How Do Charge Distributions Affect Electric Fields in Capacitors?

In summary, the problem discusses an ideal parallel-plate capacitor with two metal plates separated by a distance d. When connected to a battery, charge flows between the plates and a potential difference appears. The problem asks to determine the distribution of charge on each plate, considering the repulsive and attractive forces between like and opposite charges. Assuming the plates are perfect conductors, the condition for the electric field to vanish in each plate can be written as σ_a - σ_b - σ_c - σ_d = 0 and -σ_a - σ_b - σ_c + σ_d = 0 for plates I and II, respectively. The direction of the electric field must also be considered, leading to some charges being positive and others negative.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a capacitor that consists of two metal plates of nonzero thickness separated by a positive distance d. When such a capacitor is connected across the terminals of a battery with emf EMF, two things happen simultaneously: Charge flows from one plate to another, and a potential difference appears between the two plates.

In this problem, you will determine the amount and distribution of charge on each metallic plate for an ideal (infinite) parallel-plate capacitor. There is competition between the repulsive forces from like charges on a plate and the attractive forces from the opposite charge on the other plate. You will determine which force "wins."

Let sigma_a, sigma_b, sigma_c, and sigma_d be the respective surface charge densities on surfaces A, B, C, and D. Take all the charge densities to be positive for now. Some of them are in fact negative, and this will be revealed at the end of the calculation.


If we assume that the metallic plates are perfect conductors, the electric field in their interiors must vanish. Given that the electric field E_vec due to a charged sheet with surface charge + \sigma is given by

E = σ/2ε_0

and that it points away from the plane of the sheet, how can the condition that the electric field in plate I vanishes be written?

ANSWER: σ_a - σ_b - σ_c - σ_d = 0

Similarly, how can the condition that the electric field in plate II vanishes be written?

ANSWER: -σ_a - σ_b - σ_c + σ_d=0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

For Part A, my first thought was to consider the fields lines emanating from each plate as vectors (in a way). For instance, if the top A holds a positive charge, the field lines will point up away from the top of the plate, and down out of the bottom plate, therefore, σ_a+σ_b = 0, but right off the bat, that is wrong. Also, it says in the intro to consider all the σ 's as being positive, so in that case, the field lines point out of both plates?

I'm honestly completely confused about how to arrive at those answers, so some conceptual guiding would be greatly appreciated!

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  • #2
forestmine said:

Homework Statement

Consider a capacitor that consists of two metal plates of nonzero thickness separated by a positive distance d. When such a capacitor is connected across the terminals of a battery with emf EMF, two things happen simultaneously: Charge flows from one plate to another, and a potential difference appears between the two plates.

In this problem, you will determine the amount and distribution of charge on each metallic plate for an ideal (infinite) parallel-plate capacitor. There is competition between the repulsive forces from like charges on a plate and the attractive forces from the opposite charge on the other plate. You will determine which force "wins."

Let sigma_a, sigma_b, sigma_c, and sigma_d be the respective surface charge densities on surfaces A, B, C, and D. Take all the charge densities to be positive for now. Some of them are in fact negative, and this will be revealed at the end of the calculation.


If we assume that the metallic plates are perfect conductors, the electric field in their interiors must vanish. Given that the electric field E_vec due to a charged sheet with surface charge + \sigma is given by

E = σ/2ε_0

and that it points away from the plane of the sheet, how can the condition that the electric field in plate I vanishes be written?

ANSWER: σ_a - σ_b - σ_c - σ_d = 0

Similarly, how can the condition that the electric field in plate II vanishes be written?

ANSWER: -σ_a - σ_b - σ_c + σ_d=0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

For Part A, my first thought was to consider the fields lines emanating from each plate as vectors (in a way). For instance, if the top A holds a positive charge, the field lines will point up away from the top of the plate, and down out of the bottom plate, therefore, σ_a+σ_b = 0, but right off the bat, that is wrong. Also, it says in the intro to consider all the σ 's as being positive, so in that case, the field lines point out of both plates?

I'm honestly completely confused about how to arrive at those answers, so some conceptual guiding would be greatly appreciated!

electric field is a vector quantity so think about it's direction. if you are thinking for electric field inside the I plate then all the charges in lower of plate will have electric field (sigma_b+sigma_c+sigma_d)/2e(in upward direction) but the direction of electric field due charges in upper section of uppermost will have opposite direction of electric field that is -sigma_a/2e(add all to get zero). that's why it is negative and all other are positive.
I ask similar question to my self when i was learning capacitors(~2months ago). after thinking i reach to above conclusion which look to be correct..
  • #3
I think I was thinking about this all wrong.

I think I've got it now.

Thanks for the help!
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FAQ: How Do Charge Distributions Affect Electric Fields in Capacitors?

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in which electrically charged particles experience force. It is created by the presence of electric charges and is responsible for the movement of charges in a circuit.

2. How are electric fields related to capacitors?

Capacitors are devices that store electric charge and create an electric field between their plates. The strength of the electric field is directly proportional to the amount of charge stored on the plates and the distance between them.

3. How does the electric field in a capacitor affect the flow of current?

The electric field in a capacitor causes the movement of charges, which results in the flow of current. When a capacitor is connected to a circuit, it initially allows a large amount of current to flow, but as the electric field builds up, the flow of current decreases until it reaches a steady state.

4. Can the electric field in a capacitor be changed?

Yes, the electric field in a capacitor can be changed by altering the amount of charge stored on the plates or by changing the distance between the plates. This can be done by adjusting the voltage applied to the capacitor or by physically moving the plates closer or farther apart.

5. What happens to the electric field when a capacitor is fully charged?

When a capacitor is fully charged, the electric field between its plates reaches its maximum strength. At this point, no more charge can be stored on the plates and the capacitor acts as an open circuit, blocking the flow of current.
