Angular momentum conservation in helicopters

In summary, the primary reason for the use of a tail rotor in a helicopter is to counteract the rotation of the main body generated by the rotation of the main rotor blades, in order to maintain a zero net angular momentum and keep the helicopter stable. This applies to other rotating bodies, such as the sun and the Earth, which have a constant, non-zero net angular momentum.
  • #1
I had read in a book that the primary reason for the use of tail rotor in a helicopter is to counteract the rotation of the main body generated as a response to the rotation of the main rotor blades to keep angular momentum of the rotor-body system zero.
Is it true that the rotation of main rotor blades results in the rotation of the main heli body to maintain a zero net angular momentum?
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  • #2
I don't know about angular momentum, but the tail rotor keeps the pilot from getting dizzy due to the body of the helicopter wanting to spin from the torque to the main rotor.
  • #3
Is it true that the rotation of main rotor blades results in the rotation of the main heli body to maintain a zero net angular momentum?
Without a second rotor (tail rotor, or a second main rotor rotating in the opposite direction), this would happen.

Air resistance of the main rotor gives a torque, to keep the helicopter stable you need some torque in the opposite direction to cancel this.
  • #4
Here you can see what happens, when the tail rotor fails (at 0:24):
  • #5
The pilot was lucky.
When the tail rotor stopped and the helicopter started rotating in a certain direction, did it mean that the main rotor must have been rotating in a direction opposite to the heli's?
So does it apply to other rotating bodies like the system created by the sun and say the earth? Do they have a non-zero, constant net angular momentum or a zero net angular momentum?
  • #6
A common classroom demonstration has a person sitting on a chair on a (more or less) frictionless turntable, holding a bicycle wheel in a horizontal plane. Initially everything is stationary. The person grabs the rim of the wheel with one hand while holding the axle steady with the other hand, and starts the wheel spinning in one direction, let's say clockwise. He and the turntable start to rotate counterclockwise in response, so that the total angular momentum remains zero.

You can probably find a video of this on YouTube if you search for a while. I couldn't find one with a quick search. I did find several videos in which the bicycle wheel was spinning initially, then the person flips the wheel over and starts rotating in the same direction that the wheel was rotating initially. Same general idea, but with a nonzero initial total angular momentum.
  • #7
I like these guys:
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  • #8
I'd watched a lecture from MIT in youtube too, demonstrating a lot of experiments regarding rotational dynamics. But I couldn't understand if a system consisting of sun and Earth rotating around their common center of mass would have a constant non-zero or a zero L.
Yes, I've gone through a lot of those SixtySymbols videos, got a lot of fun stuff.
  • #9
s0ft said:
Is it true that the rotation of main rotor blades results in the rotation of the main heli body to maintain a zero net angular momentum?
The net angular momentum is not zero, since both the main rotor (vertical axis) and tail rotor (horiztonal axis) are rotating, while the main body of the helicopter is not rotating. In order for the net angular momentum to be zero, the main body would have to be rotating opposite of the main (and tail) rotor.

Imagine a model electric helicopter in outer space, effectively free of any external forces or torques. If the model's initial state is zero angular momentum, then it it's net angular momentum will remain zero regardless of any angular acceleration in the main or tail rotors, as the main body of the helicopter will rotate in the opposite direction so that zero net angular momentum is maintained.

As mentioned above, the purpose of the tail rotor is to counter the torque related to the main rotor, so that the helicopter body remains stable (not rotating unless the pilot controls it to do so, such as a turn, pivot, or pitch maneuver). During pilot induced maneuvers, angular momentum is not conserved because an external (to the helicopter) torque from the air (in response to torques from the main and tail rotors) changes the angular momentum of the helicopter.
  • #10
s0ft said:
I'd watched a lecture from MIT in youtube too, demonstrating a lot of experiments regarding rotational dynamics. But I couldn't understand if a system consisting of sun and Earth rotating around their common center of mass would have a constant non-zero or a zero L.

Constant, non-zero.
The easiest way to see this is to imagine that you were looking at the system from outside the plane of the ecliptic. They'll both be rotating in the same direction (clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on whether you're looking from "above" or "below") so their (constant, non-zero) individual angular momenta are adding instead of canceling.

FAQ: Angular momentum conservation in helicopters

1. What is angular momentum conservation in helicopters?

Angular momentum conservation in helicopters is a principle of physics that states that the total angular momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external torque. In simpler terms, it means that the rotation of a helicopter will remain constant unless a force is applied to change it.

2. How does angular momentum conservation apply to helicopters?

In helicopters, angular momentum conservation applies to the rotor blades. As the blades spin, they create a force that is equal and opposite to the torque generated by the engine and the weight of the helicopter. This allows the helicopter to maintain its rotation and stay in flight.

3. Can angular momentum conservation be violated in helicopters?

No, angular momentum conservation is a fundamental law of physics and cannot be violated. However, external factors such as wind or turbulence can affect the angular momentum of a helicopter and cause it to deviate from its intended path.

4. How does the shape of the rotor blades affect angular momentum conservation in helicopters?

The shape and design of the rotor blades are crucial in maintaining angular momentum conservation in helicopters. A larger surface area and longer blades can generate more lift, allowing the helicopter to maintain its rotation with less power and torque.

5. Is angular momentum conservation important for helicopter safety?

Yes, angular momentum conservation is crucial for helicopter safety. Any imbalance or loss of angular momentum can cause the helicopter to lose control and potentially crash. Therefore, it is essential for pilots to understand and properly manage angular momentum in flight.
