How many megatons was the chixculub meteor impact equal to?

In summary: Supposedly, billions of years ago, Earth collided with a planet the size of Mars.The planet survived, and the fractured pieces of crust is what eventually formed the moon.An asteroid the size of Texas might cause significant damage if it hit Earth.
  • #1
How many megatons was the pre-historic chixculub meteor impact equal to?

This was estimated to be millions of times more powerful than the cumulative explosive power of all of the nuclear weapons in the world combined.

It caused the extinction of most life on Earth during that time (namely the dinosaurs) and even caused the oceans to evaporate. This meteor was about 6 miles in diameter.

If a 6-mile meteor is capable of doing that, imagine the kind of damage an asteroid the size of Texas could do.
Earth sciences news on
  • #2
Kutt said:
If a 6-mile meteor is capable of doing that, imagine the kind of damage an asteroid the size of Texas could do.
If you think that's bad, imagine the kind of damage an asteroid the size of Alaska might cause.
  • #3
Jimmy Snyder said:
If you think that's bad, imagine the kind of damage an asteroid the size of Alaska might cause.

I thought that Texas was about as big as they get?

Apparently Mars was hit by a Texas-sized asteroid several billion years ago..
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  • #4
Only in mediocre music-video-movies.

The largest near Earth asteroid (ie, in the asteroid belt) is much smaller, at 34 km:

But other objects from the outer solar system can be much, much larger. Eris, for example, is more than 2000 km in diameter: )
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  • #5
russ_watters said:
Only in mediocre music-video-movies.

The largest near Earth asteroid (ie, in the asteroid belt) is much smaller, at 34 km:

But other objects from the outer solar system can be much, much larger. Eris, for example, is more than 2000 km in diameter: )

Supposedly, billions of years ago, Earth collided with a planet the size of Mars.

Somehow, the planet survived, and the fractured pieces of crust is what eventually formed the moon.
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  • #6
Kutt said:
Supposedly, billions of years ago, Earth collided with a planet the size of Mars.
Somehow, the planet survived, and the fractured pieces of crust is what eventually formed the moon.
Just being picky, but the moon is composed primarily of mantle material from the proto-Earth, rather than crust. The impact hypothesis only became plausible after we had had the opportunity to examine the Apollo rocks.
  • #7
Kutt said:
How many megatons was the pre-historic chixculub meteor impact equal to?

Wikipedia says 100 teratons, which is 100,000,000 megatons. Wise people will do their own math instead of trusting wikipedia, so if you want give it a try...

One megaton is about 5x1015 Joules. The energy in Joules of the impact will be [itex]\frac{mv^2}{2}[/itex] where v is in meters/sec and m is in kilograms. Make some reasonable assumptions about the size, density, and speed of the meteor, and see what you come up with.
  • #8
Nugatory said:
One megaton is about 5x1015 Joules. The energy in Joules of the impact will be [itex]\frac{mv^2}{2}[/itex] where v is in meters/sec and m is in kilograms. Make some reasonable assumptions about the size, density, and speed of the meteor, and see what you come up with.
A serious disruption of test cricket.

FAQ: How many megatons was the chixculub meteor impact equal to?


What is the estimated megatonnage of the Chixculub meteor impact?

The estimated megatonnage of the Chixculub meteor impact is around 100 teratons, or 100 trillion tons of TNT.


How does the megatonnage of the Chixculub meteor impact compare to other historical events?

The Chixculub meteor impact is estimated to be equivalent to about 2 million Hiroshima atomic bombs, making it one of the most powerful events in Earth's history.


What is the significance of the Chixculub meteor impact in terms of mass extinction?

The Chixculub meteor impact is believed to have caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs and many other species, making it one of the most influential events in Earth's history.


How was the megatonnage of the Chixculub meteor impact calculated?

The megatonnage of the Chixculub meteor impact was calculated by estimating the size and speed of the meteor, as well as the energy released upon impact.


What effect did the megatonnage of the Chixculub meteor impact have on Earth's geology?

The Chixculub meteor impact is believed to have caused massive earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, leading to significant changes in Earth's geology and landscape.
