Inelastic and elastic scattering and absorption.

In summary, Inelastic scattering occurs when a neutron collides with and is temporarily absorbed by the nucleus of a target particle. This excites the nucleus, causing it to release gamma radiation and another neutron. Both the neutron and the target particle ‘scatter’ in different directions. Elastic scattering occurs when the neutron is at a lower energy state and so bounces off the target nucleus, but in the process it shares its kinetic energy with the target nucleus, causing the neutron to change direction. Absorption is when the lower energy neutron collides with the nucleus of an atom that has the same mass as what? When a neutron is captured, the heavier nuclear becomes unstable and decays, releasing gamma radiation.
  • #1
I have to write some training on the following and I really have no idea. Is this correct? Any help is greatly appreciated;)

Inelastic scattering
In inelastic scattering, a neutron collides with and is temporarily absorbed by the nucleus of the target particle. This excites the nucleus, causing it to release gamma radiation and another neutron. Both the neutron and the target particle ‘scatter’ in different directions. As the neutron continues to collide with target particles, it loses more energy and is therefore more likely to experience an elastic scattering.

Elastic scattering
In elastic scattering, the neutron is at a lower energy state and so bounces off the target nucleus, but in the process it shares its kinetic energy with the target nucleus, causing the neutron to change direction. The target particle to continues on its original trajectory, but at a higher velocity.

In absorption, the lower energy neutron collides with the nucleus of an atom that has the same mass and as a result is captured forming a heavier nucleus. When a neutron is captured, the heavier nuclear becomes unstable and decays, releasing gamma radiation.

Inelastic scattering and absorption can be measured by the amount of gamma radiation they release...and because the radioactive emissions of elements are well known, we can compare the spectra of radiation released with known elements, to determine the concentration of elements within a formation.
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  • #2
The target particle to continues on its original trajectory, but at a higher velocity.
That's not right. In particular, the target particle can be at rest before the collision, what is its original trajectory then?
Momentum is conserved, if the neutron changes its momentum the target has to change its momentum as well.
If the target particle is moving before the collision, it can slow down and the neutron can gain speed.

In absorption, the lower energy neutron collides with the nucleus of an atom that has the same mass
The same mass as what?
The neutron does not have to be low-energetic, although a lower energy is often useful to get absorption.

When a neutron is captured, the heavier nuclear becomes unstable and decays, releasing gamma radiation.
That doesn't have to happen.Apart from those points, I think it looks fine.
  • #3
From measuring part, one more thing could as well use neutron detectors...
  • #4
I´d group the options as follows:
1) Elastic scattering
The neutron and nucleus change their momenta and energies, but remain unchanged in state, and no new particles are formed. In a frame where the momenta of neutron and nucleus are equal and opposite, their values are unchanged and only directions change; in a frame where the momentum of nucleus is zero, the nucleus loses energy and neutron gains it.
2) Absorption
Several options:
Most common is n,γ. If the neutron can be bound in a heavier nucleus, stable or unstable (there are very few longlived nuclei at the beginning on neutron dripline, such as α and t) then n,γ is the simplest way to get rid of the binding energy.
Simplest but not always the most favourable. Strong interaction is strong. Thus, when strong interaction is possible, like n,p, n,α or n,f, it usually is faster than the parallel n,γ.

If the neutron has appreciable energy, then 1) and 2) are still possible, usually with smaller cross-section, but there will be extra options
3) Braking radiation. Nuclei are charged, so when accelerated they may radiate electromagnetic waves. They do not have to, they can scatter elastically, but inelastic scattering is possible
4) Inelastic scattering with delayed gamma. This requires that the nucleus should possesses an excited state with suitable energy
5) Inelastic scattering with nuclear reaction. Such as n,2n, n,3n, n,np, n,nα et cetera. As well as the reactions listed above under absorption (n,p, n,α or n,f) where the nucleus did not meet the energy threshold with slow neutrons.

Is that correct?

Related to Inelastic and elastic scattering and absorption.

1. What is the difference between inelastic and elastic scattering?

Inelastic scattering is a process in which the energy of the incident particle is changed during the interaction, while elastic scattering is a process in which the energy of the incident particle remains unchanged.

2. How does absorption differ from scattering?

Absorption is a process in which the incident particle is completely absorbed by the target material, while scattering is a process in which the incident particle interacts with the target material but does not get completely absorbed.

3. What factors influence the amount of energy transferred in inelastic scattering?

The amount of energy transferred in inelastic scattering is influenced by the mass and velocity of the incident particle, as well as the properties of the target material such as its density and atomic structure.

4. Can both elastic and inelastic scattering occur simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible for both elastic and inelastic scattering to occur simultaneously in a single interaction between an incident particle and a target material. The amount of each type of scattering will depend on the specific conditions of the interaction.

5. How are inelastic and elastic scattering used in scientific research?

Inelastic and elastic scattering are commonly used in a variety of scientific fields, such as nuclear physics, materials science, and medical imaging. They are used to study the properties and behavior of materials, as well as to probe the structure and composition of matter at the atomic and subatomic level.

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