Juno Flyby Anomaly - Searching for Answers

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In summary, the conversation discusses the search for information on the Juno flyby anomaly and the lack of data and results available. It references previous papers and speculation on the anomaly and mentions that some private sources claim no anomaly was observed. However, there is no published paper from NASA/ESA confirming this.
  • #1
Gold Member
i did a search for juno flyby here and did not find anything, hence this post:

i've not been able to find any info on the juno flyby anomaly. i know there was a hiccup but did we get any data? was the observed anomaly match the predicted anomaly?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
You mean this anomaly?


All kinds of speculation (in lit):

Certainly there should be data:

I heard that preliminary results were revealed Dec 11 ... but cannot find documents.
CONTROL ID: 1799584
TITLE: Juno Earth Flyby as a Sensitive Detector of Anomalous Orbital-Energy Changes

AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): John D Anderson1, James F Jordan1, James K Campbell1, John E Ekelund1, John J Bordi2, Mathew Abrahamson2, Shadan M Ardalan2, Paul F. Thompson2
INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Retiree, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States.
2. Mission Design & Navigation Section, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States.
ABSTRACT BODY: The fact that unexplained energy changes occur in some Earth flybys, but not all, was reported in 2008 by Anderson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 091102. The anomaly is detected by analyzing radio Doppler and ranging data used for space navigation. It is most significant for the closest flybys at altitudes of 539 km for the NEAR spacecraft , 960 km for the first Galileo flyby, and 1956 km for the first Rosetta flyby, with anomalous total changes in the hyperbolic excess velocity at infinity of 13.5 mm/s, 3.9 mm/s and 1.8 mm/s, respectively. There is also a correlation with the amount of asymmetry of the flyby trajectory with respect to the Earth’s equator. As it turns out, the Juno flyby is well suited for another detection of this anomaly, with an altitude of about 500 km, and a declination of the incoming hyperbolic asymptote of 14.6 deg and an outgoing asymptote of 40.4 deg. Further, the control sequence for the spacecraft introduces no significant translational forces for an interval of plus and minus four days of perigee. Based on eight flybys analyzed previously, and an empirical formula given in the 2008 paper, the expected size of the Juno anomaly is about 7 mm/s. The standard error of the measurement is about 0.01 mm/s. We report first results of the data analysis.​
... OK but where?!

The 2008 paper mentioned in the absract I found:
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  • #3
yep sounds like we still need to wait a bit but thanks
  • #4
I cannot find the results of this flyby. The Wikipedia page has data for the previous spacecraft flyby, but still nothing for Juno. Does anyone know anything about this?
  • #5
The fact that half the authors are listed as "retirees" might have something to do with it, in an age of budget cuts.
  • #6
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Juno spacecraft when if flew by the Earth :p Anyway, those were interesting texts, Simon. I did learn something today.

  • #7
Cosmobrain said:
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Juno spacecraft when if flew by the Earth :p Anyway, those were interesting texts, Simon. I did learn something today.

I learned from a private source recently that no anomaly was observed.
  • #8
Earth'shrink said:
I learned from a private source recently that no anomaly was observed.

Private sources are not allowed as references at the PF. Can your private source give you a link to a published paper?

BTW, this thread is a bit old... :smile:
  • #9
Yes, the thread is old, but there have been a couple of new papers this year. Don't believe NASA/ESA have published the zero results, though.

FAQ: Juno Flyby Anomaly - Searching for Answers

1. What is the Juno Flyby Anomaly?

The Juno Flyby Anomaly refers to an unexpected shift in the trajectory of NASA's Juno spacecraft during its 2016 flyby of Earth. This anomaly caused the spacecraft to deviate from its planned trajectory and use more fuel than anticipated.

2. What caused the Juno Flyby Anomaly?

The exact cause of the Juno Flyby Anomaly is still unknown. Some theories suggest that it was caused by a glitch in the spacecraft's computer or an issue with its propulsion system. However, further investigation is needed to determine the exact cause.

3. What is being done to investigate the Juno Flyby Anomaly?

NASA and its partner organizations are conducting a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the Juno Flyby Anomaly. This includes analyzing data from the spacecraft and conducting simulations to recreate the event. Additionally, NASA has implemented changes to the spacecraft's operation to prevent similar anomalies from occurring in the future.

4. What are the potential implications of the Juno Flyby Anomaly?

The Juno Flyby Anomaly could have significant implications for future space missions. It highlights the importance of thorough testing and preparation for space missions and the need for backup systems in case of unexpected events. It could also lead to changes in the design and operation of future spacecraft to prevent similar anomalies from occurring.

5. When can we expect to have answers about the Juno Flyby Anomaly?

The investigation into the Juno Flyby Anomaly is ongoing, and it is difficult to predict when definitive answers will be available. However, NASA and its partners are working diligently to analyze data and conduct simulations to determine the cause of the anomaly. As more information becomes available, updates will be provided to the public.

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