How to Calculate X and Y Coordinates for Points Every 30 Meters Along a Spiral?

In summary: First,you need to find the internal diameter of the spiral,which is 500 meters.Next,you need to find the external diameter of the spiral,which is 7000 meters.Then,you need to find the pitch of the spiral,which is 30 meters.Finally,you need to find the X and Y coordinates for points every 30 meters along the spiral by calculating the internal diameter,external diameter,and pitch of the spiral,and then multiplying those values by 30.
  • #1
given the parametric eqns for a spiral

x=kt cos t
y=kt sin t

where k is a constant

give a function of 't' that calculates the length of the spiral.
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you know how to calculate the length of curves?In general,what formula need you apply...?

  • #3
Nope don't know them...

I'm plotting a spiral by increasing t+=0.1

I need to know the length of the spiral plotted as a function of t,x and y

basically I want to distributes points along the circle spaced evenly by distance...

this I can only do if I know how far I've currently plotted...
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  • #4
Should i understand that u're not looking for an anlytical solution and u may never heard of first kind curvilinear integrals...?

You should have said from the beginning what kind of sollution u were looking for...

  • #5
Dunno...I thought I'd made it fairly clear, my apologies if not. Never heard of curvilinear integrals...sorry. Done loads of googling on this subject but didn't find anything that gave a solution to my particular problem.

I just need a formula along the lines of

lenght of spiral = some function of t

An explanation of how it was derived would be great...but not vital...
  • #6
In parametric coordinates,it's this formula that gives the length of a curve:
[tex] L_{C}=\int_{t_{1}}^{t_{2}} \sqrt{(\frac{dx}{dt})^{2}+(\frac{dy}{dt})^{2}} \ dt [/tex](1)

So you see,it's a Riemann definite integral (it's not really a function of "t",as the "t" is getting integrated along the curve)...
The general formula from which one finds (1) is
[tex] L_{C}=\int_{C} dl [/tex](2)
,where "C" is the curve whose length u want to find & "dl" is the line element along the curve...

So using (1) and 2 points along the curve (which means chosing 2 distinct values of the parameter 't'),u can find the length,expressed as a real number.

  • #7
Thanks for the info, but I don't think it really solves my problem -

The curve is being plotted realtime in cartesian spac, so I need to know when I've plotted a distance of N units along the curve as the curve is generated.

If I always used t=0 as the first distinct parameter then could this be done?Sorry for my complete lack of understanding here but it's bloody ages since I've done any calculus...all I really want is an equation I can chuck some numbers in and get an answer from...

  • #8
To properly use formula #1,u need to supply the input parameter 't' with 2 values corresponding to the 2 ends of the curve...If u've chosen the first to be "0",it's okay.You still need another value,however...

Did u do the differentiations & squarings correctly...?

  • #9
man this is embaressing but I remember so little of this stuff

does 't cos t' differentiate to -t sin t?


t sin t differentiate to t cos t?

If you could post the final eqn it'd be really useful...I've got a client deadline to meet...
  • #10
Okay.Your differential calculus is a bit rusty.So let's use the PRODUCT RULE:

[tex] \frac{dx}{dt}=x'=k(t\cos t)'=k\cos t-kt\sin t [/tex] (1)

[tex] \frac{dy}{dt}=y'=k(t\sin t)'=k\sin t+kt\cos t [/tex] (2)

Now square (1) & square (2),add the results,use the fundamental identity of circular trigonometry:
[tex] \sin^{2}t+\cos^{2}t =1 [/tex] (3)

and finally take square root of the everything u've obtained so far.

Plug everything in the integral.

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  • #11
Determining X and Y coordinates along a spiral

I would like to determine X and Y coordinates along a spiral as posed below:

Given: Internal diameter of spiral = 500 meters
External diameter of spiral = 7000 meters
Pitch of spiral = 30 meters

Assuming the center of the spiral is 0,0 and I start at 0,250, how do I calculate the X and Y coordinates for points every 30 meters along the spiral?

FAQ: How to Calculate X and Y Coordinates for Points Every 30 Meters Along a Spiral?

1. What is a parametric spiral?

A parametric spiral is a mathematical curve that is defined by a set of equations known as parametric equations. These equations describe the coordinates of points on the curve in terms of one or more parameters, such as time or distance.

2. How is the length of a parametric spiral calculated?

The length of a parametric spiral can be calculated using the arc length formula, which takes into account the parametric equations and the range of the parameter. Alternatively, the length can also be approximated by dividing the curve into smaller segments and summing their lengths using a numerical integration method.

3. What factors affect the length of a parametric spiral?

The length of a parametric spiral is affected by the shape of the curve, the range of the parameter, and the accuracy of the approximation method used. Additionally, the number of revolutions or turns in the spiral can also impact its length.

4. Can the length of a parametric spiral be negative?

No, the length of a parametric spiral cannot be negative. The arc length formula and numerical integration methods always result in a positive value, as they take into account the distance traveled along the curve.

5. How is the length of a parametric spiral used in real-world applications?

The length of a parametric spiral can be used in various engineering, physics, and mathematical applications. It can help in calculating the distance traveled by a moving object following a spiral path, determining the amount of material needed to create a spiral-shaped object, or analyzing the dynamics of a spiral-shaped system.

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