove this is right I’d need something that uses some kind of electro-magnetic wave and show it takes the waves longer at higher speeds. So I’d need a thing like an atomic clock and show it runs slower at higher speeds or I’d need a particle like a muon and show the information traveling within about its decay will take longer to reach its outer edges at high speeds. Funny thing is those are exactly the same things as are being used to proof time dilation.

My question is, what am I doing wrong or what experiment does time dilation explain that can't be explained by my view?
If I understand you correctly, you do not use SR but another theory according to which the speed of light adds to the speed of the source. There can be no Doppler effect if the source and receiver have the same velocity (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppler_effect);
and in particular for this thread, if you'd make a similar animation as here above, you should not obtain time dilation. It thus seems that you made a calculation error.

Note also that you seem to suggest an imposed source frequency with a receiver; while the animation suggests a source such as a laser with a resonance frequency that is created by an optical cavity.
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  • #146
Ernst Jan said:
If a light source moves from back to front it has no effect on the speed of the light, but if a light source moves sideways there suddenly is some mysterious sideways velocity of the light.
Nothing mysterious about it. It comes directly from Maxwell's equations for a given set of boundary conditions in different frames.

Ernst Jan said:
If I assume the light ray gets the forward velocity from the moving lightsource then the calculation is correct and time for Zoe has to change. For me this seems like a good reason to say the assumption is false.

If I assume the light ray doesn't get the forward motion, then time stays the same. For me this makes sense.
Except that if it doesn't get the forward motion then you get real paradoxes. Like the light hitting a detector in one frame and not hitting the same detector in another frame.
  • #147
Thank you for answering!

harrylin said:
The animation of Janus (if that's the one you mean) is certainly about EM wave propagation, bouncing from mirrors; the dots make it easy to follow the reflections.

Indeed, clearly it shows how the situation IS for them, and not how they "see" it. Note that if the derived time dilation is TRUE, the animation is NOT correct.

Light rays are not affected by the forward motion of the car (at least that is the second postulate, and experiments apparently confirm it).

Indeed, that's what I said.

In SR there is a difference between quantity of motion and speed; as a result, speed and direction do not relate to each other like in Newton's mechanics. But I'm sure we had a thread about your question not long ago... OK I found it back with Google:


Thanks for the link. I read the thread and it's the same argument that you give here. SR is true and so everything that contradicts it is false. I agree with the conclusion under that premisse. My question was why would you assume something like that, since as I showed it makes more sense not to.

If I understand you correctly, you do not use SR but another theory according to which the speed of light adds to the speed of the source.

No, in my calculation all speeds are absolute and c is constant.

There can be no Doppler effect if the source and receiver have the same velocity (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppler_effect);

That's what I showed, the light has the same wave length for the observer, as long as his relative speed to the lightsource is the same. In my example the relative speed was zero and absolute speed was 0.8c.

and in particular for this thread, if you'd make a similar animation as here above, you should not obtain time dilation.

Indeed, I showed there is no need to explain things with time dilation.

It thus seems that you made a calculation error.
You know what... I actually believe you. I'm convinced there is a perfectly good explantion why so many people think SR is TRUE and I would very much like to be one of them.
A wise man once said that you don't really understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother. I want to understand SR, so that's why it's not enough for me to say that SR seems to be internally consistent as an argument that it must be TRUE. I need a reason why the assumptions made are TRUE or at least why those assumptions make sense.

Note also that you seem to suggest an imposed source frequency with a receiver; while the animation suggests a source such as a laser with a resonance frequency that is created by an optical cavity.
Sorry for the confusion. The calculation was to show that atomic clocks will run slow without the need to explain it with time dilation.
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  • #148
DaleSpam said:
Except that if it doesn't get the forward motion then you get real paradoxes. Like the light hitting a detector in one frame and not hitting the same detector in another frame.
This makes no sense at all.

In my view there can be a "universal observer" , one that can see everything as it IS at one moment in the intuitive sense. This by pure definition means that there can be no real paradoxes like the one you describe. Note that if SR is true, such an observer is no longer possible.
  • #149
Ernst Jan said:
[..] Note that if the derived time dilation is TRUE, the animation is NOT correct.
Please elaborate; the animation seems to accurately describe Maxwell wave propagation, which is maintained in SR.
[..] Thanks for the link. I read the thread and it's the same argument that you give here. SR is true and so everything that contradicts it is false. I agree with the conclusion under that premisse.
??! No, that is not at all the argument there, nor here. The purpose of Physicsforums is to explain currently existing theory, that's all.
My question was why would you assume something like that, since as I showed it makes more sense not to. [quotation] No, in my calculation all speeds are absolute and c is constant.
If so, I don't understand the difference with the simulation; if you simply used Maxwell, that is also what the simulation does - it's standard ray tracing.
[..] Indeed, I showed there is no need to explain things with time dilation.
That's the question of this thread upside-down; time dilation was first predicted by SR and subsequently measured. The question that we try to answer in this thread is why it happens. :-p
[..] I need a reason why the assumptions made are TRUE or at least why those assumptions make sense. [..] Sorry for the confusion. The calculation was to show that atomic clocks will run slow without the need to explain it with time dilation.
That is a misunderstanding: "time dilation" is just a common lable of the phenomenon; it's not an explanation of it. Other lables of the same are "clock retardation" and "running slow".

Now, the basic assumptions that need to make sense to you are the two postulates of Einstein, or the few starting assumptions of Lorentz-Poincare:

- we cannot measure our absolute motion (at constant velocity): this is the experimental outcome of very many failed attempts to detect absolute motion.

- the speed of light in vacuum is independent of that of the source and constant, similar to sound waves: this was at the time inferred by many experiments that supported Maxwell's theory; and later also direct experiments gave support to it.

The effects of clock slowdown as well as the shrinking of objects follow logically (by mathematical necessity) from those starting assumptions, as Einstein showed.

In later years, others (such as Ives) showed that the same follows, when starting from Maxwell's theory, from the conservation of momentum and energy.Harald

PS: please start a new thread if you want to elaborate on this deviation from the topic of this thread.
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  • #150
Ernst Jan said:
This makes no sense at all.

In my view there can be a "universal observer" , one that can see everything as it IS at one moment in the intuitive sense. This by pure definition means that there can be no real paradoxes like the one you describe. Note that if SR is true, such an observer is no longer possible.

I don't think so; SR makes no claims about what "really is" and merely pretends that we cannot identify such an observer. Please show me wrong. :wink:
  • #151
Ernst Jan said:
If a light source moves from back to front it has no effect on the speed of the light, but if a light source moves sideways there suddenly is some mysterious sideways velocity of the light.
You are comparing apples with oranges here. Look at the animation again:


- The "speed" (magnitude of velocity vector) is the same for all 4 photons, regardless how they where emitted.

- The individual velocity vector components of the two "vertically" emitted photons are different. But that has nothing to do with "source velocity affecting the light". It is simply a consequence of the fact that direction of a velocity vector is frame dependent (even in Newtonian mechanics).

After all, all observers must agree that the photon hit the mirror. Otherwise you get contradictions.
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  • #153
A.T. said:
You are comparing apples with oranges here. Look at the animation again:


- The "speed" (magnitude of velocity vector) is the same for all 4 photons, regardless how they where emitted.

- The individual velocity vector components of the two "vertically" emitted photons are different. But that has nothing to do with "source velocity affecting the light". It is simply a consequence of the fact that direction of a velocity vector is frame dependent (even in Newtonian mechanics).

After all, all observers must agree that the photon hit the mirror. Otherwise you get contradictions.

This animation is exactly what I mean, it proves my point doesn't it?
In the stationary frame you follow the photon going straight down and in the moving frame you follow the photon going in an angle, exactly like I said.

If you're suggesting that in both frames the observer would see the photons hit the mirror after exactly the same time then we disagree and your animation shows I'm right?
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  • #155
harrylin said:
I don't think so; SR makes no claims about what "really is" and merely pretends that we cannot identify such an observer. Please show me wrong. :wink:

With time dilation and length contraction it seems no longer possible to see what a 3 dimensional space looks like for a "universal observer", these are real physical effects right?
  • #156
Ernst Jan said:
This animation is exactly what I mean, it proves my point doesn't it?
No idea what your point is. But you seemed to compare "speed"(for photons the same in every frame) and "velocity components"(can vary between frames). The velocity of the source doesn't come in here.

Ernst Jan said:
In the stationary frame you follow the photon going straight down and in the moving frame you follow the photon going in an angle, exactly like I said.
What do you mean by "follow a photon in some frame"?

Ernst Jan said:
If you're suggesting that in both frames the observer would see the photons hit the mirror after exactly the same time ...
No, I never suggested that.
  • #157
A.T. said:
No idea what your point is. But you seemed to compare "speed"(for photons the same in every frame) and "velocity components"(can vary between frames). The velocity of the source doesn't come in here.
I said that the animation in my original post compared 2 different photons, exactly like in your animation.

What do you mean by "follow a photon in some frame"?
I mean the photon going between two mirrors. With stationary frame I mean the mirrors that are stationary and with moving frame I mean the mirrors that are moving.

No, I never suggested that.
Good, but why do you think there are any contradiction?
To me it seems we're saying exactly the same thing.
  • #158
Ernst Jan said:
This animation is exactly what I mean, it proves my point doesn't it?
In the stationary frame you follow the photon going straight down and in the moving frame you follow the photon going in an angle, exactly like I said.

If you're suggesting that in both frames the observer would see the photons hit the mirror after exactly the same time then we disagree and your animation shows I'm right?

I still don't see of what you should be convinced; but you seem to mean with such jargon something else as the others! In such cases it's better to abstain from jargon and to spell everything completely out. Thus:

Let's call S1 the "stationary" system because we choose it for our reference, and S2 the "moving" system system.

- as measured with S1, we observe the one light pulse going straight down wrt our system S1.
- also as measured with S1, we observe the other light pulse going under an angle wrt our system S1, but straight down wrt S2 (the y coordinates of that light pulse and the mirror are at every time the same).
- consequently, as measured with S2, one will observe that other light pulse also to go straight down wrt S2.

- We can measure "time" with for example such oscillators; as a result, according to our perception (measurements), the clocks that are at rest with S2 run at half the speed as the ones that are at rest with our system.

Note that due to the different reference standards in which the same situation is measured with S2, observers using S2 will conclude just the opposite, that is, that clocks that are at rest with S1 run at half the speed as the ones that are at rest with S2; that's however another topic which has also been discussed many times because it's at first sight mind-boggling or even paradoxical ("mutual" or "symmetric" time dilation). It's a direct requirement of the relativity principle.
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  • #159
Ernst Jan said:
Good, but why do you think there are any contradiction?
I think it is misleading to the bring movement of the light source into it, like you do here;
Ernst Jan said:
but if a light source moves sideways there suddenly is some mysterious sideways velocity of the light.
To see the the movement of the light source is irrelevant, you can change the experiment: Instead of two vertical light clocks in relative horizontal movement, you have two long parallel mirrors, with two photons jumping between them:

FRAME A (rest frame of the mirrors):
- photon A is going vertically up & down
- photon B is zig-zaging at 45° to the right

FRAME B (moving to the right relative to the mirrors):
- photon A is zig-zaging at 45° to the left
- photon B is going vertically up & down

As you see the movement of the photons it perfectly symmetrical, between the two frames, despite the fact that in one frame the mirrors are static while moving in the other frame. So the movement of the source doesn't affect how the light propagates.

This is easier to see when you consider a 360° light pulse, instead of single photon.
  • #160
Ernst Jan said:
With time dilation and length contraction it seems no longer possible to see what a 3 dimensional space looks like for a "universal observer", these are real physical effects right?

Perhaps you mean that if we assume the existence of an "absolute" reference, according to SR we cannot know which point of view corresponds to it? Indeed, at least not by measurements. However, I think that according to cosmology it makes sense to postulate that the centre of mass of the universe corresponds to the origin of such a frame (maybe someone else here knows of that?).

In any case, the point of Newtonian physics was that observers who use instead an inertial system will observe exactly the same laws of nature as such such an universal observer - that's the PoR, that any inertial frame is equally suited for using the laws of physics. And this is the same in SR.
  • #161
commenting on:
"if a light source moves sideways there suddenly is some mysterious sideways velocity of the light."
A.T. said:
I think it is misleading to the bring movement of the light source into it, like you do here;

To see the the movement of the light source is irrelevant, you can change the experiment: Instead of two vertical light clocks in relative horizontal movement, you have two long parallel mirrors, with two photons jumping between them:

FRAME A (rest frame of the mirrors):
- photon A is going vertically up & down
- photon B is zig-zaging at 45° to the right

FRAME B (moving to the right relative to the mirrors):
- photon A is zig-zaging at 45° to the left
- photon B is going vertically up & down

As you see the movement of the photons it perfectly symmetrical, between the two frames, despite the fact that in one frame the mirrors are static while moving in the other frame. So the movement of the source doesn't affect how the light propagates.

This is easier to see when you consider a 360° light pulse, instead of single photon.

Not completely correct: the motion of the source does affect the direction of light rays, even for uniform light sources (but that is nothing mysterious, it's conservation of momentum). A moving uniform light source will show a "head light" effect. I thought it was mentioned in the physics FAQ but now I can't find it back... so I'll hopefully not link to crank site by giving a link from Google here:
  • #162
Ernst Jan said:
Thanks, this was the answer I was hoping for. Too bad there are a lot of experiments in the link, could you say which of them contradict my view please, or did you mean all of them?
The idea of a privileged observer violates the first postulate, which is the specific subject of the tests in sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, and 3.6. However, in a broader sense you recognized the incompatibility of your idea with SR, and all of the tests confirm SR.
  • #163
harrylin said:
I still don't see of what you should be convinced; but you seem to mean with such jargon something else as the others! In such cases it's better to abstain from jargon and to spell everything completely out. Thus:

Let's call S1 the "stationary" system because we choose it for our reference, and S2 the "moving" system system.

- as measured with S1, we observe the one light pulse going straight down wrt our system S1.
- also as measured with S1, we observe the other light pulse going under an angle wrt our system S1, but straight down wrt S2 (the y coordinates of that light pulse and the mirror are at every time the same).
- consequently, as measured with S2, one will observe that other light pulse also to go straight down wrt S2.
I think this is how everyone interprets the animation.

- We can measure "time" with for example such oscillators;
According to my "universal observer" you can't do this. The reason seems obvious; the photons do not hit the mirrors at the same time.

as a result, according to our perception (measurements), the clocks that are at rest with S2 run at half the speed as the ones that are at rest with our system.
Under the premisse that you can measure "time" with for example such oscillators, you will get no argument from me.

My question I started with is why you would assume you can measure time like that.
Like I explained earlier is stating that you can, doesn't seem like much of an explanation.
  • #164
DaleSpam said:
The idea of a privileged observer violates the first postulate,
I know, my question is why would you think the first postulate is true.

which is the specific subject of the tests in sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, and 3.6.
Thanks, I hope to find my answer there then :)

However, in a broader sense you recognized the incompatibility of your idea with SR, and all of the tests confirm SR.
Yeah, we can agree to that, but I was hoping you'd tell me which of those test disagree with my view. Since my view also explains that atomic clocks will slow down with high speed.
  • #165
Ernst Jan said:
My question I started with is why you would assume you can measure time like that.
How would you measure time? What kind of clock would you use?

Let's say your "correct" clock is placed right next to a light clock, and synchronized so they both tick in sync in their common rest frame. Wouldn't then all observers have to agree that they tick in sync? Otherwise you could easily create paradoxes.

If the clocks stay synchronized in every frame, what difference does it make, if we use your "correct" clock or a light clock to measure time?
  • #166
Ernst Jan said:
Since my view also explains that atomic clocks will slow down with high speed.
I have been following this thread since you made your first post and I cannot tell what your view is. Could you express it again, one more time, with no reference to previous explanations so that hopefully, I, and possibly others will understand what you are promoting, please?

And one more question: does your view explain how slowed down atomic clocks moving at high speed will measure the stationary atomic clocks as being slowed down by the same amount? In other words, do you understand that time dilation is reciprocal?
  • #167
A.T. said:
How would you measure time? What kind of clock would you use?

Let's say your "correct" clock is placed right next to a light clock, and synchronized so they both tick in sync in their common rest frame. Wouldn't then all observers have to agree that they tick in sync? Otherwise you could easily create paradoxes.

If the clocks stay synchronized in every frame, what difference does it make, if we use your clock or a light clock?

A "correct" clock would be a clock that would show a "universal observer" that one second has passed when the Earth has made (1/24 * 1/60 * 1/60=) 1/86400 of a rotation.

Let's agree that I can't stop time by smashing a clock, so that a clock does not necesarrily tell the "correct" time.
  • #168
ghwellsjr said:
does your view explain how slowed down atomic clocks moving at high speed will measure the stationary atomic clocks as being slowed down by the same amount? In other words, do you understand that time dilation is reciprocal?

Your question is a bit strange, since measuring implies actually looking at the clock. It brings up all kinda new problems like the Doppler effect. Let's just keep looking at it as if an observer just knows what's happening.

Obviously, in my view only the clock moving at high speed will slow down. If you would bring those clocks together you could check that this is indeed the case.
  • #169
Ernst Jan said:
ghwellsjr said:
does your view explain how slowed down atomic clocks moving at high speed will measure the stationary atomic clocks as being slowed down by the same amount? In other words, do you understand that time dilation is reciprocal?
Your question is a bit strange, since measuring implies actually looking at the clock. It brings up all kinda new problems like the Doppler effect.
Well, yes, measuring does imply actually looking at the clock. But the Relativistic Doppler effect is a solution (not a problem) to how each clock, moving in relation to each other, sees and measures what the other clock is doing. Do you deny that Relativistic Doppler comports with reality?
Ernst Jan said:
Let's just keep looking at it as if an observer just knows what's happening.
If you believe in an absolute ether rest state in which there is a single absolute definition of time and space, you need to tell us how to identify it. Otherwise, it's your opinion against everyone else's as to what's happening.
Ernst Jan said:
Obviously, in my view only the clock moving at high speed will slow down. If you would bring those clocks together you could check that this is indeed the case.
And which is the clock that is moving at high speed? And there is more than one way to bring those two clocks together and depending on how you do it, you can determine that either one is the one that was slowed down.
  • #170
Ernst Jan said:
A "correct" clock would be a clock that would show a "universal observer" that one second has passed when the Earth has made (1/24 * 1/60 * 1/60=) 1/86400 of a rotation.
So you want to use the Earth's rotation as a clock. Well anything I said still applies:

Let's say your "correct" clock is placed right next to a light clock, and synchronized so they both tick in sync in their common rest frame. Wouldn't then all observers have to agree that they tick in sync? Otherwise you could easily create paradoxes. If the clocks stay synchronized in every frame, what difference does it make, if we use your clock or a light clock?

Ernst Jan said:
Let's agree that I can't stop time by smashing a clock,.
But by smashing the Earth?

Ernst Jan said:
so that a clock does not necesarrily tell the "correct" time.
So who does tell the "correct" time? How do you measure it?
  • #171
ghwellsjr said:
Well, yes, measuring does imply actually looking at the clock. But the Relativistic Doppler effect is a solution (not a problem) to how each clock, moving in relation to each other, sees and measures what the other clock is doing. Do you deny that Relativistic Doppler comports with reality?
No, the Doppler effect only depends on the difference in velocity, so it makes no difference if speed is relative or absolute. For a "universal observer" it will look different though, but the effect is the same.

If you believe in an absolute ether rest state in which there is a single absolute definition of time and space, you need to tell us how to identify it. Otherwise, it's your opinion against everyone else's as to what's happening.
Actually, the easiest solution should always be preferred over a more complex one.
I'm convinced my solution is not right though, but still trying to find out why it's false.

And which is the clock that is moving at high speed?
It's the clock that runs slower.

And there is more than one way to bring those two clocks together and depending on how you do it, you can determine that either one is the one that was slowed down.
That's ONLY true for SR and frankly you have a lot of trouble explaining the following with it.
You put an atomic clock on a plane and you keep one on the ground. You then let the plane circle the Earth and you bring the clock from the ground up to the plane. If you check the clocks you'll notice that the one that was in the plane first will have a time indicating it has run slower.
  • #172
A.T. said:
So you want to use the Earth's rotation as a clock. Well anything I said still applies:

Let's say your "correct" clock is placed right next to a light clock, and synchronized so they both tick in sync in their common rest frame. Wouldn't then all observers have to agree that they tick in sync?
Of course.

Otherwise you could easily create paradoxes.
You can proof everything with 0=1 indeed.

If the clocks stay synchronized in every frame, what difference does it make, if we use your clock or a light clock?
Obviously, it will not stay synchronized when you start to move.

So who does tell the "correct" time? How do you measure it?
Well, "correct" time can only be a question of definition. Measuring should be done by something that's the same for everyone. Like calling one rotation of the Earth a day.
(I'm aware that it means each day has a different length, but it doesn't matter as long as it's the same for everyone. Note that this is not the same as how someone observes a rotation of the earth, because for someone moving away it will seem like the Earth is rotating slower than it is.)
  • #173
Ernst Jan said:
I know, my question is why would you think the first postulate is true.
Two reasons. First, and most importantly, because of the experimental evidence cited above. Second, because the mathematical forms of all of the currently known fundamental laws of physics are invariant under boosts.

Ernst Jan said:
Yeah, we can agree to that, but I was hoping you'd tell me which of those test disagree with my view.
Again, all of those supporting the first postulate disagree with your view (3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6).

Ernst Jan said:
Since my view also explains that atomic clocks will slow down with high speed.
No, your view does not explain that atomic clocks will slow down with high speed. The idea that clocks slow down with high speed could be added as an ad-hoc patch to your idea, but it certainly would not explain it. In other words, from the two postulates you can derive time dilation. The same is not true if you replace the first postulate with a preferred observer.
  • #174
DaleSpam said:
No, your view does not explain that atomic clocks will slow down with high speed. The idea that clocks slow down with high speed could be added as an ad-hoc patch to your idea, but it certainly would not explain it. In other words, from the two postulates you can derive time dilation. The same is not true if you replace the first postulate with a preferred observer.
DaleSpam, we have evidence that the clocks slow down on satellites, but they move in a gravitational field.
Do we have proof that clocks slow down in non-gravitational field?
If the energy and the mass depend on the speed, can we say that those clocks are identical with the ground clocks?

[EDIT] I started to stress from my English :D Should I say "related with" instead of "depend on"?
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  • #175
sisoev said:
DaleSpam, we have evidence that the clocks slow down on satellites, but they move in a gravitational field.
Do we have proof that clocks slow down in non-gravitational field?
If the energy and the mass depend on the speed, can we say that those clocks are identical with the ground clocks?

[EDIT] I started to stress from my English :D Should I say "related with" instead of "depend on"?

Ah, so you're perfectly happy with General Relativity, just not special relativity? GPS, satellite experiments, even aiplane experiments on Earth must take account of general relativity (which includes special relativity as an exact special case: exact on the tangent plan to any spacetime point; asymptotically true in any small region of spacetime). The demand for testing special relativity without any (even very small) gravitational corrections would require doing only experiments in an empty universe with mass-less equipment. Have fun with that.

Note that current generation of most accurate clocks must use GR+SR corrections to account for differences when they are raised from the floor to a table top.

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