RLC circuit driven by a 'Real' toroid

In summary, the conversation discussed the process of modeling a real toroid transformer in an RLC circuit. The individual was struggling with how to account for the permeability and resistance of the toroid in their calculations. It was suggested to replace the value of \mu_0 with the permeability of the toroid material and to include the resistance of the toroid itself and the winding resistance in the Kirchoff's voltage law equation. These modifications will provide a more accurate model of a real toroid transformer.
  • #1
I'm currently wanting to model an RLC circuit that is driven by a toroid transformer with a driving current, I(t). See image below.


In physics class, I've done similar problems with 'ideal' toroids and a simple R circuit. What I'm struggling with is how to model a 'real' toroid transformer.

Normally I would do something like this:
[itex]\mu_0 I_{enclosed} = \oint B \cdot dl[/itex]
[itex]\Rightarrow B(t) = \frac{mu_0 I(t) N}{2 \pi r}[/itex]
where N is the number of turns.

The flux is equal to:
[itex]\Phi = \int B \cdot da = \frac{mu_0 I(t) N}{2 \pi}\int \int dr dx= \frac{mu_0 I(t) N L}{2 \pi} ln\left(\frac{r_{out}}{r_{in}}\right )[/itex]
where L is the width of the toroid, and r is the inner and outer radius.

The EMF is:
[itex]\varepsilon = -\frac{d\Phi}{dt} = - \frac{mu_0 N L}{2 \pi} ln\left(\frac{r_{out}}{r_{in}}\right ) \frac{dI(t)}{dt} [/itex]

Using Kirchoff's voltage law:
[itex]\varepsilon = V_R + V_L + V_C = iR +\frac{di(t)}{dt}L + \frac{1}{C}\int_{-\inf}^{t}i(t)dt[/itex]

Differentiating and diving by L gives the ODE:
[itex]\frac{d^2 i(t)}{d x^2}+\frac{R}{L}\frac{di(t)}{dt}+\frac{i(t)}{LC} = \frac{d \varepsilon (t)}{dt} \frac{1}{L}[/itex]

Which can then be solved for i(t), the induced current in the RLC circuit. Etc. Etc.

My Question Is:
Is this method ok for a 'real' toroid? I feel this is wrong because I need to include the permeability of the toroid, but I don't know how to do this. It was my understanding that the presence of a 'real' toroid strengthened the magnetic field (magnitude of 1000 or so) and subsequently increased the induced current. I will appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
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  • #2

Hello! Your approach seems to be on the right track, but there are a few things to consider when modeling a 'real' toroid transformer. First, you are correct in thinking that the permeability of the toroid will affect the strength of the magnetic field and therefore the induced current. The permeability of a material is a measure of how easily it can be magnetized, and it varies depending on the material used for the toroid. So, you will need to take into account the permeability of the toroid material in your calculations. This can be done by replacing the value of \mu_0 in your equations with the permeability of the toroid material.

Additionally, the resistance of the toroid itself will also affect the circuit. This can be taken into account by including the resistance of the toroid in your Kirchoff's voltage law equation.

Lastly, it is important to consider the winding resistance of the toroid transformer. This is the resistance of the wire used to wind the transformer and can be significant in 'real' toroids. This resistance can also be included in your Kirchoff's voltage law equation.

Overall, your approach is a good starting point, but it will need to be modified to account for the permeability, resistance, and winding resistance of the toroid. I hope this helps and good luck with your modeling!

FAQ: RLC circuit driven by a 'Real' toroid

1. What is an RLC circuit driven by a 'Real' toroid?

An RLC circuit is a type of electrical circuit that contains a resistor (R), inductor (L), and capacitor (C). In this case, the circuit is driven by a toroid, which is a donut-shaped object made of a ferromagnetic material. This type of circuit is used to control and manipulate the flow of electric current.

2. How does a 'Real' toroid affect the performance of an RLC circuit?

The presence of a 'Real' toroid in an RLC circuit can greatly enhance its performance. The toroid acts as an inductor, which stores energy in the form of a magnetic field. This can increase the overall inductance of the circuit and improve its ability to resist changes in current flow, leading to better stability and efficiency.

3. What are the advantages of using a 'Real' toroid in an RLC circuit?

One of the main advantages of using a 'Real' toroid in an RLC circuit is its ability to minimize external electromagnetic interference. The toroid acts as a shield, preventing external signals from affecting the circuit. Additionally, the toroid's high inductance can improve the circuit's resonance and damping, leading to better performance.

4. How do you design an RLC circuit driven by a 'Real' toroid?

The design of an RLC circuit driven by a 'Real' toroid involves selecting the appropriate values for the resistor, inductor, and capacitor to achieve the desired performance. The toroid's physical dimensions and material also play a crucial role in the circuit's design. It is important to consider factors such as the desired resonance frequency, current and voltage requirements, and overall system stability.

5. Can a 'Real' toroid be used in other types of circuits?

Yes, a 'Real' toroid can be used in other types of circuits besides an RLC circuit. It is commonly used in power supplies, audio amplifiers, and radio frequency circuits. The toroid's ability to store energy and minimize interference makes it a versatile component in various electronic applications.

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