Clarification of forces involved in electron shielding

In summary, electron shielding is the process of inner electrons repelling outer electrons, reducing the attraction of the nucleus. This is important in calculating ionization energy and atomic radius. Inner electrons are better at shielding because they are closer to the nucleus and have a larger portion of their orbitals between the nucleus and the outer electrons. This is why they have a greater effect on shielding compared to outer electrons.
  • #1
In my chemistry class we just started doing stuff with ionization energy, atomic radius, etc., and I've heard the phrase "electron shielding" tossed around a lot. When I tried to look it up online, most places use "shield" as the verb describing this process, which is not very helpful. The most specific explanation I have gotten so far is that shielding has to do with the electrons in inner shells repelling those in the outer shells, diminishing the attraction of the nucleus.

My question is: Why is it only the inner shells that "shield" the valence electrons? Wouldn't the electrons in the valence shell "shield" each other much more because they are much closer (although this doesn't seem to be the case looking at a graph of atomic radius wrt atomic number, which shows that the atomic radius increases much more when a new shell is added than when another valence electron in the same shell is added)?

Thanks a lot, BritKnight.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
To get an effective shielding, the electrons should be "between" the nucleus and the orbital where you calculate the shielding. Inner electrons are better. Outer electrons have a part of their orbitals outside, where they do not contribute to the shielding.

FAQ: Clarification of forces involved in electron shielding

What is electron shielding?

Electron shielding is the phenomenon in which the negatively charged electrons surrounding an atom shield the positively charged nucleus from the full strength of the electric field created by the protons in the nucleus.

What forces are involved in electron shielding?

The main forces involved in electron shielding are the electrostatic force between the negatively charged electrons and the positively charged nucleus, and the repulsive force between electrons.

How does electron shielding affect the properties of an atom?

Electron shielding affects the properties of an atom by reducing the effective nuclear charge, which in turn affects the size and energy levels of the atom. This can also affect the reactivity and chemical bonding of the atom.

What factors influence the strength of electron shielding?

The strength of electron shielding is influenced by the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus, as well as their distance from the nucleus. The closer the electrons are to the nucleus, the stronger the shielding effect will be.

How is electron shielding related to the periodic trends of the elements?

Electron shielding plays a crucial role in determining the periodic trends of the elements, such as atomic size, ionization energy, and electronegativity. As the number of electrons and their distance from the nucleus increase, the strength of electron shielding also increases, leading to predictable trends across the periodic table.
