How can we improve asteroid detection to prevent future impacts?

  • Thread starter GTOM
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In summary, improving asteroid detection to prevent future impacts involves using advanced technology and techniques such as ground-based telescopes, space-based telescopes, and radar systems. Additional measures include increasing international collaboration and funding for research, as well as developing early warning systems and implementing protocols for potential asteroid deflection missions. By utilizing these methods and continuously monitoring the skies, we can better detect and track potentially hazardous asteroids and take necessary actions to prevent them from colliding with Earth.
  • #1
After a rock hit a Russian town unexpected, i think we still can develop in that field.

I would like to have two questions.

First, certain sources tell, that even with the help of passively detecting infrared radiation, objects can be detected from very far away in space, and a complete sky browse can be completed in hours.

If it is true, then how that meteor wasnt discovered from millions of km-s away?

I gladly post my calculations here or the homework topic, i assumed it was warmed by sunlight to an average lunar temperature, 250K, and a radiating area about 227 m2.

I also read, that they underestimated the size of another, low albedo meteor, and they corrected it with the help of a radio-telescope. Can that mean that radars are still superior for observing, detecting things in the solar system?
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  • #2
GTOM said:
First, certain sources tell, that even with the help of passively detecting infrared radiation, objects can be detected from very far away in space, and a complete sky browse can be completed in hours.
What "certain sources"? Those certain sources are very wrong. Yes, objects can be detected from very far away in space if they are bright enough. Small asteroids such as the one that detonated over Chelyabinsk, aren't very bright at all. A "complete sky browse can be completed in hours"? Nonsense.
If it is true, then how that meteor wasnt discovered from millions of km-s away?

I strongly recommend that you look at reputable sources rather than "certain sources". The following is from a reputable source, (emphasis mine on the last paragraph):

Why wasn't the Chelyabinsk meteor detected beforehand?

As can be seen in some of the animations listed below, in the hours and days before contact, the Chelyabinsk meteoroid approached the Earth from the direction of the Sun. Even under ideal conditions, an approaching object the size of the Chelyabinsk meteor is visible for only a few hours before its arrival even in the very largest of telescopes. However, when approaching from the Sun's direction, objects become near-impossible to detect. The side of the meteoroid facing the Earth is buried in the object's own shadow and the glare from the Sun. Regardless, we did a check of nearly 6,000,000 images in the image catalogues of the major sky surveys on the off-chance that it had been imaged but not noticed for some reason. We checked for both the final approach of the meteoroid, and any possible near approaches in prior orbits. No images were found in which the object would be seen.

In fact, only about 500 of the estimated 20 million near-Earth asteroids the size of the Chelyabinsk impactor have been discovered to date. It is not easy, even with modern telescopes, to detect such small and faint objects.
The very recently launched Gaia satellite might be of assistance. However, discovering asteroids is not Gaia's primary or even secondary goal.
  • #3
Thanks. I started to browse the link you gave me.

Well until i finish that, could you give me any equations, how could one calculate a more realistic detection range?
(If you don't know already a trajectory and can't focus to a certain location for hours, and the thing isn't coming from the direction of the Sun.)

FAQ: How can we improve asteroid detection to prevent future impacts?

1. What is the process for detecting dangerous asteroids?

The process for detecting dangerous asteroids involves using telescopes and specialized instruments to track the movement of objects in our solar system. Scientists also use computer algorithms to analyze data and identify potential threats.

2. How do scientists determine if an asteroid is dangerous?

Scientists use a combination of factors to determine if an asteroid is dangerous, including its size, speed, and trajectory. They also look at the likelihood of impact and the potential damage it could cause.

3. What technologies are used to detect dangerous asteroids?

Scientists use a variety of technologies to detect dangerous asteroids, including ground-based telescopes, space-based telescopes, and radar systems. They also use infrared and ultraviolet sensors to gather data on the composition of asteroids.

4. How far in advance can scientists detect a dangerous asteroid?

The amount of time scientists have to detect a dangerous asteroid depends on its size and speed. Larger and faster-moving asteroids can be detected further in advance, while smaller and slower-moving ones may only be detected a few days before potential impact.

5. What measures are in place to protect us from dangerous asteroids?

Currently, there are no foolproof measures in place to protect us from dangerous asteroids. However, scientists are constantly monitoring and tracking potential threats, and there are ongoing efforts to develop technologies that could deflect or destroy dangerous asteroids before they reach Earth.

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